Unreleased Pokémon From Generations 1-4 in Pokémon GO: What’s Left?

Throughout Pokémon GO’s 7 year lifespan, there have been over 700 released species of Pokémon. When the game released, Niantic would release almost an entire generation of Pokémon each year, which we saw with the release of most of the Johto and Hoenn Pokédex’s, respectively. There were always a few special Pokémon and unique forms that were held for later release, but the vast majority were released in one massive wave. However, as the years have gone by, Niantic has slowed the release of new generations.

Nowadays, we usually only see one evolutionary line released at a time, usually coinciding with an event. Even despite this, we have still seen the majority of Pokémon from generations 1-7 released over the past few years. Today I wanted to go over the remaining Pokémon, alternate forms, regional evolutions, and Mega Evolutions that have yet to be released for the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions, as well as when we could possibly see their release.

One thing to note for some of you that may be more familiar with the main series game is the omission of Convergent Pokémon and Paradox Pokémon. While these are technically considered to be be related to their more familiar counterparts, they are treated as entirely new species, rather than a new evolution. As such, Wiglett, Toadscool, and the Paradox Pokémon will not be included in this list. Who knows, maybe we could cover these Pokémon in their own separate article some time down the line?

Finally, please note that this is all speculation. Without further ado, let’s head off to the first region!


We have to start off with the original, iconic region. Upon the game’s release, the majority of the Kanto Pokédex was released, with the exception of Ditto and the legendaries. This was the first region who’s Pokédex was able to 100% complete. However, there are still a few alternate forms from the main series that we could still see later down the line.

Cosplay Pikachu

You may actually already be familiar with Cosplay Pikachu. It was introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as a gift Pokémon. This unique Pikachu is able to change costumes and learn a unique move based on its costume. Cosplay Pikachu’s Libre, Rock Star, and Pop Star forms have already been available in Pokémon GO through GO Battle League rewards and GO Fest 2021, respectively. The special moves for each form are Flying Press Fighting for Libre, Meteor Mash Steel for Rock Star, and Draining Kiss Fairy for Pop Star.

The two unreleased forms, pictured above, are the Belle form, which can learn Icicle Crash Ice, and the Ph.D. form, which can learn Electric Terrain Electric, a status move not currently available in Pokémon GO. We could potentially see these two released in a similar fashion to the Rock Star and Pop Star forms alongside a future GO Fest event.

Paldean Tauros

Tauros finally received some love in the form of not one, but three regional variants from the Paldea region. The Combat Breed is a pure Fighting type, while the Blaze and Aqua Breeds are Fighting / Fire and Fighting / Water types, respectively.

In Scarlet and Violet, the Combat Breed is a very common spawn, whereas the Blaze and Aqua Breeds are much rarer. Tauros’s status as a regional Pokémon complicates their release, but they could potentially make their debut in a similar manner to Galarian Mr. Mime. I hope they don’t paywall it again, but even if they do, they will likely be released in the wild or in research at some point after its release. However, this likely won’t happen for a while due to Paldean Tauros belonging to the Generation 9 Pokédex.

Mega Mewtwo X/Y

The final Mega Evolutions from Kanto, and easily the most powerful, both of Mega Mewtwo’s forms are tied with Mega Rayquaza for the highest base-stat totals in the base games for all obtainable Pokémon. Mega Mewtwo X is a Psychic / Fighting type while Mega Mewtwo Y is a pure Psychic type.

With Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie, the only other two legendary/mythical Mega Evolutions, being released recently at GO Fest 2023, it would be reasonable to guess that Mega Mewtwo would be released in a similar fashion, maybe at GO Fest 2024 or beyond. Niantic may hold off on their release, as they will easily be among most powerful Pokémon in the game.


Now we’ll move on to to Kanto’s next door neighbor. I can still remember the immense hype when the Johto Pokédex was released. Up until that point, we had only had access to the same pool of Kanto Pokémon, so seeing silhouettes appear on the nearby tab was super exciting! Johto’s Pokédex is also currently available to 100% complete. The list of unreleased forms is pretty brief compared to some of the upcoming generations.

Paldean Wooper/Clodsire

The ever-lovable Wooper received a new form in the Paldea region, affectionately nicknamed “Pooper”. With it comes a brand new evolution, Clodsire. Both are dual Poison / Ground types.

Wooper is actually confirmed to be receiving its own Community Day event later this year, which will feature the release of its Paldean form and Clodsire. This is such an exciting way to receive a brand new Pokémon along with its shiny form!

