Pokémon GO March 2023 Community Day – Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke

Pokémon GO March Community Day 2023 takes place on Saturday, March 18, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and features both Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke spawning in the wild.

Trainers can enjoy multiple bonuses, including 2x Catch Candy, 2x XL Candy chances, 3x Catch XP, and a Special Research story featuring the Slowpoke family. Trainers can also take part in a special GO Hub giveaway and take a special GO Snapshot of Slowpoke and win V-Battle Decks and Pokéball Tins.

Slowbro and Slowking evolved during the event will know the exclusive Community Day move – Surf. Shiny Slowpoke is already available in Pokémon GO, and an increased chance to encounter one will be live during the event.

Pokémon GO March Community Day 2023 Features and Bonuses

  • Event icon Saturday, March 18, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time
  • Bonuses

  • Candy icon 2× Candy for catching Pokémon
  • Candy XL icon 2× chance to receive XL Candy from catching Pokémon (only for Trainers Level 31 and up)
  • Lure icon Lure Modules activated during the event will last for 3 hours
  • Incense icon Incense activated during the event will last for 3 hours
  • Photobomb icon Take a few snapshots during the event for a surprise
  • XP icon 3x Experience for catching Pokémon
  • Trade icon One additional special trade can be made, up to a maximum of two on the day(*)
  • Trade icon Trades made will require 50% less Stardust (*)

*While most bonuses are only active during the three hours of the event, these bonuses will be active from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time.

Slowpoke Community Day 2023 Infographic

March Community Day 2023 Pokémon – Slowpoke

Both Kantonian Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke will appear more frequently in the wild. You’ll be able to encounter both Shiny Slowpokes—if you’re lucky!

Slowpoke from the Kanto Region is a Water and Psychic type Pokémon, and Galarian Slowpoke is a pure Psychic type. Windy weather will weather boost both Slowpokes, and Rainy weather will boost Kantonian Slowpoke.

Exclusive Attack: Surf

Evolve Slowpoke during the event or up to five hours afterward to get a Slowbro or a Slowking that knows the Water type Charged Attack Surf.

  • Trainer Battles: 65 power
  • Gyms and raids: 65 power

Be sure to check out our Community Day Mega Slowbro as a Raid Attacker analysis for more information on how Surf affects Mega Slowbro in Raids. For a more PvP focused view, check out our A PvP Analysis on the Community Day Slowpoke Family.

How to evolve Slowpoke?

Complete Timed Research to earn King’s Rock

Don’t have any King’s Rock to evolve Slowking? Don’t worry, complete the event-exclusive Timed Research and earn 4 King’s Rock.

Task Reward
Make 5 Nice Throws King's Rock icon 1× King's Rock
Catch 5 Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke King's Rock icon 1× King's Rock
Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokémon King's Rock icon 1× King's Rock

Stage rewards

  • King's Rock icon 1× King's Rock

A Brain-teasing Evolution

Before Trainers can evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro, they usually need to catch 30 Poison-type Pokémon while adventuring with the Pokémon.

But on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 2:00 pm until 10:00 pm local time, Trainers will need to catch 30 Psychic-type Pokémon! 

Pokémon Condition Evolution
Slowpoke 50 Candy Slowbro
Slowpoke 50 Candy
King’s Rock
Slowpoke (Galarian) 50 Candy
Catch 30 Psychic-type*
Slowbro (Galarian)
Slowpoke (Galarian) 50 Candy
Catch 30 Psychic-type
Slowking (Galarian)

Do note that both Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke count as Psychic-type Pokémon for evolving Galarian Slowbro and Slowking.

Shiny Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking

Regular Shiny
Pokemon GO SlowpokeSlowpoke Pokemon GO Shiny SlowpokeShiny Slowpoke
Pokemon GO SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon GO Shiny SlowbroShiny Slowbro
Pokemon GO SlowkingSlowking Pokemon GO Shiny SlowkingShiny Slowking
Pokemon GO SlowpokeGalarian Slowpoke Pokemon GO Shiny SlowpokeShiny Galarian Slowpoke
Pokemon GO SlowbroGalarian Slowbro Pokemon GO Shiny SlowbroShiny Galarian Slowbro
Pokemon GO SlowkingGalarian Slowking Pokemon GO Shiny SlowkingShiny Galarian Slowking
Pokemon GO SlowbroMega Slowbro Pokemon GO Shiny SlowbroShiny Mega Slowbro

Slowpoke IVs and CPs

Both Slowpokes can be encountered as a weather-boosted spawn. Kantonian Slowpoke is boosted by Windy and Rainy weather, and Galarian Slowpoke is boosted by Windy weather. Bold indicates Pokémon level in the wild. Levels up to 30 are available in the wild, 30-35 only with a weather boost.

Slowpoke Perfect IV CP Chart
1 17 2 54 3 91 4 128
5 165 6 202 7 239 8 276
9 313 10 350 11 385 12 420
13 455 14 490 15 525 16 560
17 595 18 630 19 665 20 700
21 735 22 771 23 806 24 841
25 876 26 911 27 946 28 981
29 1016 30 1051 31 1069 32 1086
33 1104 34 1121 35 1139 36 1156
37 1174 38 1191 39 1209 40 1226
41 1242 42 1257 43 1273 44 1289
45 1305 46 1321 47 1337 48 1353
49 1370 50 1386

Bonus Raid Battles after Community Day


Event icon Saturday, March 18, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time

After the three-hour Community Day event ends, Trainers will be able to take on special four-star Raid Battles featuring one of the Slowpoke forms. Defeating one of these raids will cause more Slowpoke to appear around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes! You can only join these raids using Raid Passes and Premium Battle Passes. Remote Raid Passes cannot be used to join these raids.

Check out our raid guides for Slowpoke, and Galarian Slowpoke to help you defeat these tier 4 raids, they can be soloed!

Once you successfully complete a four-star Raid Battle against Slowpoke, Slowpoke will appear around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one! (*)
(*) Slowpoke that appear under these circumstances will have the same chance of appearing as a Shiny Pokémon as those that appear during February Community Day’s three-hour event period.

Community Day Special Research Story: Field Notes: Slow and Slower

Special Research

For US$1.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the Slowpoke Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, Field Notes: Slow and Slower. You’ll be able to purchase this for yourself, and send it as a gift to a pal!

Field Notes: Slow and Slower 1/4

Task Reward
Make 5 Nice Throws PokeBall icon 15× PokeBall
Catch 15 Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke Slowpoke
Power up Pokémon 10 times Candy icon 20× Slowpoke Candy

Stage rewards

Field Notes: Slow and Slower 2/4

Task Reward
Transfer 10 Pokémon Pinap Berry icon 10× Pinap Berry
Catch 15 Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke Slowpoke
Evolve 3 Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke Candy icon 30× Slowpoke Candy

Stage rewards

Field Notes: Slow and Slower 3/4

Task Reward
Make 3 Great Curve Ball Throws Great Ball icon 15× Great Ball
Catch 15 Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke Slowbro
Evolve 1 Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke Candy icon 50× Slowpoke Candy

Stage rewards

Field Notes: Slow and Slower 4/4

Task Reward
Claim reward! Ultra Ball icon 15× Ultra Ball
Claim reward! Slowking
Claim reward! Silver Pinap Berry icon 2× Silver Pinap Berry

Stage rewards


You’ll be able to get event-themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and purchasing them from the in-game shop.

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I've been playing Pokemon Go since the game launched way back in 2016, I am a loyal Valor player and also a content creator on YouTube going by the name Professor Glaw.
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