
Engineer. Music lover. Sports enthusiast. Video Games Reviewer. Pokémon anime isn't good enough for its universe.
13 Articles

Road to level 50 – An experience to remember

First of all, I have to admit that I've been very absent from my role and responsibilities as a writer since the last Go...

Quality of Life idea: Pokemon GO needs a Locking System

How many times have you hit the "Evolve," "Power Up" or "New Attack" box (let's call them "Sin Boxes" for fun) by mistake, followed...


Manaphy is a type Pokémon in Pokemon GO and it will be the only mythical with the ability to breed, Phione. As a...

Tottori Prefecture Event – Shiny Sandshrew!

Trainers! For the second year in a row, a Pokémon event is taking place in the Tottori Sand Dunes (Japan), hosted by the Tottori...

Garchomp in Pokemon GO

Garchomp is a dual typed and type Pokémon in Pokemon GO, and is the final stage of one of the strongest species...


Could we see Fusions at GO Tour Unova?

During GO Fest 2024 we saw the introduction of...

Pokémon GO Magnetic Study Event

Magnetic Study is a three-day -themed Pokémon GO event...

PoGoMiloUK Completes Unreal 24 Hours of Daily Adventure Incense Challenge!

This week UK based YouTuber and Podcaster PoGoMiloUK completed...

GO Bigger Event: Gigantamax is coming to Pokémon GO!

Trainers, get prepared to take on a whole new...

Shroomish Spotlight Hour (October 2024): Last Minute Guide

Pokémon Spotlight Hour will feature a different Pokémon and...