Complete Go Fest Special Research Texts, New quests, Nihilego, and more found in network traffic

Hello Trainers! Niantic has pushed some updates today, including the texts for both days of Go Fest, New Quests, Nihilego, and more!

💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being released at all. Keep that in mind as we go through his. All of this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and is included along with some of my own commentary.

** Spoiler warning **

This article contains the texts that are potentially the entire special research line for both days of Go Fest 2022.  If you don’t want that spoiled, click away now!  You’ve been warned!  

Still here? Let’s Go!

Go Fest

RESOURCE ID: gofest2022 
TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022 

RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_content_hashtag 
TEXT: Post snapshots using #PokemonGOFest2022, and we’ll share our favorites!

Use #PokemonGoFest2022, your snapshots might get shared by Niantic.

Nihilego In Raids?

RESOURCE ID: tabrs_reward_nihilego
TEXT: Nihilego will appear in raids


RESOURCE ID: nihilego_double_raid_rewards
TEXT: 2× Raid XP, 2× Raid Stardust, and 2× Nihilego Catch Candy

RESOURCE ID: catch_rewards_double
TEXT: 2× Catch Stardust, 2× Catch Candy, and 2× Catch XP

Rewards for Go Fest, including two times Nihilego Catch Candy!


+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_city
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: City habitat

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_city_description
+TEXT: Catch these Pokémon during the City habitat hour!

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_hour_habitat1
+TEXT: City

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_hour_habitat2
+TEXT: Lakeside

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_hour_habitat3
+TEXT: Savannah

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_hour_habitat4
+TEXT: Prairie

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_hour_habitat5
+TEXT: Tundra

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_plains
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Plains habitat

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_plains_description
+TEXT: Catch these Pokémon during the Plains habitat hour!

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_rainforest
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Rainforest habitat

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_rainforest_description
+TEXT: Catch these Pokémon the Rainforest habitat hour!

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_tundra
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Tundra habitat

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_tundra_description
+TEXT: Catch these Pokémon during the Tundra habitat hour!

All of the Habitats for Go Fest

Difficulties & Focus

Three Difficulties

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_easy_title
+TEXT: Relaxed

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_easy_description
+TEXT: Take a more relaxed approach to the day, with a lighter selection of tasks. Rewards are the same for all three options.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_medium_title
+TEXT: Standard

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_medium_description
+TEXT: Take a standard approach to the day, with a full set of tasks to guide you through your adventures. Rewards are the same for all three options.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_hard_title
+TEXT: Master

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_hard_description
+TEXT: Take a challenging approach to the day, with tasks designed to seriously test your skills. Rewards are the same for all three options.

As announced you can choose between Relaxed, Standard, and Master.


+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_battle_title
+TEXT: Focus on Battling

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_battle_description
+TEXT: Complete tasks that focus on battling Team GO Rocket, participating in raids, and competing in the GO Battle League.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_battle_easy
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Battle (Relaxed)

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_battle_normal
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Battle (Standard)

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_battle_hard
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Battle (Master)


+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_catch_title
+TEXT: Focus on Catching

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_catch_description 
+TEXT: Complete tasks that focus on catching Pokémon, using items, and nailing your throws.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_catch_easy
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Catch (Relaxed)

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_catch_normal
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Catch (Standard)

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_catch_hard
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Catch (Master)


+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_explore_title 
+TEXT: Focus on Exploring

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_branch_explore_description
+TEXT: Complete tasks that focus on hatching Eggs, spinning PokéStops, and exploring your surroundings.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_explore_easy
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Explore (Relaxed)

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_explore_normal
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Explore (Standard)

+RESOURCE ID: gofest2022_sr_explore_hard
+TEXT: Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Explore (Master)

Willow Texts – Day 1


RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_0
TEXT: Hello, %PLAYERNAME%! Welcome to Pokémon GO Fest 2022.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_1
TEXT: This year’s festivities are already off to an incredible start—I’m receiving reports that the Mythical Pokémon Shaymin has been sighted nearby!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_2
TEXT: The flowers on Shaymin’s body are said to burst into bloom when Shaymin is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude. Believe me, it’s not every day you see Shaymin around!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_3
TEXT: I wonder if Shaymin’s appearance is somehow related to the island guardians...

