Cobalion Raid Counters Guide


Cobalion is a Tier 5 raid boss in Pokémon GO. The best Cobalion counters are Reshiram, Mega Charizard, Chandelure, Darmanitan, Lucario and Conkeldurr. Cobalion is obtainable with the following Combat Power values:

  • 1649 – 1727 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 2061- 2159 CP at Level 25 with Snow or Cloudy weather boost

Through this guide, you will find an in-depth analysis of the best counters for Cobalion, the most ideal means to defeat it, and various relevant details of this Iron Will Pokémon.

Cobalion can be easily beaten by a raid group consisting of 4 trainers with level 30+ counters. Under ideal weather conditions, it can also be beaten by 3 trainers, or in some extreme cases, it may possibly be duod by maxed out counters. A raid group of 3-5 high-level trainers or 5-7 lower level players is recommended to defeat this legendary raid boss.

Best Cobalion Counters in Pokémon GO

List of counters for the Cobalion Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, including best Pokémon to defeat it, highest DPS attackers, and moves to use. Learn which Pokémon are the best choice to beat this raid boss. Cobalion is a Steel and Fighting-type Pokémon. Cobalion is weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground-type moves.

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 14 550.6s
2. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Blast Burn Fire 24 569.5s
3. Charizard (Mega Y) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 22 589.5s
4. Reshiram Fire Fang Fire Fusion Flare Fire 24 667.4s
5. Terrakion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 33 667.4s
6. Keldeo (Ordinary) Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 23 685.1s
7. Rayquaza (Mega) Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 21 693.4s
8. Charizard (Mega X) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 26 683.0s
9. Alakazam (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 27 704.8s
10. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 23 719.1s
11. Heatran Fire Spin Fire Magma Storm Fire 29 745.7s
12. Lucario Counter Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 43 746.4s
13. Swampert (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earthquake Ground 21 771.8s
14. Houndoom (Mega) Fire Fang Fire Flamethrower Fire 38 748.0s
15. Chandelure Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 28 765.7s
16. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 30 764.5s
17. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Earthquake Ground 26 780.1s
18. Volcarona Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 30 774.4s
19. Salamence (Mega) Fire Fang Fire Fire Blast Fire 22 800.7s
20. Blaziken Counter Fighting Blast Burn Fire 37 772.3s
21. Emboar Low Kick Fighting Blast Burn Fire 33 775.9s
22. Garchomp Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 25 790.8s
23. Darmanitan (Standard) Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 39 778.4s
24. Darmanitan Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 39 778.4s
25. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Focus Blast Fighting 26 798.9s
26. Delphox Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 28 796.0s
27. Excadrill Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 38 787.7s
28. Landorus (Incarnate) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 27 807.0s
29. Entei Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 29 809.4s
30. Moltres Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 31 807.0s

The top-ranked Cobalion counter is Primal Groudon, followed by Mega Blaziken, Mega Y Charizard, and Reshiram. The table also includes Terrakion, Keldeo (Ordinary), Mega Rayquaza, and Mega X Charizard, among others. Each Pokemon’s move type is indicated by an icon beside the move name.

Since Shadow Pokémon are extremely expensive to power up and require specific events to remove Frustration with a Charge TM, they will NOT be listed as raid counters in this article. That being said, if you have the shadow form of a listed raid counter Pokémon powered up and TMed, use it.

Counters analysis


Boasting of the best charged move in the game with Aura Sphere, Lucario has rightfully claimed the heights it was always destined to. While Lucario takes super-effective damage from Cobalion’s Fighting type charged moves, the combination of Counter + Aura Sphere dishes out massive damage.


Chandelure performs exceptionally well against Cobalion, as it takes 2x reduced damage from Fighting and 1x reduced damage from Steel moves. The combination of superior typing, great stats and moves makes Chandelure the best option versus Cobalion.


Darmanitan’s high ATK stat is mighty impressive and it is of no wonder that this fire-breathing monster is one of the best counters to Cobalion. While its DEF stats is low, its amazing HP stat ensures that Darmanitan does hang around for a decent amount of time. It hits hard and resists everything that Cobalion hits it with (except Stone Edge, which it is weak to).


With its Community Day exclusive move Blast Burn, Blaziken became a top-notch Fire type attacker and a pretty solid Fighting type. Boasting of STAB in powerful moves like Counter and Blast Burn, and high DPS, this Hoenn starter blazes through Cobalion with ruthless efficiency with the least time to win.


Moltres has always been the most impressive one from the legendary bird trio. It extends its dominance as a supreme counter to Cobalion. With marginally lesser DPS than Blaziken but higher TDO, Moltres soars up with its powerful moveset against Cobalion.


Machamp continues to impress with its infamous Counter/Dynamic Punch set. Trainers have been using this moveset since Gen 1 to defeat scores of Pokémon. They may very well include Cobalion in the long list of things that Machamp can knock out.


Groudon does not take super-effective damage from any of Cobalion’s moves. Also, it is the tankiest among all of the counters here. Add the fact that it has excellent DPS. You do not need any more reasons to use Groudon.

Note about Cobalion counters

There is a rather interesting point to be noted about Cobalion’s counters. All the counter types are boosted in common weather conditions. The presence of Cloudy weather boosts the Fighting type attacks (Counter/Dynamic Punch becomes even deadlier in this situation). The Sunny weather boosts both Fire and Ground types. Therefore, there are high chances of the weather being in your favor. This should make the raid easier.

In addition, the counters presented here are some of the most common types in the game. So it should never be a challenge to gather a strong raiding team for most players.

Cobalion Moveset Analysis

Cobalion can have the following moves in Pokémon Go:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Zen Headbutt Psychic
  • Metal Claw Steel
  • Double Kick Fighting
  • Sacred Sword Fighting
  • Close Combat Fighting
  • Iron Head Steel
  • Stone Edge Rock

Double Kick has been recently added to Cobalion to bolster its fast moves. However, Cobalion does not have a high enough ATK stat to back up the moves anyway. Sacred Sword is the heaviest hitting and pairs well with Double Kick to make it a mediocre Fighting type.

Stone Edge delivers super-effective damage to your Fire type counters. However, it is a one-bar charge move and isn’t too difficult to dodge. Bear this in mind when you are using your Fire types.

Zen Headbutt has never been an excellent raid move, but it can still give some trouble to your Fighting types.

The combination of Metal Claw and Iron Head is Cobalion’s best moveset. It also deals neutral damage to most of the counters and it benefits from STAB. We advise exercising a little bit of caution with this particular set, as it can hurt.

Close Combat is a decent move, but as mentioned above, Cobalion lacks the fire power to deal serious damage with it.

About Cobalion

A group of legendary Pokémon known as the Swords of Justice had to be led by the steel type among them! Cobalion is a T5 Raid boss in Pokémon GO and is considered as the leader of the Swords of Justice. Cobalion is a Steel Fighting type that comes with the following stats:

Cobalion Steel Fighting
ATK 192 DEF 229 HP 209
Weak to Strong Against
Fire Ground Fighting Fairy Ice Rock Normal Dark Steel
Boosted by Snow or Cloudy


Cobalion is not going to pose much of a challenge. With relatively low ATK stat, average moveset, common counter types and weather conditions, its bulk is the only thing that seems to be going for it. Just keep an eye out for the time on the clock, and you will do just fine with this legendary raid boss.

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, lore, math, and science. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].
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