Pokémon TCG Pocket: Analyzing the Serperior Grass Deck Meta

With the introduction of the Mythical Island Themed boosted pack in Pokémon TCG Pocket, the meta has undergone a paradigm shift with the advent of new decks. 

Powered by new EX cards, decks like Water, Psychic, and Grass have become the talk of the town. The Grass deck, in particular, has become insanely strong thanks to the addition of Celebi EX.

Celebi EX (Mythical Island booster Pack, Pokémon TCG Pocket)

The move Powerful Bloom does 50 DMG for each head, where the number of coin flips is based on the amount of Energy attached to Celebi EX. Sounds underwhelming and too flippy-dependent?

Well, that’s where the real star of the improved Grass deck slithers into the picture: Serperior.

Serperior (Mythical Island booster Pack, Pokémon TCG Pocket)

Serperior technically doesn’t even need to be on the Active Spot or necessarily do any damage. What makes Serperior so ridiculous is its Ability Jungle Totem.

Jungle Totem ensures that each Grass Energy attached to your Grass Pokémon counts as 2 Energy instead! To put it into perspective, it’s basically 2 Energy on Venusaur EX being regarded as 4 Energy. In other words, Venu EX can use Giant Bloom after you devote just 2 Energy to it! 

Due to this, Serperior can also fit in the old Venusaur EX | Exeggutor Grass deck we all fear but Celebi EX just takes the deck’s strength to another level.

Serperior | Celebi EX Grass deck

  • Celebi EX and Serperior are partners in crime, with Jungle Totem’s extra energy being accounted for when you do the coin flips for Celebi EX’s Powerful Bloom. Just 2 Energy for Celebi EX is considered as 4, and you do 4 coin flips. If you have 3 Energy attached to Celebi, you’ll do 6 coin flips.
  • A head from each coin flip amounts to 50 DMG. So if you get even 3-4 heads, you’ll be doing 150-200 DMG, enough to OHKO the strongest EX cards.
  • Celebi EX is a Basic card and can be brought to the forefront without any evolutions.
  • Serperior is meant for the Bench and Celebi EX needs to be protected until the grassy serpent is ready to roll.
  • That’s where the Exeggutor cards fit it. Exeggutor EX is a phenomenal starter that’s blessed with a whopping 160 HP and can do up to 80 DMG at only 1 Energy as long as it gets a head on a coin flip. Even if it’s tails, you still do 40 DMG. 
  • Exeggutor EX can stall and recover from Erika’s support until Serperior is ready. Celebi EX can then take the Active Spot.
  • To help EXegg retreat without hassle, use Leaf to reduce the retreat cost to only 1 Energy (which is exactly what’s needed to use Tropical Swing).
  • If all this doesn’t go your way, we have another Exeggutor card to save the day! This one’s the sassy new Exeggutor from the Mythical Island set.
  • It boasts 130 HP and at only 2 Energy, Serperior helps it blast the move Psychic. Aside from base 80 DMG, Psychic does 20 more damage for each energy attached to the opponent.
  • This piles up and can OHKO opposing Celebi with all the damage add-ons, and even threaten other EX cards like Pikachu, Mewtwo, Mew, Gyarados, Arcanine (with Giovanni), Wigglytuff, Lapras, Starmie (with Giovanni), and Marowak!
  • You can increase or decrease the Trainer cards as you wish, but the Pokémon cards displayed above are the only ones you’d need.

This Grass deck is supremely strong and is truly unrivaled in power. It can obviously crumble against other Celebi EX and Serperior decks if they get luckier than you and ramp up their setup sooner.

Fire decks are a weakness but if you build Celebi EX fast with Serperior, even Charizard EX i going down! Ultimately, have fun with it and see how well Serperior goes with other Grass type cards like Venusaur EX, Caterpie, Victreebl, and Dhelmise.

Happy collecting and battling, TCG Pocket-ers!

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, design, and lore. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].

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