All New EX Cards in the Mythical Island Booster Pack – Pokémon TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket has released the eagerly-awaited Mythical Island set and fans are going gaga over the jaw-dropping artwork that honestly puts most non-virtual trading cards to shame!

With players using up all their saved Pack Hourglasses to grab the best pulls, we now have a complete picture of all the strongest finds in the mix: EX cards.

So without ado, let’s check out the five new EXciting cards featured in Mythical Island!

EX cards in Mythical Island

Mew EX

Mew EX is arguably one of the strongest EX cards in general and is a literal Jack of all trades thanks to its ability to fit in decks of any type. With only 3 Energy, Genome Hacking uses any attack of the opponent, including their high-damage signature moves. As such, Genome Hacking is the ultimate weapon to OHKO some of the strongest EX cards such as Charizard and Mewtwo.

While it can work in any deck due to its Colorless type Energy requirement, it does best in the Psychic deck, replacing one Mewtwo EX or adding onto it. And yes, Gardevoir’s free Energy gifts have become a bigger menace now.

Celebi EX

Mew is not the only Mythical Pokémon to join the party as it brings Gen 2’s Celebi along with it. And it’s okay, I guess? 

This card is built around coin flips (arrgghhh!!!). Powerful Bloom does 50 DMG for each head you get. Sounds good, but the catch? The number of coin flips is based on how much Energy is attached to it. It requires 2 Energy to be used, and at the grassroots level, your 2 Energy will get you 100 DMG, provided both are heads. 😡 Moreover, it has only 130 HP, and with the Grass deck having no free Energy grabs like Gardevoir (Psychic), Moltres EX (Fire), and Misty (Water), it seems rather underwhelming, right? Right?? Wrong!!!

Celebi EX has an X factor that can turn it into an unstoppable wrecking ball and that is Serperior! Its Ability Jungle Totem ensures that 1 Grass Energy counts as 2 Grass Energy instead! Now imagine the number of coin flips you can do with the double Energy gains from Serperior! 😯 You get lucky with multiple heads and game over for the opponent! 😉 

Gyarados EX

Gyarados fans, all rise! We have a card fitting of Gyarados’ lore, based on how ruthless and terrifying it is!

Misty’s energy gains always felt like a tidal wave crashing your hopes of victory, and now, we have a new recipient: Gyarados EX. Aside from boasting a massive 180 HP, its signature move Rampaging Whirlpool deals a whopping 140 DMG, wiping out other EX targets like Pikachu, Starmie, Mew, Celebi, and Aerodactyl without discarding any Energy. Instead, this monster discards a random Energy from literally ANY Pokémon on the battlefield (including yours and your opponent). So, if the opposing EX card (whether Active or Bench) is farming Energy, take one out and slow them down. Bonus: Dragonite gets crippled with this!

But that’s not all. Misty is not the only card that aces up Gyarados because the new Vaporeon from Mythical Island has an Ability called Wash Out that moves Water Energy from any of your Benched Pokémon to Gyarados EX! So, suppose you retreated or were Sabrina’d, 1 Energy in your previous Active mon can now move to GaryEX as long as Vaporeon’s seated on the Bench.

Add this with Misty, and the Water deck looks extremely dangerous in the new meta. The best part is that even if Misty misses out with a tail right at the outset, you have another card to depend on. Keep in mind, however, that without Misty firing off, the antics of GaryEX and Vaporeon work best late-game. So, try stalling early-game with Lapras EX.

Aerodactyl EX

The Fighting deck has always been two ends of the spectrum. Headlined by Marowak EX, Primeape, and often Machamp EX, it steamrolled as long as the coin flips on Marowak and quick evolution for Machamp hit. Otherwise, it felt underwhelming.

Now, Aerodactyl EX joins the ranks of this deck and brings with it horrifying prospects for the opponent: its Ability, Primeval Law. With this in tow, your opponent can’t play any Pokémon from their Hand to evolve their Active Pokémon. 😯 Talk about halting Dragonite! Basically, if your opponent is eager to evolve their Active mon to their sparkling EX card, they can’t! This gives you a better chance to KO the relatively low HP pre-evolution and hindering their chances of bringing the OP card altogether!

Keep in mind that Aerodactyl EX is not a Basic card and needs to be evolved from Old Amber. 

Pidgoet EX

Pidgeot EX comes with an impressive 170 HP and a powerful signature attack named Scattering Cyclone. With this, you’re going to make the opponent regret having a full Bench (hello, Pikachu EX) since, aside from 80 DMG, it does 20 more damage for each of their Benched Pokémon. The move brings the damage tally to a total of 140 if the opponent has 3 cards on their Bench. 😈 

It’s going to be supremely effective against OP decks that enjoy having full Benches like Lightning or Psychic. In the case of Lightning, it can not only tank a full-blown Circle Circuit from Pikachu EX, even if it’s reinforced with Giovanni and taking into account Pidgeot EX’s weakness to Lightning. It takes 120 DMG, survives, and OHKO’s a completely healthy PikaEX with 140 DMG! 

Add Giovanni to Pidgeot EX and it can even OHKO the EX cards of Mewtwo and Mew, while also tanking a Giovanni-led Psydrive from Mewtwo!

This card is slated to do wonders in the new meta!

The meta has been shaken to the core and we have five new EX cards to complement this shift. Each of them is astounding in its own way and it’ll be thrilling to battle using them and also battle against them.

Happy collecting and battling, TCG Pocket-ers!

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, design, and lore. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].

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