Misunderstood Mischief Special Research Story introduces Hoopa to the world of Pokémon GO. It is the first ever Season-long Special Research story, spanning the entire Season of Mischief!
Misunderstood Mischief has 16 stages, and is available from September 1, 2021. During September, October and November new stages are being released and Trainers can progress the quest line alongside their usual Pokémon GO activities.
Misunderstood Mischief Research Tasks and Rewards
Beginning September 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. local time, you’ll be able to access a season-long Special Research story. Throughout the Season of Mischief, you’ll gain access to different sets of tasks in this Special Research story.
Misunderstood Mischief Tasks and Rewards (1 of 16)
Completing Misunderstood Mischief will give you access to Mischief Unbound Special Research during the Mischief Unbound Event. This Special Research story unlocks the ability to switch Hoopa’s forms for a price, but it requires completing Misunderstood Mischief to a certain degree.