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_4
TEXT: Or... What if Shaymin’s appeared in response to how thankful I am for all your help lately! Shaymin is known as the Gratitude Pokémon, after all.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_5
TEXT: I’m also thankful that you’re here today to enjoy the celebrations. You’ve more than earned it!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_6
TEXT: I’m sure you’re eager to start searching for Shaymin, so I won’t keep you. Something tells me it’s going to be an exciting day!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_intro_narrative_section_7
TEXT: Now, let’s GO!

Basic intro, nothing overly exciting.


RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_pre_choice_narrative_section_0
TEXT: Hello! Looks like you’re already all warmed up.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_pre_choice_narrative_section_1
TEXT: Before we continue, I’d like your opinion on something very important.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_pre_choice_narrative_section_2
TEXT: What’s your preferred method of searching for Shaymin?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_pre_choice_narrative_section_3
TEXT: Great choice, %PLAYERNAME%!

This looks like where you’ll get to choose your adventure

Battle – Part 1/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_2_0
TEXT: I was thinking: Because we don’t know what attracted Shaymin here, we should make sure the surrounding area is safe.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_2_1
TEXT: I really hope Shaymin hasn’t found itself in any trouble!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_2_2
TEXT: Before we start, though, why don’t you power up some of your Pokémon in case we need to defend Shaymin when we find it?

Battle – Part 2/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_0
TEXT: Welcome back, %PLAYERNAME%! We’re off to a great start already.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_1
TEXT: I have another research-related question for you.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_2
TEXT: How intensely do you think we’ll need to focus our efforts today?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_3
TEXT: That sounds good to me.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_4
TEXT: Something else just occurred to me. Do you think Team GO Rocket will try to capture Shaymin?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_5
TEXT: The thought of something happening to that sweet little Pokémon is almost too much to bear.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_3_6
TEXT: Well, now that your team’s powered up, we can stop Team GO Rocket before they even get started. Let’s get out there and scare them off, %PLAYERNAME%!

Battle Part 3/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_0
TEXT: Welcome back! Thanks for taking care of those Team GO Rocket members.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_1
TEXT: Now that the area’s safe, we can really focus on our search for Shaymin.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_2
TEXT: After meeting with the team leaders, I’ve learned that Shaymin sightings are happening around the world! Since we can’t be everywhere all at once, let’s start the search right here, where we are.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_3
TEXT: Hm? You didn’t know the team leaders were assisting us? But of course!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_4
TEXT: The team leaders are a curious bunch, and dutiful, too. They’re more than happy to help investigate the mysteries of Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_5
TEXT: My current theory is that Shaymin will appear wherever Trainers are feeling thankful. With that in mind, why don’t you and your Buddy Pokémon try challenging a raid?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_4_6
TEXT: Perhaps Shaymin will sense the gratitude you feel for your Pokémon and the other Trainers battling at your side.

Battle Part 4/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_5_0
TEXT: Welcome back, %PLAYERNAME%! How’d it go?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_5_1
TEXT: No sign of Shaymin yet, eh? Not to worry. What fun would life be if we got everything on the first try?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_5_2
TEXT: I’ll check in with the team leaders to see if they have any new intel. In the meantime, let’s think of other ways we can encourage Shaymin to appear.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_battle_narrative_section_5_3
TEXT: What if you try battling some other Trainers? Perhaps Shaymin will sense the bonds of gratitude between you and your Pokémon team. Give it a try, %PLAYERNAME%!

Catch – Part 1/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_2_0
TEXT: Before we get started, let’s take a moment to appreciate our Pokémon pals.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_2_1
TEXT: It’s always exciting to meet new Pokémon, but it’s important to make time for the ones that have supported us all along. After all, we’d be lost without them!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_2_2
TEXT: Much like I’d be lost without your unwavering support. Thanks as always, %PLAYERNAME%!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_2_3
TEXT: Now, why don’t you spend some time with your Buddy Pokémon?

Catch – Part 2/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_3_0
TEXT: And I hope you had a pleasant time with your Buddy Pokémon!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_3_2
TEXT: Hm? You didn’t know the team leaders were assisting us? But of course! They’re a curious bunch, and dutiful, too. They’re more than happy to help investigate the mysteries of Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_3_3
TEXT: I wonder if Shaymin is out getting to know the nearby Pokémon. Try catching a few and see if you can spot Shaymin!

Catch – Part 3/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_4_1
TEXT: Welcome back, %PLAYERNAME%! How’d it go?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_4_2
TEXT: No sign of Shaymin yet, eh? Well, that’s understandable. Mythical Pokémon aren’t known to be easy to find, after all!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_4_3
TEXT: I appreciate you entertaining my hypothesis, though. Perhaps we can try luring Shaymin out with some Pinap Berries next? That would certainly work for me... Haha!

