Home Guides Breloom Raid Guide

Breloom Raid Guide

Breloom Raid Guide

Breloom, is a Tier 3 raid boss with Pokémon GO, with a raid CP of 19368. The Pokémon best suited to beat Breloom are of the Flying (double weakness!), Fire, Psychic, Fairy, Poison, and Ice types.

Breloom can be caught at the following CP’s through raids:

  • 1502 Perfect IV, Non-weather boosted
  • 1877 Perfect IV, Sunny & Cloudy weather

With the correct counters and its double weakness to Flying, Breloom can be easily soloed by an intermediately high-level player as a Tier 3 boss. Two trainers should have no problem taking this walking ‘shroom out.

Breloom Raid Counters

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Breloom:

# Pokémon Fast Move Charge Move Time to win Deaths
1. Rayquaza (Mega) Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 38s 0
2. Rayquaza Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 49s 1
3. Moltres (Shadow) Wing Attack Flying Sky Attack* Flying 53s 1
4. Staraptor (Shadow) Gust* Flying Fly Flying 52s 3
5. Yveltal Gust Flying Oblivion Wing* Flying 58s 1
6. Honchkrow (Shadow) Peck Flying Sky Attack Flying 53s 3
7. Pidgeot (Mega) Gust* Flying Brave Bird Flying 58s 2
8. Moltres Wing Attack Flying Sky Attack* Flying 64s 1
9. Enamorus (Incarnate) Fairy Wind Fairy Fly Flying 60s 2
10. Unfezant (Shadow) Air Slash Flying Sky Attack Flying 59s 3
11. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock* Electric Drill Peck Flying 64s 2
12. Charizard (Mega Y) Air Slash Flying Blast Burn* Fire 68s 1
13. Lugia (Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Aeroblast* Flying 73s 1
14. Ho-Oh (Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Brave Bird Flying 70s 1
15. Ho-Oh (Apex Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Brave Bird Flying 70s 1
16. Staraptor Gust* Flying Fly Flying 63s 3
17. Tornadus (Therian) Gust Flying Bleakwind Storm* Flying 67s 2
18. Braviary Air Slash Flying Fly Flying 66s 2
19. Honchkrow Peck Flying Sky Attack Flying 64s 3
20. Articuno (Galarian) Psycho Cut Psychic Brave Bird Flying 73s 2
21. Mewtwo (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psystrike* Psychic 66s 3
22. Blaziken (Mega) Fire Spin Fire Brave Bird Flying 67s 3
23. Braviary (Hisuian) Air Slash Flying Fly Flying 72s 2
24. Tornadus (Incarnate) Air Slash Flying Hurricane Flying 74s 2
25. Unfezant Air Slash Flying Sky Attack Flying 71s 3
26. Scyther (Shadow) Air Slash Flying Aerial Ace Flying 75s 2
27. Lugia Extrasensory Psychic Aeroblast* Flying 87s 1
28. Ho-Oh Extrasensory Fire Brave Bird Flying 84s 1
29. Zapdos Thunder Shock* Electric Drill Peck Flying 78s 2
30. Moltres (Galarian) Wing Attack Flying Brave Bird Flying 79s 2

* Denotes a legacy move.

Breloom Moveset

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Bullet Seed Grass
  • Counter Fighting
  • Sludge Bomb Poison
  • Dynamic Punch Fighting
  • Seed Bomb Grass
  • Grass Knot Grass (legacy)


Breloom Stats

Breloom GrassFighting
Max CP at lvl 40 2628 | at lvl 50 2971
ATK 241 DEF 144 HP 155
Weak to Resistances
Flyingx2 Fire Fairy Ice Poison Psychic Dark Electric Grass Ground Rock Water



Breloom should be an easy solo for the prepared trainer, but lower level trainers may want to bring a friend. Breloom is a great fighting type counter on a budget!