Costume Froakie and Rowlet Spotlight Hour: Last Minute Guide 🎃

Pokémon Spotlight Hour will feature a different Pokémon and a special bonus for one hour at 6:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday during the month of October. Costume Froakie and  Rowlet Spotlight Hour takes place on October 29, 2024, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm local time, with 2× Catch Candy bonus.

This Spotlight Hour is the final October 2024 Pokémon spotlight, and it is especially interesting as the featured Pokémon can be shiny, and you will get 2x Candy on catch! In other words, this is a great time to farm those Candies!

Trainers who plan to participate should be prepared with a Mega Pokémon to maximise candy gains per Pokémon caught. Here’s everything you need to know!

Costume Froakie & Rowlet Spotlight Hour


  • Candy icon You will get 2x Candy for catching Pokémon
  • Shiny icon The featured 'mon and their evolutions can be shiny in Pokémon GO

Note on Catch Bonus

If you do not want to catch the featured Pokémon, you can make use of the 2x Catch Candy bonus by catching any saved Scatterbug, or opening a Mystery Box or Coin Bag! You can stock up field research or leave any special or timed research encounters until Spotlight Hour to make use of this bonus. If you aren’t interested in Froakie candy, you could even use this bonus to get extra candy from catching raid bosses!

Froakie Fact Sheet


Froakie is a Water-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. As a Water-type Pokémon, Froakie is weak to Electric and Grass-type moves.

Froakie’s maximum Combat Power stat is 1122 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Pound and Surf. Froakie encounters are boosted during Rain weather. Shiny Froakie is available! ✨

Pokémon Requirements Evolution
Froakie 25 Froakie Candy Frogadier
Frogadier 100 Froakie Candy Greninja

Shiny Froakie

Shiny Froakie is lighter blue!

Regular Shiny

Froakie CP and IV Chart

1 14 CP 2 44 CP 3 73 CP
4 103 CP 5 133 CP 6 163 CP
7 193 CP 8 223 CP 9 253 CP
10 283 CP 11 312 CP 12 340 CP
13 368 CP 14 397 CP 15 425 CP
16 453 CP 17 482 CP 18 510 CP
19 538 CP 20 567 CP 21 595 CP
22 624 CP 23 652 CP 24 680 CP
25 709 CP 26 737 CP 27 765 CP
28 794 CP 29 822 CP 30 851 CP
31 865 CP 32 879 CP 33 893 CP
34 907 CP 35 921 CP 36 936 CP
37 950 CP 38 964 CP 39 978 CP
40 992 CP 41 1005 CP 42 1018 CP
43 1030 CP 44 1043 CP 45 1056 CP
46 1069 CP 47 1082 CP 48 1095 CP
49 1109 CP 50 1122 CP

Mega Pokémon that boost Froakie

The following Pokémon will grant you extra bonuses when catching Froakie if they are Mega/Primal evolved.

A Note on Mega Catch Bonus

While a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

Is it worth evolving Froakie?



Greninja is one of the most iconic Pokémon in the entire franchise and is a superb grab in Pokémon GO 🤩

After its Community Day, it went from decent to an amazing pick as a Water-type attacker, thanks to the powerful Hydro Cannon ⛲

⚔️ Raids – With Water Shuriken and Hydro CannonGreninja excels in DPS as well as speed, since this moveset combo gives it the fastest Hydro Cannon in Pokémon GO! 🌀

That said, Greninja can hardly take hits, so dodging is mandatory for complete impact 💯

🛡️ Gyms – Greninja has the defenses of a wet tissue paper and is a sitting duck (umm frog) for Gym attackers 🦆


It is excellent for baiting shields and deadly when Hydro Cannon is unshielded, making it a threat that needs to be respected 😌

🔵 Great League – Its crazy fast energy gains correspond to only four Water Shurikens for firing off a Hydro Cannon, backed by an impressive ATK stat 😁

It is an asset in the Great League, and the odd 12.5% chance of getting its ATK sharply boosted by Night Slash can help it sweep 🧹

🟡 Ultra League – Greninja continues its dominant run in the Ultra League, overcoming its defensive issues with its speedy moveset 😎

However, it is incapable of taking hits, and that is a concern in the Ultra League, where powerful Grass and Fighting types gain prominence.

