Hello Trainers! Pokémon GO 0.241.0 update is currently rolling out to a device near you and it brings with it a lot. This was the PokéMiners biggest APK teardown to date, and for a good reason – it truly is a massive dump of findings, assets, and interesting bits of code.
Please read through all of this with a grain of salt – we often post data mining reports which end up taking months to release, and we don’t want our readers to be disappointed. Be smart, read this like speculation and be happy once it goes live.
💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being released at all. All of this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and includes some of my commentaries.
New Assets
The “Raid Egg 5” was just used for the “Tier 4” Zweilous raids after Deino Community Day, so it’s already in the wild. Do read our Deino Community Day Feedback post for what we think about the new Raids.
New Forms
These have been previously mined, however now they have forms to support their regional evolutions. Kleavor evolves from Scyther, and Ursaluna is the final form of Teddiursa.
In Hisui, Ursaring evolves into Ursaluna when exposed to a Peat Block during a full moon.
Beast Ball
According to the miners, a new “RaidBall” was added to the Raid Encounter and Raid Info sections. Apparently, the ball type you use during the encounter after the raid is set before you complete the raid, as it’s loaded with the raid details at the beginning. This is fairly concrete evidence that we’re going to get Beast Balls for Ultra Beast raids.
Quest Encounters: Ultra Beasts
ultraBeastEncounterPrefab UltraBeastEncounter Niantic.Holoholo.Encounter.UltraBeast get_DefaultBall get_GuiHideFlags
Ultra Beast encounters got the mythical treatment, with the ball being defaulted to a beast ball and the rest of the GUI being hidden. So no berries.
New Move: Obstruct

Obstruct has been added, which is the signature move of Obstagoon. The final evolution of Galarian Zigzagoon. What’s odd is that Obstruct is a non-damaging move.
Obstruct protects the user from any moves (except status moves) used against it during that turn. If Obstruct successfully blocks an attack that would have made contact, the attacker’s Defense drops by 2 stages.
Sounds like there’s a precedent for a PvP debuff, not sure how they’ll figure out damage though. This will be an interesting one to keep an eye on.
New Quest
A new quest condition was added, likely use a lucky egg or star piece.
New Badge
Apparently, Hisui is Gen 8A. This will be a fairly easy platinum medal I think unless Niantic drags their feet on releasing the final Pokémon of the generation for years, and years… coughkecleoncough.
NOTE: Technically there’s no connection between the badge graphic that was found earlier in June and the badge listed. However, I’m fairly sure it’s safe to say the badge the PokéMiners found is for the Hisui dex.
New? Character
Rhi 2.0? I think at some point Rhi will attempt to dress “more like us” in an attempt to understand our world better. I’d wager they get a Go Fest T-shirt, but that’s just me.
Moar Widget!
What’s that? You want to play the game while not playing the game?
At this rate your entire home screen will be nothing but Pokémon Go Widgets. This is not live yet, so no preview for you.
Daily Adventure Incense
Daily Incense is what your daily free spawn is called in the game code, this appears to be something different or an upgraded version. The PokéMiners aren’t exactly sure what to make of this at this point as there’s not a lot to go on.
PvP Updates
FAST_MOVE_FLY_IN_CLIP CLIENT_FAST_MOVE_FLY_IN_CLIP_FALL_BACK COMBAT_REWARDS_INVOKE CLIENT_SWAP_WIDGET_DISMISS CLIENT_COMBAT_NULL_RPC_GUARD CheckOpponentChargeMoveChance RecordCombatUpdate add_CombatExperimentsHaveBeenChanged remove_CombatExperimentsHaveBeenChanged CombatPokemonFunction
Some PvP updates, they’re still working on it. They’ve added a way to toggle experiements, so they apparently don’t yet know how to fix everything. Which is… fun.
Raid Log Update
They’ve added what raid boss you fought to the logs
Route Updates
Because we haven’t been talking about routes since 2019. What’s that? We have? … Theres no way, *checks notes* Oh…
Route Colours
Route Colours was first discovered a while ago, and when I say a while ago it was so long ago I can’t even find the original teardown it was reported in, and I looked. Anyway, they finally finished it and here’s what the colours look like:
Overhead map
This was added to the overhead map, so it appears that a path will appear on your overworld map to indicate where you need to go to follow the route.
coolDownIcon coolDownIconSize
Icon to indicate a route is on cooldown. Because walking the same path over and over again would be silly! *cough* ahhh, moving on…
routesShowMoreGuiPrefab get_ShowRouteCategory warningModalIcon OnShowMoreButtonPressed maxPublishedEntriesToDisplay showMoreRoutesLabel showMoreRoutesText waypointNameRecTransform waypointNameMaxWidthBeforeTruncate
More GUI stuff.