Catch – Part 4/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_5_0
TEXT: Welcome back! No Shaymin yet, eh? Not to worry. What fun would life be if everything came easily?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_5_1
TEXT: I’ll check in with the team leaders to see if they have any new info.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_catch_narrative_section_5_2
TEXT: While we gather more intel, why don’t you head back out and see what Pokémon you can find?

Explore – Part 1/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_2_0
TEXT: I’m sure you’re raring to go, but let’s take a moment to think about the friends who’ve helped you on your journey thus far.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_2_1
TEXT: Why don’t you send them some Gifts to let them know you’re thinking about them? It’s a great way to show your appreciation!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_2_2
TEXT: I hope you know how much I appreciate all you’ve done to help me, %PLAYERNAME%. I really don’t know what I’d do without you!

Explore – Part 2/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_3_1
TEXT: How intensely do you think we’ll need to focus our efforts today?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_3_4
TEXT: Hm? You didn’t know the team leaders were assisting us? But of course!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_3_5
TEXT: The team leaders are a curious bunch, and dutiful, too. They’re more than happy to help investigate the mysteries of Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_3_6
TEXT: Why don’t you visit some interesting locations that are nearby, %PLAYERNAME%? Maybe they’ll have caught Shaymin’s eye!

Explore – Part 3/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_4_0
TEXT: How’d it go, %PLAYERNAME%?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_4_1
TEXT: No sign of Shaymin yet, eh? Well, that’s understandable. Mythical Pokémon aren’t known to be easy to find, after all!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_4_2
TEXT: Hmm... Shaymin is known as the Gratitude Pokémon, so perhaps we can attract it to us by expressing gratitude.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_4_3
TEXT: It’s just a theory, but maybe hatching an Egg would help? It can’t hurt to try!

Explore – Part 4/4

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_5_1
TEXT: Good to see you back, %PLAYERNAME%!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_5_2
TEXT: I can tell from your expression that you haven’t encountered Shaymin yet—but try not to worry.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_5_3
TEXT: After all, what fun would life be if everything came easily?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_explore_narrative_section_5_5
TEXT: While we gather more intel, why don’t you head back out and see what you can find?


RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_0
TEXT: Splendid, %PLAYERNAME%—you’ve brought back Shaymin!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_1
TEXT: Once you’re better friends, I hope you’ll hug it so we can see its flowers burst into bloom!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_2
TEXT: As always, thanks for helping me with today’s research! Your contributions are truly invaluable.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_3
TEXT: I’d like to give you a hug myself—but I spilled some Pinap Juice on myself earlier, so I think I’ll keep my stickiness to myself.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_4
TEXT: I want to hear all about how you found Shaymin, but first—have you noticed what’s appeared in the sky?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_5
TEXT: Those gaping anomalies appear reminiscent of Hoopa’s rings, but also quite different. A bit holes, perhaps? No—wormholes? What could be on the other side, I wonder? Is this why Alola’s island guardians have been appearing?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_6
TEXT: My mind is buzzing with all the possibilities! Though, I think we should tackle this tomorrow. Today’s been plenty exciting.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_7
TEXT: I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_8
TEXT: And I’m certain that whatever it is, we’ll face it together!

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d1_outro_narrative_section_9
TEXT: Thanks again for all your help today, %PLAYERNAME%. And here’s to an exciting tomorrow!

Ultra beasts? Yeah, Ultra Beasts.

Day 2

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2b
TEXT: Rhi’s Arrival

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n
TEXT: A Radiant World

Apparently day 2’s research is separated into two parts. Rhi’s Arrival, and A Radiant World.

