Zapdos Raid Guide


Zapdos raid is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO. Zapdos Boss CP is 46418 and it has only two weaknesses due to its Electric and Flying type: Rock and Ice.

  • 1930 – 2015 CP catch range (Level 20, no weather boost)
  • 2413 – 2519 CP catch range (Level 25, boosted by Windy or Rainy weather)

Ambitious players, with the introduction of friendship, weather, Party Play and Mega Pokémon may attempt a duo, however realistically a group of four or more is a safe bet.

Zapdos Counters

The following Pokémon are considered to be best Zapdos counters in a raid battle:

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Rhyperior (Shadow) Smack Down Rock Rock Wrecker Rock 12 499s
2. Rampardos (Shadow) Smack Down Rock Rock Slide Rock 34 423s
3. Mamoswine (Shadow) Powder Snow Ice Avalanche Ice 18 495s
4. Diancie (Mega) Rock Throw Rock Rock Slide Rock 25 469s
5. Tyranitar (Mega) Smack Down Rock Stone Edge Rock 16 542s
6. Rhyperior Smack Down Rock Rock Wrecker Rock 12 601s
7. Rampardos Smack Down Rock Rock Slide Rock 35 513s
8. Tyranitar (Shadow) Smack Down Rock Stone Edge Rock 25 549s
9. Aerodactyl (Mega) Rock Throw Rock Rock Slide Rock 34 519s
10. Weavile (Shadow) Ice Shard Ice Avalanche Ice 40 508s
11. Mamoswine Powder Snow Ice Avalanche Ice 19 597s
12. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Ice Beam Ice 31 542s
13. Baxcalibur Ice Fang Ice Avalanche Ice 23 575s
14. Darmanitan (Galarian Standard) Ice Fang Ice Avalanche Ice 38 530s
15. Tyrantrum Rock Throw Rock Meteor Beam Rock 21 594s
16. Golem (Shadow) Rock Throw Rock Stone Edge Rock 18 627s
17. Garchomp (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 12 693s
18. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Ancient Power Rock 26 589s
19. Terrakion Smack Down Rock Rock Slide Rock 27 596s
20. Aggron (Shadow) Smack Down Rock Meteor Beam Rock 27 603s
21. Glalie (Mega) Frost Breath Ice Avalanche Ice 36 575s
22. Kyurem Dragon Breath Dragon Glaciate Ice 24 626s
23. Gardevoir (Mega) Confusion Psychic Triple Axel Ice 30 600s
24. Abomasnow (Mega) Powder Snow Ice Weather Ball Ice 27 611s
25. Golem (Alola Shadow) Rock Throw Rock Stone Edge Rock 24 629s
26. Mr. Rime (Shadow) Ice Shard Ice Triple Axel Ice 40 578s
27. Gigalith Smack Down Rock Meteor Beam Rock 28 626s
28. Darmanitan (Standard Shadow) Fire Fang Fire Rock Slide Rock 48 572s
29. Cetitan Ice Shard Ice Avalanche Ice 30 632s
30. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Blizzard Ice 30 632s

Zapdos Counters Explained

Zapdos counters are strongly based around Rock and Ice type attackers, and follow a similar pattern as other Legendary bird counters. Zapdos can relatively easily be countered with Pokemon that take reduced Electric damage:

  • Rhyperior, Mamoswine and Golem are all examples of mixed Ground types with strong Rock moves that are fairly easily available as budget options.
  • The majority of Rock-typed Zapdos counters have access to Smack Down, an excellent move for dealing with Flying types
  • The majority of Ice-typed Zapdos counters are bulky attackers, such as Mamoswine and Mega Abomasnow.

Stats and Max CP

Zapdos ElectricFlying
Max CP at Level 40 3527 | Max CP at Level 50 3987
ATK 253 DEF 185 HP 207
Weak to Resistances
Ice Rock  Bug Fighting Flying Grass Ground Steel

Zapdos Move Sets

Zapdos moves are mostly Electric-type moves, with Drill Peck Flying and Ancient Power Rock thrown in the mix for PvP viability and lore fluff. Consequentially, 60% of the time, you will face Zapdos with Electric moves:

Fast moves Charge moves
  • Charge Beam Electric
  • Thunder Shock* Electric
  • Zap Cannon Electric
  • Thunder Electric
  • Thunderbolt Electric
  • Drill Peck Flying
  • Ancient Power Rock

Zap Cannon, Thunder and Thunderbolt are all relatively similar, but Zap Cannon will hurt the most. Comparatively speaking, Thunder is often the easiest Electric move to be faced against.

Drill Peck can be problematic, as it’s only a 33 Energy move. Zapdos can charge and fire Drill Peck quite frequently, which makes it quite dangerous in longer raid battles. Eventually, dodge fatigue results in more damage taken compared to Thunderbolt. Drill Peck also deals a significant amount of damage compared to Thunder and Thunderbolt.

Ancient Power is not a major concern, but it does fit in the same problem bucket as Drill Peck: frequent activation, dodge fatigue and unusual typing (Rock!)

*Thunder Shock is a legacy move, only obtainable via Elite TM.


Rainy weather is not going to be your friend with Zapdos, but thankfully its the only concern. Otherwise on the positive end, Windy will merely allow it to be a higher level when caught, and Partly Cloudy and Snow will provide the extra benefits needed to take it down faster.

Weather Pro Con
Windy Allows a Level 25 Encounter from Weather Boost
Partly Cloudy Boosts Super Effective Rock attacks
Snow Boosts Super Effective Ice attacks
Rainy Boosts Zapdos’ Electric moves


Zapdos Sprites

Zapdos sadly has the weakest shiny of the three Kanto Legendary birds, keep an eye out for those darker feet, and a slight’y brighter yellow.

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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