Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event (August 2022)

The Bug Out! event is here, and with it creeps and crawls a new Mega Pokémon, three brand new Pokémon, and a shiny drop! Get your best Bug Catcher outfit on, and be prepared for this buzzing event.

Bug Out! Event takes place from Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 10:00 local time to Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 20:00 local time.

During the event, Mega Scizor, Grubbin, Charjabug and Vikavolt debut, and shiny Venipede, Whirlipede and Scolipede forms become available in Pokémon GO.

Date & Time

  • Event icon From Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 10:00 local time to Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 20:00 local time.


  • XP icon Debut of Mega Scizor, Grubbin, Charjabug, and Vikavolt (evolve with Magnetic Lure)
  • XP icon 2x XP for catching Pokémon with Nice Throws, Great Throws and Excellent Throws
  • Pokemon Encounter icon Shiny Venipede, Whirlipede and Scolipede release
  • Pokemon Encounter icon Pansage spawning globally in the wild
  • Photobomb icon Bug-type snapshot encounters

Pokémon Debuts

Grubbin, Charjabug and Vikavolt will all make their Pokémon GO debut with the Bug Out! event.

  • You will need 25 candy to evolve Grubbin into Charjabug.
  • It will cost 100 candies to evolve Charjabug into Vikavolt at a Magnetic Lure Module.

Mega Scizor

Scizor (Mega)

Mega Scizor will also be making their debut in Mega Raids! Like all Mega Raid bosses, if you are lucky, you may just encounter a shiny Scizor as a raid reward.

Read our Mega Scizor Raid Guide for more information on countering the newest Mega Raid boss. Spoilers: Fire-type counters are the key.

Shiny Venipede Family


For the first time in Pokémon GO, shiny Venipede will be available! Shiny Venipede is an autumnal orangey colour, whereas Whirlipede gains bright green spots and Scolipede becomes bright red with turquoise spots. Super fun!

Shiny Venipede Shiny Whirlipede Shiny Scolipede

Group Play Bonuses

Work together with other Trainers to unlock additional bonuses!

If three or more trainers join an in-person raid battle even more of a specific Bug type Pokémon will appear for 15 minutes in a 300 meter radius around that gym.

The Pokémon that will appear in greater numbers will change each day as follows:

Date Pokémon
August 10 Wurmple
August 11 Caterpie
August 12 Spinarak
August 13 Kricketot
August 14 Venipede
August 15 Weedle
August 16 Ledyba

Ultra Unlock Bonuses

Trainers have successfully completed the Ultra Unlock mission during the GO Fest Sapporo Ultra Unlock measuring period. As an effect of this effort, Bug Out! event was upgraded with the following bonuses.

These Pokémon will be available globally during the event (worldwide Pansage spawns with shiny potential, and Unown T will feature in raids with shiny potential)

In addition, the following Bonuses are active on top of the already active Bug Out! event bonuses:

  • Candy icon Additional Candy for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws, Great Throws and Excellent Throws
  • Candy XL icon Increased chance for trainers level 31 and up to receive Candy XL for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws, Great Throws and Excellent Throws
  • Raid icon Unown T will be appearing in raids around the world. If you are lucky, you may encounter a shiny one
  • Pokemon Encounter icon Pansage will spawn in the wild worldwide! If you are lucky, you may encounter a shiny one
  • Research icon Timed Research focused on catching Bug-type Pokémon will be available during the event. It will reward items, Pokémon encounters and Mega Scizor energy

Boosted Wild Encounters

The following Bug types will be taking over the spawns during the event, and there is a lot of shiny potential in the available wild encounters:

If you are lucky, you may encounter the following:


The following Pokémon will be featured in Raid Battles during the event:

Tier 1

Tier 3

Tier 5

Mega Raids

Field Research Task Encounters

The following Pokémon will be available as rewards from field research tasks:

Task Text Reward
Catch 5 Pokémon
Catch 10 Bug-type Pokemon
Catch 10 Pokémon
Catch 15 Pokémon
Make 2 Excellent Throws Nincada
Make 3 Great Throws Grubbin
Make 3 Great Throws in a row
Make 3 Nice Throws
Make 3 Nice Throws in a row
Take snapshots of 3 different Bug-type Pokémon that you caught Yanma
Trade a Pokémon
Use 10 Berries to catch Pokémon

Timed Research

Bug Out! Catch Challenge is the name of the Event-exclusive Timed Research, available from Aug 10, 10:00 AM to Aug 16, 2022, 8:00 PM local time.

Bug Out! Catch Challenge (1/3)

Task Reward
Catch 25 Bug-type Pokémon Poke Ball icon 25× Poke Ball
Walk 2km Beedrill
Make 15 Nice Throws Great Ball icon 20× Great Ball
Make 10 Great Throws Ultra Ball icon 10× Ultra Ball
Make 5 Curveball Throws Pinap Berry icon 10× Pinap Berry
Use 10 berries to help catch Pokémon – Combee (s) Combee

Stage rewards:

Bug Out! Catch Challenge (2/3)

Task Reward
Catch 25 Bug-type Pokémon Poke Ball icon 25× Poke Ball
Hatch an Egg Golden Razz Berry icon 3× Golden Razz Berry
Evolve 2 Bug-type Pokémon Grubbin
Make 10 Great Throws Great Ball icon 20× Great Ball
Catch 10 different species of Bug-type Pokémon Mega Energy icon 50× Beedrill Mega Energy
Take snapshots of 5 different wild Bug-type Pokémon Venipede

Stage rewards:

Bug Out! Catch Challenge (3/3)

Task Reward
Claim reward Caterpie
Claim reward XP icon 1000× XP
Claim reward Wurmple
Claim reward XP icon 1000× XP
Claim reward Weedle
Claim reward XP icon 1000× XP

Stage rewards:

Collection Challenge

There will be a bug-tastic Collection Challenge, requiring you to catch a variety of different Bug types. Completing this challenge will reward you with 15,000 XP and a special Bug Catcher Pose!

The Bug Catcher Pose will also be available to purchase in the shop after the event ends if you are unable to complete the challenge.

Required Pokémon to complete the collection challenge:

Collection Challenge Rewards

  • General icon Bug Catcher Pose
  • XP icon 15,000 XP

Surprise GO Snapshot Encounters

Smile! You might have a surprise encounter with a certain Bug type when you take a photo during the Bug Out! event.

Author & tags

Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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