Mega Heracross

Mega Heracross is a new form that will bring some much needed love to the Bug type. It may seem as though it would present an issue due to its status as a region. However, this did not deter Niantic when they released Mega Kangaskhan, which is also a regional. It would likely be a very limited release window, but Heracross was already temporarily available globally during the Johto Tour event, so releasing its Mega should happen in a similar manner.

Galarian Corsola/Cursola

In Generation 8, Corsola received a regional variant that has to be one of the best Pokémon design concepts in the entire game. Corsola and its evolution, Cursola, are inspired by the coral reefs that have been sadly been destroyed by humans. It’s pure Ghost typing is sadly appropriate.

Corsola is yet another Pokémon that is a regional exclusive within Pokémon GO. While I hope to see it added to the 7KM egg pool, I think it’s a much safer bet to assume that this line will also get the Galarian Mr. Mime treatment.


Wyrdeer is the Hisuian evolution of Stantler. A dual Normal / Psychic type, it is a much deserved upgrade for one of the forgotten Pokémon of Johto.

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Wyrdeer was among the few evolutions to be introduced for existing forms of Pokémon, rather than the base form getting a Hisuian form like Growlithe. Similarly to Hisuian Avalugg and Kleavor, the evolution to Wyrdeer is only meant to be possible in the distant past of the Hisui region. As such, I would expect Wyrdeer to receive a raid day similar to Avalugg and Kleavor some time in the future.


With the introduction of Kecleon at the Hoenn Tour event, the Generation 3 Pokédex is also able to be 100% completed within Pokémon GO. All of the unreleased forms for Generation 3 Pokémon are Mega Evolutions. This is due to the release of the Hoenn remakes, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (ORAS). Released during the Generation 6 era, Mega Evolutions were brand new, and ORAS introduced an additional set of Megas to go along with the set released in X and Y, many of which were originally discovered in the Hoenn region.

Mega Mawile

Mega Mawile was an absolute monster when it was introduced in the main series games. It’s dual Steel / Fairy typing is the best type combo in the game, and its ability after Mega-Evolving doubled its physical attack stat!

Unfortunately, without its ability, Mega Mawile’s stats are still below average. While it will likely be released in raids at some point in the future, it will likely fall into the below usable tier that Mega Sableye and Mega Medicham are in now, who also suffered due to losing their abilities and below-average stats.

Mega Sharpedo

Mega Sharpedo was introduced as the newly upgraded ace of Team Aqua Leader Archie in ORAS. It was a great way to give some life to one of the in game bosses and provided a nice power boost to Sharpedo. Unfortunately in Pokémon GO, Mega Sharpedo has to compete with the likes of Mega Swampert for Water types and Mega Tyranitar for Dark types. Regardless of its viability, expect to see it in Mega Raids in the future, maybe during the next Water Festival event.

Mega Camerupt

The counterpart to the previous entry, Mega Camerupt was introduced as Team Magma Leader Maxie’s ace. While it is one of my favorite Mega Evolution designs (its shiny form is absolutely incredible!), it does nothing to help Camerupt conquer its crippling Speed and devastating 4x weakness to Water. In Pokémon GO, it has the unfortunate curse of being the exact same type as Primal Groudon, which will outclass it at every turn. However, it should be an easy Mega Raid Boss thanks to its 4x weakness.

Mega Metagross

I’m a little biased here, since Metagross is my favorite Pokémon, but this design is absolutely incredible. In ORAS, Mega Metagross was the ace of Champion Steven Stone, and in the anime, it was a shiny Mega Metagross. Talk about a flex!

Mega Metagross one of the four pseudo-legendaries that received a Mega Evolution, alongside Tyranitar, Salamence, and Garchomp. Seeing as each of these Pokémon will dominate their respective typings in the PVE department, alongside Metagross being one one of the more PVP prominent pseudos along with Garchomp, I would guess that Niantic is holding off on releasing this one. I personally can’t wait until we can challenge this beast in Mega Raids some time in the distant future.


Generation 4 is next up on the list. Sinnoh is chalk full of fan favorites, many of which have already been released. Sinnoh is also next in line to receive its iteration of the Regional Tour event. For some more in depth speculation, see our article here. For this article, I’ll just briefly cover the remaining unreleased forms/Pokémon.

Mega Garchomp

As if Champion Cynthia’s signature ace wasn’t terrifying enough, Garchomp recieved a Mega Evolution that took it soaring to new heights. In Pokémon GO, Garchomp already has all the tools it needs to be one of the top contenders, bolstered by its Community Day move Earth Power, and its Mega Evolution will only improve it. Similarly to Mega Metagross, I expect Niantic to hold off on releasing this one for a while, so get grinding for that hundo Gible now!

