New Round of EX Raid Passes: April 14/15 2018

Trainers, in the last few days or maybe even today, some of you finally had the chance to complete your first Research Breakthrough (more information here) and capture the Legendary Moltres. Well, your luck might not have run out just yet as a new wave of EX Raid passes has rolled out, targeting an EX Raid on April 14th or 15th depending on your timezone!

PS: Please make sure to complete our EX Raid survey!
(We’ll present you a juicy analysis next week, so make sure to complete it)

Is this getting repetitive? It sure feels like it, but everything related to it is only positive! As we previously stated, EX Raid Pass distributions seem to become less and less curious, since a weekly pattern is now clearly in place. We can certainly appreciate that as it means that it might be easier for people to [finally] put their hands on an EX Raid Pass, and potentially a Mewtwo! This wave is the sixth weekly EX Raid Pass distribution in a row!

Considering that it has been nearly two months since we have seen weekly EX Raid Pass distributions, seeing trainers with two EX Raid passes is almost getting tiring to some trainers (not for us, we promise).

This is the seventh invitation wave after Niantic’s [more or less] recent acknowledgement that the invitation system should work differently now. Although a pattern is clearly drawing itself, we once again urge all of our readers to take part in our EX Raid survey and share it afterwards, especially to players who did not get an invitation.

Credits for this infographic go to CoupleOfGaming

A few early observations (very similar as the past few waves’ observations, which would explain that a pattern is clearly drawing itself):

  • Some players are reporting raiding today for the first time at the Gym where the raid is to take place, although these numbers certainly have decreased in the past few weeks;
  • The system, once again, clearly is using S2 L13 cells for the invitations, so we strongly suggest that you coordinate and trigger EX Raids accordingly;
  • Some players are yet still reporting raiding daily, hitting the proper gym and still not getting an invitation, but this has always been the case;
  • In case you can’t attend an EX raid, reach out to Niantic’s Customer support.

In any case, check out our Mewtwo raid guide: counters, weather, capture chances, IVs and CPs, power up your Tyranitars and be prepared.

Boon: Zero, I better not see you put your filthy hands on this one!

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Canadian Writer for the Pokémon GO Hub (and Admin on the Discord Server). Now I'm sorry eh, but I have to get more maple syrup from the store with my pet moose eh.
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