Paldean Wooper Spotlight Hour (Tuesday, January 21, 2025)

Pokémon Spotlight Hour will feature a different Pokémon and a special bonus for one hour at 6:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday during the month of January. Paldean Wooper Spotlight Hour takes place on January 21, 2025, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm local time, with 2× Catch Candy bonus.

This Spotlight Hour is the third January 2025 Pokémon spotlight, and it is especially interesting as the featured Pokémon can be shiny, and you will get 2x Candy on catch! In other words, this is a great time to farm those Candies!

Trainers who plan to participate should be prepared with a Mega Pokémon to maximise candy gains per Pokémon caught. Here’s everything you need to know!

Paldean Wooper Spotlight Hour


  • Candy icon You will get 2x Candy for catching Pokémon
  • Shiny icon The featured Pokémon and their evolutions can be shiny in Pokémon GO

Note on Catch Bonus

If you do not want to catch the featured Pokémon, you can make use of the 2x Catch Candy bonus by catching any saved Scatterbug, or opening a Mystery Box or Coin Bag! You can stock up field research or leave any special or timed research encounters until Spotlight Hour to make use of this bonus. If you aren’t interested in Paldean Wooper candy, you could even use this bonus to get extra candy from catching raid bosses!

Paldean Wooper Fact Sheet Pokemon Encounter icon

Wooper (Paldean)

Paldean Wooper is a Poison and Ground-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. As a Poison and Ground-type Pokémon, Paldean Wooper is weak to Ground, Ice, Psychic, and Water-type moves.

Paldean Wooper’s maximum Combat Power stat is 725 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Poison Jab and Body Slam. Paldean Wooper encounters are boosted during Cloudy and Sunny weather. Shiny Paldean Wooper is available! ✨

Pokémon Requirements Evolution
Wooper (Paldean) 50 Wooper Candy Clodsire

Shiny Paldean Wooper Shiny icon

Shiny Paldean Wooper is an easy one to spot – it turns a shade of purple!

Regular Shiny
Paldean Wooper

Paldean Wooper CP and IV Chart General icon

1 9 CP 2 28 CP 3 47 CP
4 67 CP 5 86 CP 6 105 CP
7 125 CP 8 144 CP 9 164 CP
10 183 CP 11 201 CP 12 220 CP
13 238 CP 14 256 CP 15 275 CP
16 293 CP 17 311 CP 18 330 CP
19 348 CP 20 366 CP 21 385 CP
22 403 CP 23 421 CP 24 440 CP
25 458 CP 26 476 CP 27 495 CP
28 513 CP 29 531 CP 30 550 CP
31 559 CP 32 568 CP 33 577 CP
34 586 CP 35 596 CP 36 605 CP
37 614 CP 38 623 CP 39 632 CP
40 641 CP 41 650 CP 42 658 CP
43 666 CP 44 674 CP 45 683 CP
46 691 CP 47 700 CP 48 708 CP
49 717 CP 50 725 CP

Mega Pokémon that boost Paldean Wooper General icon

The following Pokémon will grant you extra bonuses when catching Paldean Wooper if they are Mega/Primal evolved.

A Note on Mega Catch Bonus

While a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

Is it worth evolving Paldean Wooper? General icon


Clodsire is a Poison and Ground type Pokémon with a max CP of 2207. It is not useful for PvE, even with its best moveset of Mud Shot and Sludge Bomb.

⚔️ Raids

There are a huge number of Ground types that are much better to use than Clodsire, and Poison types don’t have much usage in the raid meta.

🛡️ Gyms

Clodsire makes for a beefy gym defender thanks to its whopping 277 Stamina stat!


Clodsire’s best moveset for PvP is Poison StingSludge Bomb, and Earthquake. It is one of the absolute top-tier Pokémon for PvP, and well worth investing in.

🔵 Great League

Clodsire is as good as it gets in Great League! It is extremely bulky, as well as having access to spammy moves, making it truly deadly.

🟡 Ultra League

Clodsire is on the small side for Ultra League, so it requires a perfect IV and maxed-out XL Candy, making it a costly investment. It picks up wins over TalonflameClefable, and Lickilicky, but loses to SwampertGiratina AlteredGuzzlord, and more.

🟣 Master League

Clodsire might be a star of Great League, but it just doesn’t get big enough to compete in Master League.

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Hey! I'm phrixu, a Pokémon GO player from the UK. I am dedicated to making Pokémon GO as accessible as possible, to the whole community!

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