These Colorless Type Pokémon are Match-Winners in TCG Pocket

To win battles in Pokémon TCG Pocket, players craft various cards based on types, items, and support, and use them to create the strongest decks in the popular mobile game. 

Whether it’s Energy gains going haywire with the Mewtwo EX | Gardevoir set, the crash and burn tactics of the Fire deck, or the ready-to-go damage output of the Lightning deck, these strategies along with a good measure of RNG make up for success in combat.

But, there is a certain type of Pokémon cards that had mostly gone under the radar but are quickly turning into match-winners, even against the most brutal decks: the Colorless type.

These humble Pokémon cards fit into any deck type and are driving forces behind sealing victory. Some may directly win you matches while others play a major part in getting the job done. So, let’s check out some of the most dominant Colorless type Pokémon cards that are taking the meta by storm.

Jigglypuff Promo

Pokémon TCG Pocket Jigglypuff promo







The Jigglypuff Promo card, featured in the Venusaur Drop event, is an altogether new card when taking the existing Genetic Apex Jigglypuff card into account.

Jigglypuff’s regular card is terrible, dealing only 30 DMG for two Energy! However, the Promo card has Sing, which makes your opponent’s Active Pokémon for only one Energy. Unless your opponent gets Heads on flipping a coin, it won’t wake up. And, while it’s asleep, it can neither attack nor retreat!

Few turns of staying asleep, and you can farm Energy for other cards in your Bench without worry. This is particularly handy if you have Pikachu EX, Mewtwo EX, Articuno EX, or Bulbasaur/Charmander on your Bench. 

While you can opt to use Jigglypuff as a sacrificial lamb to go on to sweep with your EX cards, Jigglypuff staying put is also dangerous as it evolves into one of the most underrated but powerful EX cards in TCG Pocket.

It is… *drum roll*… 

Wigglytuff EX







Wigglytuff EX has gained widespread prominence in TCG Pocket as one of the most reliable stall cards. By stall, it means that WigglyEX can hold off opponents by sponging hits thanks to its amazing 140 HP. But, this is a stage 1 EX card, so it’s bound to have some tricks up its sleeve!

Aside from tanking damage, WigglyEX can deal 80 DMG with the 3-Energy Sleepy Song. What makes this move really formidable is its ability to put the opponent’s Active Pokémon  to sleep.

One Sleepy Song, opponent’s EX falls asleep, flips coin, tails, stays asleep, cannot retreat, your turn, WigglyEX does another Sleepy Song… this simple sequence of events can KO EX cards like Pikachu, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Lapras, Starmie, Marowak, and Gengar (with Giovanni). 😯 

That’s how insane this card is and it blends flawlessly with numerous decks where it can stall to get other EX cards ready to go.

There are also two decks that are themed around Wigglytuff as the EX card of choice. These comprise:

  • Wigglytuff EX, Jigglypuff Promo, Arbok, Ekans, Weezing, and Koffing.
  • Wigglytuff EX, Jigglypuff Promo, Greninja, Frogadier, and Froakie.

Try any or both of the above… you’re bound to grab some wins you never expected! 😉 








In the main series games and also in the art above, Snorlax randomly falls asleep and becomes a roadblock for people and Pokémon alike. 

In TCG Pocket, it does something similar. With a gargantuan 150 HP, Snorlax can sponge hits from the opponent, while your Bench Pokémon gather Energy. This is a huge perk for Basic EX cards like Mewtwo EX and Pikachu EX, where these stalwarts (especially Mewtwo) can farm enough Energy to fire off multiple Psydrives without having to worry about the two discarded Energies each time it’s used. 

For the OP Kanto starter EX cards, Snorlax’s shenanigans can help you quickly have enough Energy to evolve all the way and finish off the opponent.

As for Snorlax? It’s a pawn in a game of chess, one that is sacrificed for the greater good. Since Snorlax is not an EX card, your opponent would gain an irrelevant +1 while you sweep their entire Active Spots for the win.


Kangaskhan Pokémon TCG Pocket







While Wiggytuff and Jigglypuff became popular after the Venusaur Drop event, and Snorlax has been seen occasionally, good ol’ Kangaskhan has been a Colorless type mainstay for quite a while! 😎 

This Gen 1 icon doesn’t need to evolve and needs only one Energy to possibly deal an insane 60 DMG. This damage is sufficient to OHKO some weak Basic cards like Bulbasaur (with Giovanni), Charmander, Squirtle, Exeggcute, Growlithe (with Giovanni), Staryu, Machop (with Giovanni), Ralts, Dratini (with Giovanni), Jigglypuff, and many more. If your opponent doesn’t have a card on their Bench, game over, good night!

Of course, this comes with a catch as that 60 DMG depends on getting two heads after flipping a coin. You may also get one head and do 30 DMG or do no damage at all if both flips result in tails!

This is high reward stakes and certainly worth the go against the aforementioned Basic cards since Kangaskhan itself has an impressive 100 HP to stall these cards for a while. Always worth a shot!








Like Kangaskhan, Farfetch’d has also enjoyed popularity for quite a while.

Unlike Kangaskhan, Farfetch’s is more of a safe pick as it doesn’t rely on coin flips to pose a threat. 40 DMG is lower than Kangaskhan’s best of 60 DMG but it’s still better than 2/3 of Kanga’s possibilities (30 DMG and 0 DMG). 

This 40 DMG from Farfetch’d can cripple those weak Basic cards as they face the danger of being KO-d next turn, forcing them to retreat or evolve. Some evolutions (like Ivysaur) require an outrageous 3 Energy to start attacking and Farfetch’d can trouble them all this while or even KO them. This simple card is quite unpredictable and gives you a tremendous early advantage to grab the win.








Lickitun can transform from a silly pink lizard to Godzilla real quick and decimate ANY Pokémon in TCG Pocket!

How’s that possible? It is all thanks to Continuous Lick.

Flip a coin until you get tails ala the Misty Trainer card. For each head, do 60 DMG. Get three heads, OHKO any card except Venusaur EX (190 HP). Add Giovanni, and one-shot anything.

Four heads? 240 DMG. That’s 10 more damage than Charizard EX’s 200 DMG Crimson Storm against a Grass type (+20 DMG for the weakness) and Giovanni (+10), which gives you 230 DMG (<240, duh).

The only drawback is that it’s only got 90 HP. Even Kangaskhan can survive a fully-powered Circle Circuit from Pikachu EX (provided there’s no Giovanni involved). But then again, Kangaskhan requires two heads for its best outing, and with the same two heads, Lickitung can wipe out Pikachu with 120 DMG. Apples and oranges, my friend!

Remember how Godzilla charged up its atomic breath through the dorsal spikes (on its back and tail)? Lickitung does the same, with each spike representing one Energy, and then blasting off Continuous Lick. 😈 








We all like the Sabrina Trainer card. Switching out your opponent’s Active Pokémon to something weaker on their Bench is sweet!

Now, imagine this as an ability! That’s Pidgeot’s Drive Off for you. 💡 

Let Pidgeot perch on the Bench while it shoos off your opponent’s Active Pokémon, letting them bring in something else. Pidgeot may seem a little underwhelming than the other cards and is perhaps better as an honorable mention. That said, it’s very useful and can change the tide of the battle in your favor.

There you have it! These Colorless type Pokémon cards can forge into a red alert threat for any opponent and send them packing for good. They bring in a sense of unpredictability and spice that make your matches more exciting!

Happy collecting and battling, TCG Pocket-ers!

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, design, and lore. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].

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