Zamazenta Raid Counters Guide (Hero of Many Battles)

Zamazenta (Hero)

The Hero of Many Battles Zamazenta is a Tier 5 legendary raid boss in Pokémon GO and it can be shiny!

Zamazenta, along with Zacian, is among the two cover legendaries of the Pokémon Sword and Shield games.

With pure Fighting typing, Zamazenta is boosted by Cloudy weather and its counters include strong Psychic, Flying, and Fairy type Pokémon. With strong counters, Zamazenta can possibly be duo’d in ideal weather conditions and high-level counters. But to be safe, 4-5 high-level trainers can get the job done easily.

It can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 2100 – 2188 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 2625 – 2735 CP at Level 25 with Cloudy weather boost

Let’s check out the best raid counters to make quick work of Zamazenta!

Zamazenta Raid Counters

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Rayquaza (Mega) Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 17 414s
2. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Psystrike Psychic 26 473s
3. Alakazam (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 30 519s
4. Gardevoir (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 24 569s
5. Mewtwo Psycho Cut Psychic Psystrike Psychic 26 564s
6. Rayquaza Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 30 548s
7. Latios (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 27 580s
8. Moltres (Shadow) Wing Attack Flying Sky Attack Flying 24 598s
9. Salamence (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Fly Flying 23 623s
10. Ho-Oh (Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Brave Bird Flying 20 658s
11. Ho-Oh (Apex Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Brave Bird Flying 20 658s
12. Enamorus (Incarnate) Fairy Wind Fairy Fly Flying 31 591s
13. Metagross (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 28 621s
14. Lugia (Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Aeroblast Flying 20 688s
15. Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Psycho Cut Psychic Sunsteel Strike Steel 24 659s
16. Salamence (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Fly Flying 38 588s
17. Tapu Lele Confusion Psychic Nature’s Madness Fairy 29 638s
18. Latias (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 25 665s
19. Hoopa (Unbound) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 36 605s
20. Latios (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 38 605s
21. Yveltal Gust Flying Oblivion Wing Flying 28 659s
22. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Psycho Cut Psychic Moongeist Beam Ghost 28 661s
23. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Drill Peck Flying 31 651s
24. Lunala Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 26 691s
25. Staraptor (Shadow) Gust Flying Fly Flying 45 598s
26. Pidgeot (Mega) Gust Flying Brave Bird Flying 34 654s
27. Moltres Wing Attack Flying Sky Attack Flying 25 717s
28. Charizard (Mega Y) Air Slash Flying Blast Burn Fire 24 730s
29. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Psychic Psychic 30 688s
30. Alakazam (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 50 599s

Zamazenta: Stats and Max CP

Zamazenta (Hero) Fighting
Max CP at Level 40 3829 | Max CP at Level 50 4329
ATK 254 DEF 236 HP 192
Weaknesses Resistances
Psychic Flying Fairy  Bug Dark Rock

Zamazenta Moveset Analysis

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Metal Claw Steel
  • Snarl Dark
  • Ice Fang Ice
  • Quick Attack Normal
  • Iron Head Steel
  • Moonblast Fairy
  • Close Combat Fighting
  • Crunch Dark

Quick Attack is the easiest of the bunch. It won’t bother any of your counters.

Metal Claw is a good move and troubles your Fairy type counters. With neat damage and energy generation, and being largely unresisted by your counters, it is worth your attention.

Ice Fang does quite a number on your Flying types and is damaging enough. However, it has a 3-turn cooldown and can be used to sneak in your own charged attacks.

Snarl has high energy generation and is threatening in that regard. Plus, it deals super-effective damage to your Psychic types.

Moonblast hits hard but can be dodged to prolong your counters’ presence.

Iron Head does neat neutral damage to most of your counters.

Close Combat is a dangerous STAB move on Zamazenta and with that ATK stat of 254, it should be damaging. However, both Psychic and Flying types resist it. Yay!

Crunch hits very often and when paired with Snarl, is worrisome for your Psychic types.

Shiny Zamazenta

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

All the best, trainers!

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Heya there! I'm Manjari, a Mystic trainer from India and one day, I will be walking across the lands like Ash! When not found with my keyboard and keywords, I can be found reading about ghost Pokémon lore or binge-watching Pokémon movies! 💜
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