Slowbro Raid Guide


Slowbro is a Water and Psychic Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, with Boss CP of 11375. Slowbro raid counters are based on strong Electric Grass Bug Dark and Ghost type Pokémon.

Slowbro can be caught in the following CP ranges:

  • 1382 – 1454 CP no weather Boost
  • 1728 – 1817 CP boosted by Rainy or Windy weather


Slowbro Raid Counters

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Shadow Claw Ghost Moongeist Beam Ghost 2 91s
2. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 3 90s
3. Tyranitar (Mega) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 2 104s
4. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 4 90s
5. Tyranitar (Shadow) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 3 104s
6. Kartana Razor Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 3 106s
7. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 3 110s
8. Gyarados (Mega) Bite Dark Crunch Dark 1 131s
9. Raikou (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 105s
10. Zarude Vine Whip Grass Power Whip Grass 2 124s
11. Zekrom Charge Beam Electric Fusion Bolt Electric 3 113s
12. Gardevoir (Mega) Magical Leaf Grass Shadow Ball Ghost 3 114s
13. Magnezone (Shadow) Volt Switch Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 110s
14. Manectric (Mega) Thunder Fang Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 107s
15. Banette (Mega) Shadow Claw Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 4 103s
16. Weavile (Shadow) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 3 110s
17. Xurkitree Thunder Shock Electric Discharge Electric 4 106s
18. Sceptile (Shadow) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 4 105s
19. Electivire (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 5 103s
20. Houndoom (Mega) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 3 112s
21. Hydreigon Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 2 124s
22. Thundurus (Therian) Volt Switch Electric Wildbolt Storm Electric 4 107s
23. Venusaur (Mega) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 3 116s
24. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Shadow Ball Ghost 3 114s
25. Ampharos (Mega) Volt Switch Electric Zap Cannon Electric 3 120s
26. Darkrai Snarl Dark Shadow Ball Ghost 3 119s
27. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Thunderbolt Electric 4 110s
28. Shaymin (Sky) Magical Leaf Grass Grass Knot Grass 4 115s
29. Chandelure (Shadow) Hex Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 6 101s
30. Heracross (Mega) Struggle Bug Bug Megahorn Bug 4 115s

Slowbro Moveset

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Confusion Psychic
  • Water Gun Water
  • Ice Beam Ice
  • Water Pulse Water
  • Scald Water
  • Psychic Psychic
  • Surf* Water

*- Denotes a legacy move.

Shiny Slowbro

As one of the lucky Pokemon to have received a Mega evolution, Slowbro can be encountered as a shiny, with the body turning purple and its shell changing to a burnt gold.

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite
Slowbro sprite. A pink, bipedal salamander like create, with a grey spiral shell attached to its tail.  Shiny Slowbro sprite. A purple, bipedal salamander like creature, with a brunt gold spiral shell attached to its tail.


Slowbro Stats

Slowbro WaterPsychic
Max CP at lvl 40 2495
Max CP at lvl 50 2545
ATK 177 DEF 180 HP 206
Weak to Resistances
Bug Dark Electric Ghost Grass Fighting Fire Ice Psychic Steel Water



Slowbro is one hefty boy, but can be easily beaten by a solo trainer with ideal maxed out counters. Along with having a Mega form, Slowbro is a highly ranked gym defender, so well worth getting one for your collection.

Good luck trainers!


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Editor SUPREME and sometimes Writer for Go Hub. From the land of sugar in Texas. Old enough to know better, still too young to care.
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