Part 1: Rhi’s Arrival – 1/3

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2b_1
TEXT: Rhi’s Arrival (1/3)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_0
TEXT: Ah—hello.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_1
TEXT: Or, hmm... Would “what is up” be an acceptable greeting in this circumstance? I have been told the humans of this world are fond of such parlance.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_2
TEXT: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Rhi of the GO Ultra Recon Squad.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_3
TEXT: You are a...Pokémon Trainer, is it? I am familiar with the concept.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_4
TEXT: I apologize if I appear awkward. You are the first human I’ve met in this world.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_5
TEXT: Do you see that hole in the sky? That is called an Ultra Wormhole, a tear in space that leads to a world very different from yours.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_6
TEXT: In fact, I’ve traveled through that wormhole myself, in order to research its appearance and assist with any resulting anomalies occurring in your world.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_7
TEXT: Hm? You have a concern?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_8
TEXT: I see. This “Professor Willow” failed to appear before you, is it? I’m unfamiliar with any such individual, but I understand the concern that arises when a companion is missing.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_9
TEXT: I will assist you in your search. In return, however, I would ask a favor.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_10
TEXT: This world is mysterious. Would you assist me in expanding my knowledge of it?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_11
TEXT: Thank you. I am fortunate to have found someone so kind.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_12
TEXT: Tell me all about your world, Pokémon Trainer.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_1_13
TEXT: Together, perhaps we can expose why the Ultra Wormholes have materialized in your world and mitigate the anomalies that result.

This research starts with Rhi introducing themselves, a bit of an odd character.

Part 2: Rhi’s Arrival – 2/3

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2b_2
TEXT: Rhi’s Arrival (2/3)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_0
TEXT: Wah tee sup, Pokémon Trainer? Hmm... That feels incorrect.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_1
TEXT: Thank you for your assistance thus far. Shall we turn our attention to other objectives?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_2
TEXT: First, we must find out what caused the Ultra Wormholes to appear in this world.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_3
TEXT: Second, we must keep watch for anything that may travel through them.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_4
TEXT: And third, we must find your missing Willow friend.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_5
TEXT: But before all of that, a question: what are those large, towering structures spread throughout the area? They seem to sometimes be blue or red or yellow, and they’re far larger than what you said are “PokéStops.”

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_6
TEXT: “Gyms,” is it? And Pokémon Trainers gather there to challenge powerful Pokémon in “Raid Battles”? Fascinating.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_7
TEXT: Tell me everything you know about these Raid Battles, Pokémon Trainer.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_8
TEXT: They seem to serve as nexus between powerful creatures and humans.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_9
TEXT: If it is acceptable to you, I would like to start by focusing our efforts there.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_2_10
TEXT: Until again, Pokémon Trainer.

Willow is missing!!

Part 3: Rhi’s Arrival – 3/3

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2b_3
TEXT: Rhi’s Arrival (3/3)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_0
TEXT: Thank you for shining a light on the concept of Raid Battles, Pokémon Trainer. In return, I will confide in you what I know about the Ultra Wormholes.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_1
TEXT: Ultra Wormholes are portals into Ultra Space.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_2
TEXT: These dimensional passageways allow creatures known as Ultra Beasts to spill into worlds they don’t belong—and they are fiercely strong.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_3
TEXT: Ultra Beasts are similar to the creatures you call Pokémon—but to your eyes, I imagine they might appear...somewhat different than what you’re accustomed.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_4
TEXT: As you have likely observed, more and more Ultra Beasts are appearing around you.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_5
TEXT: The one in your world now is known as UB-01 Symbiont. Certain humans also call it Nihilego.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_6
TEXT: It is a Rock- and Poison-type Ultra Beast that is thought to produce a strong neurotoxin. It appears to be a parasite that lives by feeding on people and Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_7
TEXT: I’d like to subdue it before it causes trouble for anyone in this world. Can I beg your help in this undertaking?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_8
TEXT: I have no experience in Pokémon battles. Where I come from, Pokémon are shared.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_9
TEXT: Furthermore, there are indications that someone from this world was sucked into an Ultra Wormhole. If that is true, that person could be in tremendous danger.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_10
TEXT: But worry not, Pokémon Trainer.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_11
TEXT: If that person was the Willow professor you’re searching for, the GO Ultra Recon Squad will no doubt come to their aid. Such is our purpose.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_12
TEXT: In the between time, I will remain here to provide assistance and illuminate any truths I can.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_basic_3_13
TEXT: Let us continue to help each other, Pokémon Trainer.

Willow was sucked into an Ultra Wormhole?!? Willow often laments not being in the action enough… Careful what you wish for I guess.

Part 4: A Radiant World – 1/6

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n_4
TEXT: A Radiant World (1/6)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_0
TEXT: To what are you up, Pokémon Trainer? That...that’s not it, is it? *sigh* I see you have caught many Ground-type Pokémon. May I ask why?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_1
TEXT: They’re particularly effective against Rock- and Poison-type Pokémon like Nihilego, is it? I see. Your forethought is impressive.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_2
TEXT: I have decided it would be prudent of me to explore and better familiarize myself with the surrounding area. Would you like to accompany?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_3
TEXT: We can tell each other more about our worlds as we go.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_4
TEXT: I am once again thankful to have acquainted myself with someone so cordial.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_5
TEXT: There is still much for me to learn about this world, but it has been quite exciting thus far.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_4_6
TEXT: Come, Pokémon Trainer. Let us see what we can discover together.