Mega Lucario

If you’ve played X and Y or watched its corresponding anime, you’ll be familiar with this one. The signature partner of Gym Leader Korrina, you could receive a Mega Lucario along your journey through Kalos to help you tear through the rest of the game. In Pokémon GO, Lucario with Aura Sphere is already one of the strongest Fighting types in the game, and its Mega Evolution will solidify this title. Hopefully we will see it released soon, maybe alongside the Sinnoh Tour event. Regardless, be sure to stock up on Mega Energy whenever it is featured in Mega Raids.

Mega Gallade

Mega Gallade was your rival Wally’s ace in ORAS, and is the perfect counterpart to Mega Gardevoir. Unfortunately, Mega Gallade doesn’t exactly measure up compared to other Fighting and Psychic type Mega Evolutions, and it’s moveset is somewhat underwhelming. However, I could easily see it being released in Mega Raids during next year’s Valentine’s Day event, especially since that will be happening right around the potential Sinnoh Tour event.

Rotom (normal, Fan, Heat)

Rotom is an Electric / Ghost Pokémon that has a unique gimmick in the main series games. It has the ability to possess one of five different appliances, changing its Ghost typing to Fire, Water, Ice, Flying, or Grass depending on the appliance.

Rotom’s Wash, Mow, and Frost forms have been each been released exclusively during GO Fest events over the past few years. Surprisingly, its base form has yet to make an appearance. This may be due to its first appearance in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Only one Rotom is able to be encountered per save file, and it is a static encounter in the Old Chateau. Because of this, it could potentially be released through research, similarly to Spiritomb. It’s remaining Heat and Fan forms may be seen later on through future GO Fests. Hopefully it becomes more widely available rather than a limited release like it has been in the past.

Phione and Manaphy

Manaphy is part of the group of mythical Pokémon that some fans have nicknamed the “fairy mythicals”. Not to be confused as actual Fairy types, this was a trend that persisted for the first several generations of Pokémon starting with Mew. Manaphy has the unique property of being the only legendary or mythical Pokémon that can breed in the main series games. However, the egg received will only hatch into a Phione.

It was always speculated that Manaphy and Phione would be released alongside a breeding mechanic within Pokémon GO. However, for many different reasons, breeding will likely not be introduced into the game. Because of this, I would expect Manaphy and Phione to be featured in a Special Research storyline some time down the road, maybe at the aforementioned Sinnoh Tour.


The god of Pokémon itself is the final Sinnoh Pokémon that has yet to be introduced in Pokémon GO. While its base form is a Normal type, Arceus has the unique ability to become any of the 18 types by holding the corresponding Plate item in the main series, and it takes on a unique form based on its type.

While Arceus is a mythical Pokémon, it is one of the few that could fit as a Raid Boss, similarly to Darkrai and Deoxys. However, this doesn’t seem like special enough treatment for the literal god of Pokémon. It could potentially be featured in the Sinnoh Tour through research similarly to Manaphy. However, I would love to see it receive some sort of special treatment.

I’m going to fully dive into speculation for a moment. Imagine that we receive Arceus through a Special Research story. It would appear in its base Normal type form. In order to change its typing, we would have to battle the various forms of Arceus through a special raid weekend event. Doing so would earn energy, similar to Mega Energy, that could be used to temporarily change Arceus’s type.

I totally understand that this would be an extremely limiting way to release Arceus’s various forms, and realistically, I don’t want this feature to be paywalled behind raids. However, in a purely speculative sense, this would be a fun, creative way to allow Arceus to change forms without having all 18 forms catchable separately, or forcing us to pay to change its form similar to Hoopa or Shaymin. Here’s hoping that Niantic finds a fun way to implement this feature that is fair to everyone, but also pays respect to the creator of all Pokémon.


And there we have it! These are all of the unreleased forms, Pokémon, and evolutions that we have yet to receive for generations 1-4 in Pokémon GO. Of course, there are some other unique forms from spinoff games, movies, and more that I did not mention. Niantic has demonstrated through Armored Mewtwo that nothing is off the table, so here’s hoping!

I wanted to include all of the unreleased forms/Pokémon from Unova, Kalos, and Alola as well, but I’ve rambled on enough for one article. Stay tuned for part 2!

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Hey! I'm KikitheTiki, an avid Pokémon fan and a staunch supporter of everything X and Y. I dabble in shiny hunting, VGC, and of course plenty of Pokémon GO! Proud level 50 Valor💪
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