All in all, a good Pokémon for this format! 🥷

🟣 Master League – The Master League is unfortunately too much to handle for Greninja 😶‍🌫️

Rowlet Fact Sheet


Rowlet is a Grass and Flying-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. As a Grass and Flying-type Pokémon, Rowlet is especially weak against Ice-type moves, and weak against Fire, Flying, Poison, and Rock-type moves.

Rowlet’s maximum Combat Power stat is 1196 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Leafage and Seed Bomb. Rowlet encounters are boosted during Sunny and Windy weather. Shiny Rowlet is available! ✨

Pokémon Requirements Evolution
Rowlet 25 Rowlet Candy Dartrix
Dartrix 100 Rowlet Candy Decidueye

Shiny Froakie

Shiny Rowlet is difficult to miss, it turns blue!

Regular Shiny

Rowlet CP and IV Chart

1 14 CP 2 46 CP 3 78 CP
4 110 CP 5 142 CP 6 174 CP
7 206 CP 8 238 CP 9 270 CP
10 302 CP 11 332 CP 12 362 CP
13 393 CP 14 423 CP 15 453 CP
16 483 CP 17 514 CP 18 544 CP
19 574 CP 20 604 CP 21 634 CP
22 665 CP 23 695 CP 24 725 CP
25 755 CP 26 786 CP 27 816 CP
28 846 CP 29 876 CP 30 907 CP
31 922 CP 32 937 CP 33 952 CP
34 967 CP 35 982 CP 36 997 CP
37 1013 CP 38 1028 CP 39 1043 CP
40 1058 CP 41 1071 CP 42 1085 CP
43 1098 CP 44 1112 CP 45 1126 CP
46 1140 CP 47 1154 CP 48 1168 CP
49 1182 CP 50 1196 CP

Mega Pokémon that boost Rowlet

The following Pokémon will grant you extra bonuses when catching Rowlet if they are Mega/Primal evolved.

A Note on Mega Catch Bonus

While a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

Is it worth evolving Rowlet?



Decidueye is a viable Grass-type attacker, thanks to the powerful Frenzy Plant in its arsenal 🌳

While it’s not a top-tier pick, it’s still very serviceable overall ✅

As a Ghost type, it is severely outclassed, so focus on its Grass-type moves like Magical Leaf and Frenzy Plant.

⚔️ Raids – A good Grass-type attacker when rejoining the Raid lobby.

🛡️ Gyms – A slew of nice resistances, including Fighting types, makes Decidueye a decent Gym defender 🙂


The buff to Astonish in the GBL Season 20 makes Decidueye a serious threat in the lower PvP Leagues, serving as a cheaper option to Trevenant! 😮

Backed with Spirit Shackle and Frenzy PlantDecidueye goes up against some major heavyweights and gets you the W! 🏹

🔵 Great League – Impressive resistances, great coverage, and an ‘astonishing’ moveset makes Decidueye great, including victims such as AzumarillDewgongCarbink, and even the menace Clodsire 😎

Flying types are a pain but overall, a pretty neat pick! 👍

🟡 Ultra League – Decidueye is a very good Ultra League Pokémon, using its power to beat down many top threats including Dragon Breath Giratina Altered! 👀

It’s a good alternative to those who don’t have an ideal Trevenant for this format.

🟣 Master League – This owl gets shot down in the Master League 🦉📉

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Hey! I'm phrixu, a Pokémon GO player from the UK. I am dedicated to making Pokémon GO as accessible as possible, to the whole community!

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