Part 5: A Radiant World – 2/6

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n_5
TEXT: A Radiant World (2/6)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_5_0
TEXT: A question, Pokémon Trainer—who are those people with the large red Rs on their clothes?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_5_1
TEXT: Judging by their dour expressions, I do not believe they’re friends of yours.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_5_2
TEXT: Team GO Rocket, is it? Curious...

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_5_3
TEXT: Their presence unnerves me.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_5_4
TEXT: If they intend to cause us problems, may I rely on you?

Part 6: A Radiant World – 3/6

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n_6
TEXT: A Radiant World (3/6)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_6_0
TEXT: Your skill in battle is effervescent, Pokémon Trainer! Your aptitude assures me that Nihilego can be safely subdued.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_6_1
TEXT: May we now observe the Gyms where Nihilego has been appearing? Participating in Raid Battles may prove illuminating as well.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_6_2
TEXT: Hm? Ultra Beasts aren’t the only creatures you’ve encountered of late that are far from their homes?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_6_3
TEXT: I see... The Island Guardians of Alola, is it? Perhaps they sensed that the Ultra Wormholes would appear and came to assess how much of a threat they may pose to Alola.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_6_4
TEXT: The Alola region... I’ve heard tell of its shine. But we haven’t time for my wistfulness. Let us embark, Pokémon Trainer.

Part 7: A Radiant World – 4/6

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n_7
TEXT: A Radiant World (4/6)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_0
TEXT: Shall we pause, Pokémon Trainer?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_1
TEXT: This is my first time in the field with another by my side. I apologize—I’ve yet to grow accustomed to the nuances of this dynamic.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_2
TEXT: How do you typically enjoy your rest in this world?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_3
TEXT: I see... Spending time with your Pokémon and friends, hatching Eggs, and other such endeavors, is it?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_4
TEXT: I am enchanted by these “Incubators” that you place Eggs within.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_5
TEXT: They seem an amazing feat of human science. Would you provide me a demonstration?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_6
TEXT: Perhaps if we appear relaxed, Nihilego may respond in kind.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_7
TEXT: Though there is always a chance it may try to feast upon you—but I will alert you if I notice such behavior in action.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_7_8
TEXT: To think I may soon witness Nihilego being captured in a Poké Ball...

Part 8: A Radiant World – 5/6

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n_8
TEXT: A Radiant World (5/6)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_0
TEXT: You were unfazed by that confrontation with Nihilego.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_1
TEXT: You seem unafraid of the unknown. It’s an admirable trait.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_2
TEXT: Do you think Nihilego felt disoriented and alone when it found itself in an unfamiliar world? I feel a kinship with it in that way...

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_3
TEXT: I am lucky to have met a nice human so quickly. I hope Nihilego may also consider itself lucky to have encountered such a kind and accomplished Pokémon Trainer.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_4
TEXT: In the end, Ultra Beasts are powerful creatures—and not easily controlled.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_5
TEXT: Once they have arrived in a world, there is little left I can do...

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_6
TEXT: And yet you have managed to take it in gently as if it were any other Pokémon. Selfishly, I wish for a closer look at Nihilego in this state. Do you have a way to observe it safely?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_7
TEXT: A “snapshot,” is it? What a delight.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_8_8
TEXT: Seeing Nihilego in this lucent world, I might even say it is...beautiful?

Part 9: A Radiant World – 6/6

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2n_9
TEXT: A Radiant World (6/6)

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_0
TEXT: Your world is almost blindingly bright—and more verdant than I’ve ever experienced. I do hope you and your people take care to preserve its splendor.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_1
TEXT: Were I to exist in such a sparkling world, I would devote my power to its protection.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_2
TEXT: Judging by your recent actions, you seem to feel similar. You captured Nihilego, derailing disaster while seeking a solution to this world’s new dilemma.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_3
TEXT: And regarding your Willow... I recently discovered this juice-stained coat near an Ultra Wormhole. There’s no way to be certain, but it seems highly probable that your Willow is somewhere in Ultra Space.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_4
TEXT: But worry not, Pokémon Trainer. I will work with you to rescue him. You have done me many favors—it is only fair.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_5
TEXT: If this man is anything like you’ve described, I have no doubt he’ll be well in the end.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_6
TEXT: So long as Ultra Wormholes remain open here, we have a chance of his safe return—but Ultra Beasts may also continue to spill into this world.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_7
TEXT: For now, I’ll see what else I can do to assist you.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_8
TEXT: The GO Ultra Recon Squad normally works in pairs, and your presence has helped me understand why that is.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_9
TEXT: In fact...