Map Updates
More map types, so they can accurately label areas of the map.
ClickCampfire OnClickCampfire verticalFadeForCampfire displayFadeHeightOffsetForCampfire campfireButtonGameObject get_CampfireEnabled get_MapButtonsEnabled
Launching Campfire from Pokémon Go.
Accounty Stuff
CampfireAccountStatus HasAccount AccountStatus
Checks to see if you have an account, and what the status of said account is.
Regional Chat
Com.Nianticproject.Messagingshared Niantic.Platform.SocialWebview.RegionalChat GetCurrentRegion CrossFactionRegionHash FactionRegionHash RegionName CampfireAccountManager
Chat’s will be based on your region.
NewsfeedPost FetchNewsfeedRequest get_PreviewText get_ThumbnailImageUrl get_PostContent
Campfire will have its own newsfeed
get_PageToken get_NumberOfPosts get_LanguageVersion get_appId get_NewsfeedChannel NOT_DEFINED NEWSFEED_MESSAGE_CHANNEL IN_APP_MESSAGE_CHANNEL
The feed will have different channels as well it looks like.
Timed Posts
get_StartTimestamp get_ExpirationTimestamp
The posts can be timestamped and set to expire so they dissapear after a certain date/time, like after an event ends.
Read this now!
get_PriorityFlag get_ReadFlag
Priority flag, so they can really tell you what to read right now!
Some errors
Gar Account
GarClientActionMethod GET_MY_ACCOUNT SEND_SMS_VERIFICATION_CODE UPDATE_PHONE_NUMBER CREATE_SHARED_LOGIN_TOKEN GET_CLIENT_SETTINGS GarClientApis.dll Niantic.Platform.GarClientApis GetMyAccountResponse MASKED_PHONE_NUMBER SendSmsVerificationCodeResponse UpdatePhoneNumberRequest .set_EnglishName .get_LocalizedName .get_CallingCode .get_CountryCode Niantic.PhoneAuth.dll Niantic.Platform.PhoneAuth PhoneAuthManager CheckHasPhoneAuth
A bunch of stuff was added for something called a Gar account, the PokéMiners think its a way to verify your account on Campfire. Something like Whatsapp.
Social Service v2
SocialServiceV2 Niantic.Platform.SocialClientApis CrossGameSocialServiceV2 niaAccountId SendInviteResponse DismissSendInviteResponse ReferContactResult SendContactInviteResult NotifyContactResult hasNewContacts SyncContactsResponse contactInviteStatus UpdateProfileResult UpdateFriendshipResult UpdateProfileResult UpdateFriendshipResult
Lots of stuff for Social Service V2, likely for Campfire as well.
Performance Settings
TelemetryAdvancedPerformanceReflection AdvancedPerformanceTelemetry
A previous text update had a bunch of informamtion on this, you’ll soon be able to adjust your performance settings in game.
Adjustable Settings
performance_preset_levels native_refresh_rate_fps special_framerate improved_sky dynamic_gyms normal_map_drawing_distance normal_fog_distance buildings_on_map friends_icon_in_list avatars_render_texture_size_high avatars_render_texture_size_low ar_prompt render_level texture_quality download_image_ram_cache map_details avatar_details render_and_texture
You’ll be able to adjust things like the sky texture, render levels, avatar details, map details, etc etc. This will allow users to adjust settings to improve battery life, or throttle their battery to iminent doom with higher settings.
Delete Account
Niantic.Platform.DeleteAccount DeleteAccountRequest CrmClientActionMethod DELETE_ACCOUNT DATA_ACCESS
They’re adding the ability to delete your account, likely to comply with the new Apple Store rules that apps have the ability to delete their account starting June 30th, 2022.
Email confirmation
If you choose to delete your account in the app, it will require you confirm in an email. So it should be fairly difficult to accidently delete your account.
AR Ads
I don’t know why there is a tutorial on AR ads, but ok…
Other super technical stuff
There were also a bunch of updates to Lightship, and adventure sync that to be fair will be transparent to you so I left them out. Thank me later.
That’s all for now trainers, stay safe out there!