Snorlax Raid Guide


Snorlax is a Tier 3 Raid boss, having a raid boss CP of 16684. As a pure Normal type, Snorlax is only weak to Fighting types. When defeated, Snorlax will have the following catch CP ranges:

  • 1760 – 1843 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 2201 – 2304 CP at Level 25 with Partly Cloudy weather boost

Snorlax can be soloed by the high level prepared trainer, but newer trainers, or those without strong Fighting types, may want to bring a friend. It can be shiny!

Snorlax Counters

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Snorlax raid boss:

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Lucario (Mega) Force Palm Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 2 75s
2. Heracross (Mega) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 3 100s
3. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 2 105s
4. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 4 97s
5. Terrakion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 3 102s
6. Lucario Force Palm Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 4 97s
7. Conkeldurr (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 4 100s
8. Keldeo (Ordinary) Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 3 110s
9. Alakazam (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 4 106s
10. Machamp (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 5 105s
11. Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Psycho Cut Psychic Sunsteel Strike Steel 3 121s
12. Marshadow Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 3 123s
13. Hariyama (Shadow) Force Palm Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 5 108s
14. Annihilape (Shadow) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 3 121s
15. Lopunny (Mega) Double Kick Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 4 114s
16. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Focus Blast Fighting 4 116s
17. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 4 120s
18. Zapdos (Galarian) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 4 129s
19. Decidueye (Hisuian) Psycho Cut Psychic Aura Sphere Fighting 4 125s
20. Salamence (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Fly Flying 3 138s
21. Blaziken (Shadow) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 7 112s
22. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 3 140s
23. Cobalion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 3 136s
24. Buzzwole Counter Fighting Superpower Fighting 3 132s
25. Sirfetch'd (Shadow) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 6 115s
26. Gengar (Mega) Sucker Punch Dark Focus Blast Fighting 4 129s
27. Virizion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 3 136s
28. Machamp Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 5 125s
29. Pinsir (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Superpower Fighting 3 135s
30. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 3 141s

Snorlax Movepool

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Lick Ghost
  • Zen Headbutt Psychic
  • Yawn* Normal
  • Skull Bash Normal
  • Hyper Beam Normal
  • Earthquake Ground
  • Heavy Slam Steel
  • Super Power Fighting
  • Outrage Dragon
  • Body Slam Normal

*Denotes a Legacy Move only obtainable via Elite TM.

Zen Headbutt will do some damage to your fighters, but with no Psychic type Charged Attack, and no STAB, it isn’t too much to worry about. Earthquake, Outrage and Super Power will all hit pretty hard, but their typings mean they aren’t Super Effective.

Snorlax Stats

Snorlax Normal
Max CP at lvl 40 3225 | at lvl 50 3647
ATK 190 DEF 169 HP 330
Weak to Resistances
Fighting Ghost

That HP stat of 330 means Snorlax can feel like slow work, but being a Normal type it can[‘t do any Super Effective damage to you. Use optimal counters and watch this beefy lad melt away!


Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

Snorlax is a highly sought after shiny, with their teal body becoming a bright royal blue!

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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