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_10
TEXT: Would you mind if we continued our work as partners, Pokémon Trainer?

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_11
TEXT: Our goals easily entwine. Together, we can accomplish and learn much.

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_12
TEXT: You agree? Excellent. Now, our first course of action should be—

RESOURCE ID: sr_gofest2022_d2_nihilego_9_13
TEXT: Wait. What are these flowers blooming about us? Is this what Pokémon can do? Yours is truly a dazzling world...

Transfer Updates To Remove Willow

Photo Courtesy the PokéMiners

The transfer texts have been updated to not mention Professor Willow, as he is now missing.

Rhi Hologram

This might not necessarily be for Go Fest, but it suggests that Willow might be gone for a while and Rhi is here to cover for him while he’s off adventuring. 

Clothing and Pose

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_face_gracidea_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Gracidea
Face Sticker

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_hat_shayminhat_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Shaymin Hat

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_shayminlandtshirt_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Land Forme Shaymin T-shirt

RESOURCE ID: f_avatar_poses_bundle_pose_36
TEXT: Gracidea Bouquet Pose

Go Fest clothing and pose have had their texts added.

New Quests?

RESOURCE ID: quest_battle_team_rocket_plural
TEXT: Battle {0} Team GO Rocket members

RESOURCE ID: quest_battle_team_rocket_singular
TEXT: Battle a Team GO Rocket member

RESOURCE ID: quest_defeat_rocket_leader_2500
TEXT: Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader {0} times with Pokémon at or below 2,500 CP

RESOURCE ID: quest_evolve_ground_plural
TEXT: Evolve {0} Ground-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_raid_with_buddy_plural
TEXT: Battle in {0} raids with your buddy

RESOURCE ID: quest_raid_with_buddy_singular
TEXT: Battle in a raid with your buddy

RESOURCE ID: quest_snapshots_your_plural
TEXT: Take {0} snapshots of your Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_snapshots_your_singular
TEXT: Take a snapshot of one of your Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_rock_or_poison_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Rock- or Poison-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_rock_poison
TEXT: Transfer {0} Rock- or Poison-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_use_poffin
TEXT: Use a Poffin

RESOURCE ID: quest_use_rare_candy_plural
TEXT: Use {0} Rare Candies

RESOURCE ID: quest_use_rare_candy_singular
TEXT: Use a Rare Candy

RESOURCE ID: quest_win_raid_buddy_plural
TEXT: Win {0} raids with your Buddy Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_win_raids_unique_1500_plural
TEXT: Win {0} raids with a team of different Pokémon at or below 1,500 CP

RESOURCE ID: quest_win_raids_unique_plural
TEXT: Win {0} raids with a team of different Pokémon

A bunch of new quests, and some repeats of old ones.

Experience updates for Ticket Holders

  • Incense has a 100% chance of pulling from the event spawn pool
  • Research Icon is changed to the GO Fest logo
  • The enhanced sky is turned on
  • Alolan Grimer has been moved in the buddy portrait
  • Dunsparce, Seedot, Wingull, Shroomish, Burmy Trash, Patrat, Pidove, Drilbur & Litleo’s flee rate is reduced to 10% from 20%
  • Gothita’s flee rate is reduced to 10% from 15%
  • Vibrava, Grotle, Monferno, Prinplup & Stoutland’s Capture rate is increased to 20% from 10%
  • Beartic & Golurk Capture rate is increased to 20% from 15%

Experience updates for all players

  • Max Pokemon storage increased to 6100
  • Max Bag Items increased to 5100
  • GO Fest confetti starts and the GO Fest logo appears in the quest icon
  • Claydol is moved closer in the buddy portrait
  • The GO Fest boxes are activated and old boxes are hidden

That’s all for now Trainers! Go Fest is here!! Let’s Go!

Author & tags

I've been playing Pokemon Go since the game launched way back in 2016, I am a loyal Valor player and also a content creator on YouTube going by the name Professor Glaw.

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