Hello Trainers! Pokémon GO 0.237.0 update is currently rolling out to a device near you and it brings with it some pretty neat updates under the hood. There’s been an update to the Unity Game engine, Shaymin’s signature move, more on Routes, and more!
💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being released at all. All of this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and is included along with some of my own commentary.
Unity Version Update
0.237.0 brings with it a 2020 version of the Unity game engine, this means that the game will need to download every asset to support the new version. We highly recommend that you open the game for the first time after updating while you’re connected to WiFi, especially if you have limited data on your phone plan.
New Assets
Some new assets were added in this update, they are likely all for the new routes feature that’s hopefully coming very soon.
Speaking of Routes
Route Badges
Route badges will come in Bronze, Silver, and Gold just like Gym badges.
Route Stamps
SingleRouteDetail publishedRouteStampItemPrefab nearbyRouteDetailsPanelPrefab routeStampCategoryWid .getPrefab routeStampWid .getPrefab stampsPage routePageSlideInTransition routePageSlideOutTransition onStampSheetCompleteEvent stampCategories RouteStampHeader maleIconReference femaleIconReference medalCountText stampCountText medals RouteStampCategoryWid .get routeStampHeader stampContainer RouteStampListPage categoryContainer stamp SetStampImage RouteStampWid .get add_OnStop remove_OnStop
Stamps and Categories for the routes are in the APK now, it looks like they’re getting really close.
Buddy Stamps
This line was added to the buddy section, so it appears that your buddy will be able to grab you some route stamps along your travels? Likely to encourage you to check out a route that’s nearby.
Build Avatar
The ability to dynamically build an original player avatar has been added. This is likely how the game will generate the NPCs that are along the routes.
Shaymin’s Signature Move
Shaymin’s signature move has been added, not shocking considering its the feature Mythical for Go Fest 2022
Ticket Gifting
As previously announced, the ability to gift tickets is in the APK now. This was announced for the upcoming Community Day, so keep your eyes peeled when the next Community Day ticket goes live.
Ticket GUI
ShowIapFriendPicker GiftTicketReceivedGuiController eventImage soundDelaySeconds inviteReceivedSound
The GUI for the ticket gifting.
You’ve got tickets
You’ll get a notification when you receive a ticket as a gift.
Some errors regarding ticket gifting, including one that indicates that your friend already has the ticket.
New Badges
New badges for the Okinawa air adventures event, Seville Safari zone, and 2 generic badges.
Fast Move Desync fix
This looks like fixes for fast moves desyncing, as Niantic previously announced.
New Battle States
Two new battle states have been added for PvP as well.
Adventure Sync Updates
FitnessUpdateProto _repeated_fitnessSamples_codec fitnessSamples_ FitnessUpdateOutProto UpdateAdventureSyncSettingsResponseProto UpdateAdventureSyncFitnessRequestProto GetAdventureSyncFitnessReportRequestProto GetAdventureSyncFitnessReportResponseProto FitnessSample .get_SampleType .get_SampleStartTimestampMs .set_SampleStartTimestampMs .get_SampleEndTimestampMs .set_SampleEndTimestampMs sampleType_ sampleStartTimestampMs_ sampleEndTimestampMs_ sourceType_ SampleStartTimestampMs SampleEndTimestampMs FitnessSampleType SAMPLE_UNSET STEPS WALKING_DISTANCE_METERS WHEELCHAIR_DISTANCE_METERS CALORIES_KCALS WHEELCHAIR_PUSH_COUNT EXERCISE_TIME_MI FitnessSourceType SOURCE_UNSET HEALTHKIT GOOGLE_FIT APPLE_WATCH ANDROID_SENSOR_HUB FitnessMetricsReportHistory _repeated_weeklyHistory_codec weeklyHistory_ _repeated_dailyHistory_codec dailyHistory_ _repeated_hourlyHistory_codec hourlyHistory_ MetricsHistory bucket_ FitnessRecordProto .get_HourlyReports .get_LastAggregationTimestampMs .set_LastAggregationTimestampMs .get_FitnessStats .set_FitnessStats .get_ReportHistory .set_ReportHistory _map_hourlyReports_codec _repeated_rawSamples_codec rawSamples_ lastAggregationTimestampMs_ fitnessStats_ reportHistory_ HourlyReports LastAggregationTimestampMs FitnessStats ReportHistory FitnessStatsProto .get_LastAccumulatedTimestampMs .set_LastAccumulatedTimestampMs .get_Accumulated .set_Accumulated .set_Pending .get_PlayerInitialWalkKm .set_PlayerInitialWalkKm
This essentially all looks like they are attempting to improve the accuracy of Adventure Sync, with things like when your activity started/stopped, wheelchair distance, and information source all being added.
Niantic Account
.get_NiaAccountId .set_NiaAccountId NiaAccountIdFieldNumber niaAccountId_ NiaAccountId .get_FriendNiaAccountId .set_FriendNiaAccountId
You’ll be able to link your Pokémon Go account to a Niantic account like how you link it to a Google or Facebook account.
Miscellaneous Stuff
Tracking In-Game Currency Exchange
Looks like Niantic wants to track the prices of things across the different currencies? Maybe for better consistency? Who knows.
Real-Time Inventory Updates
GetInventoryProto .get_TimestampMillis .set_TimestampMillis timestampMillis_ TimestampMillis GetInventoryResponseProto .get_InventoryDelta .set_InventoryDelta
They’ve added inventory updates, perhaps to track your inventory and refund items in real-time?
Disabled POI colour
POI’s that have been disabled for whatever reason can now have their own colour.
AR Camera
add_ArScanCameraCreated remove_ArScanCameraCreated add_ArScanCameraDestroyed remove_ArScanCameraDestroyed ArScanCameraCreated ArScanCameraDestroyed
Small updates to the AR camera, be careful you don’t destroy your camera with this one!
Combat Log Uploader
CombatLogUploadModalGuiController UploadButtonClicked logCountText progressBarSectionCanvasGroup uploadBarAnimationTime uploadCompleteDelay logUploadCompleteSprite logUploadCompleteSpriteSize CombatLogInfoButtonClicked
Updates to combat log uploading.
That’s all for now trainers! Stay safe out there!