Aerodactyl Raid Guide

Aerodactyl is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon GO and its counters are heavily based on a variety of Water, Electric, and Rock types that deal super effective damage and utilize its type weaknesses.

This Fossil Pokémon is a good addition to PvP, particularly in limited cup metas, and also has a string Mega Evolution to boot. Moreover, it cam be shiny.

Aerodactyl can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 1515 – 1590 CP, no weather boost
  • 1894 – 1988 CP, during Windy or Partly Cloudy weather

Aerodactyl can be easily defeated by 2 Trainers and can successfully be soloed due to relatively low defense and variety of available counters.

Aerodactyl Counters

# Pokémon Fast Move Charge Move Time to win Deaths
1. Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Metal Claw Steel Sunsteel Strike Steel 2 79s
2. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 2 82s
3. Metagross (Shadow) Bullet Punch Steel Meteor Mash Steel 3 85s
4. Swampert (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 2 91s
5. Kyogre (Shadow) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 3 89s
6. Rampardos (Shadow) Smack Down Rock Rock Slide Rock 6 83s
7. Rhyperior (Shadow) Smack Down Rock Rock Wrecker Rock 3 94s
8. Blastoise (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 3 98s
9. Empoleon (Shadow) Metal Claw Steel Hydro Cannon Water 3 97s
10. Raikou (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 94s
11. Swampert (Shadow) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 3 99s
12. Xurkitree Thunder Shock Electric Discharge Electric 5 93s
13. Metagross Bullet Punch Steel Meteor Mash Steel 3 103s
14. Diancie (Mega) Rock Throw Rock Rock Slide Rock 5 91s
15. Electivire (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 5 92s
16. Mamoswine (Shadow) Powder Snow Ice Avalanche Ice 5 93s
17. Kingler (Shadow) Bubble Water Crabhammer Water 5 92s
18. Manectric (Mega) Thunder Fang Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 96s
19. Tyranitar (Mega) Smack Down Rock Stone Edge Rock 3 106s
20. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Thunderbolt Electric 5 96s
21. Gyarados (Mega) Waterfall Water Hydro Pump Water 3 108s
22. Magnezone (Shadow) Spark Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 98s
23. Excadrill (Shadow) Metal Claw Steel Iron Head Steel 4 101s
24. Kyogre Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 3 106s
25. Zekrom Charge Beam Electric Fusion Bolt Electric 3 103s
26. Feraligatr (Shadow) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 4 100s
27. Luxray (Shadow) Spark Electric Wild Charge Electric 6 98s
28. Aerodactyl (Mega) Rock Throw Rock Rock Slide Rock 4 103s
29. Thundurus (Therian) Volt Switch Electric Wildbolt Storm Electric 5 101s
30. Melmetal Thunder Shock Electric Double Iron Bash Steel 2 115s

Aerodactyl is a relatively easy fight, with very few moves that you should be afraid of. More interestingly, a fair chunk of Aerodactyl counters doesn’t take increased damage from his moves – quite the contrary!

Aerodactyl Stats

Aerodactyl RockFlying
Max CP at lvl 40 2783 / lvl 50 3147
ATK 221 DEF 159 HP 190
Weak to Resistances
Ice Water Rock Steel Water Bug Fire Flying Ground Normal Poison

Aerodactyl Moveset

Aerodactyl has access to the following moves:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Steel Wing Steel
  • Bite Dark
  • Rock Throw Rock
  • Hyper Beam Normal
  • Iron Head Steel
  • Rock Slide Rock
  • Earth Power Ground
  • Ancient Power Rock

Kyogre and other Water based counters are a great solid against all move sets, while Raikou, Zapdos, Electivire, and Luxray should be used carefully if pitted against an Ancient Power Aerodactyl. A special note has to be said about Gyarados, who takes SE damage from Ancient Power but is still a very solid option due to having Waterfall.

Ancient Power is not a great move but combined with type advantage and a potential weather boost, it can hurt, especially with dodge glitching out and spotty network coverage.

If you’re planning to use Steel counters, be aware that with the exception of Metagross, they deal significantly less damage than Kyogre and Raikou – good for anchors, but not as great as DPS machines. Tyranitar with Stone Edge is a great filler for any team.

All the best, trainers!

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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