Pokemon GO Egg Chart (Gen I and II)

The Pokemon GO Egg Hatching chart shows confirmed Generation I and II Egg hatches, including Shiny hatches. We are updating this table in real time as new info gets submitted by players or as new research material comes out. Egg rarity tiers % chance is specific to each egg group.

(🌟) marks a Pokemon that can be hatched shiny.

2KM Egg Chart

2KM Egg Chart
Abra 2KM Uncommon
  Aipom 2KM Uncommon
Cleffa 2KM Uncommon
Digglet 2KM Uncommon
Exeggcute 2KM Uncommon
Gastly 2KM Uncommon
Geodude 2KM Common
Igglybuff 2KM Uncommon
Krabby 2KM Common
Machop 2KM Uncommon
  Misdreavus 2KM Ultra-rare
Nidoran M 2KM Common
Nidoran F 2KM Common
Oddish 2KM Uncommon
Pichu (🌟) 2KM Uncommon
Slowpoke 2KM Uncommon
Slugma 2KM Uncommon
Spinarak 2KM Common
Togepi 2KM Uncommon
Magikarp (🌟) 2KM Uncommon

5KM Egg Chart

5KM Egg Chart
Chikorita 5KM Uncommon
Cubone 5KM Common
Cyndaquil 5KM Uncommon
Chinchou 5KM Common
Drowzee 5KM Common
Dunsparce 5KM Hyper-rare
Eevee 5KM Common
Elekid 5KM Uncommon
Girafarig 5KM Hyper-rare
Gligar 5KM Uncommon
Grimer 5KM Ultra-rare
Growlithe 5KM Common
Hoppip 5KM Uncommon
Kabuto 5KM Ultra-rare
Koffing 5KM Ultra-rare
Lickitung 5KM Ultra-rare
Magby 5KM Uncommon
Mantine 5KM Uncommon
Marill 5KM Uncommon
Houndour 5KM Uncommon
Natu 5KM Uncommon
Omanyte 5KM Ultra-rare
Onix 5KM Rare
Phanpy 5KM Common
Pineco 5KM Uncommon
Pinsir 5KM Rare
Poliwag 5KM Common
Ponyta 5KM Common
Qwilfish 5KM Ultra-rare
Rhyhorn 5KM Common
Scyther 5KM Common
Seel 5KM Rare
Shellder 5KM Common
Shuckle 5KM Hyper-rare
Smoochum 5KM Uncommon
Sneasel 5KM Ultra-rare
Snubbull 5KM Uncommon
Stantler 5KM Uncommon
Swinub 5KM Uncommon
Tangela 5KM Rare
Teddiursa 5KM Uncommon
Tototdile 5KM Uncommon
Tyrogue 5KM Uncommon
Voltorb 5KM Common
Wobbuffet 5KM Hyper-rare
Wooper 5KM Uncommon

10KM Egg Chart

10KM Egg Chart
Aerodactyl 10KM Ultra-rare
Chansey 10KM Rare
Dratini 10KM Uncommon
Lapras 10KM Ultra-rare
Larvitar 10KM Uncommon
Mareep 10KM Rare
Miltank 10KM Ultra-rare
Porygon 10KM Ultra-rare
Skarmory 10KM Ultra-rare
Snorlax 10KM Ultra-rare
Sudowoodo 10KM Rare

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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