Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss

 Walrein, Sealeo and Spheal Relicanth 

Pokémon GO Clamperl can evolve into a Huntail (Max CP 2340) or a Gorebyss (Max CP 2494) in Pokémon GO. The evolution process in the core games included trading a Clamperl holding a Deep Sea Tooth (for Huntail), or a Deep Sea Scale (for Gorebyss), but in Pokémon GO it is expected to be pure RNG.

Both Huntail and Gorebyss are fairly good additions to the Pokémon GO meta, falling right in the middle of the middle tier of water Pokémon with their strong Attack and glass-cannon like Stamina. In the main series games, Huntail and Gorebyss have the Swift Swim ability which doubles speed during rain.

Clamperl is known as the “Bivalve Pokémon”, Huntail as the “Deep Sea Pokémon” and Gorebyss as the “South Sea Pokémon”.  All of them are pure Water-type Pokémon.

Clamperl / Huntail / Gorebyss Stats
Clamperl 133 135 111 1270
Huntail 197 179 146 2340
Gorebyss 211 179 146 2494

Huntail and Gorebyss in Pokémon GO

We must admit, we were very excited about both Huntail and Gorebyss! With their strong Attack stat, they definitely are an interesting twist on the traditionally bulky water Pokémon. Gorebyss benefits slightly more from the current Combat Power formula, as it has 14 more ATK, which in turn translates to 154 more points in terms of Max CP. Aside from the interesting stat distribution, the moves they both can learn are an absolute hype-killer.

Pokémon GO Clamperl, Gorebyss, and Huntail Moves and Best Movesets

Here are the following move pools for ClamperlHuntail, and Gorebyss.

Clamperl / Huntail / Gorebyss Move Sets
Pokémon Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Water Gun Water
  • Ice Beam Ice
  • Heavy Slam Normal
  • Water Pulse Water
  • Water Gun Water
  • Bite Dark
  • Ice Beam Ice
  • Aqua Tail Water
  • Crunch Dark
  • Water Gun Water
  • Confusion Psychic
  • Psychic Psychic
  • Draining Kiss Fairy
  • Water Pulse Water



Neither Pokémon has access to a good Water type move set. Because of this, it is safe to say Huntail and Gorebyss won’t have much use in the Water meta-game. As mentioned previously, they are glass cannons anyways, so that doesn’t help them much either. We are sad Hydro Pump wasn’t a charge move option.

Shiny Clamperl, Shiny Huntail, and Shiny Gorebyss in Pokémon GO

A normal Clamperl has a dark blue colored shell with a silver rim on its inner edges. It has a light blue body with 6 spherical extensions and a pink, pearl-like head in the center. A normal Huntail has a light-blue colored body, it has orange fins on its back, on top of its head and on its lower jaw. Its body and face are dotted with white spots that are bordered by orange rings. A normal Gorebyss has a pink body. Its tail and the top of its head are purple-tipped. It also has 2 purple shells on its body.

A shiny Clamperl has a bright royal purple colored and has a yellow, pearl-like head in the center. A shiny Huntail has a light green colored body, it has yellow fins on its back, on top of its head and on its lower jaw. Its body and face are dotted with white spots that are bordered by yellow rings. A shiny Gorebyss has a bright yellow colored body. Its tail and the top of its head are purple-tipped. It also has 2 purple shells on its body like its normal counterpart.

Shiny Clamperl / Huntail / Gorebyss
Clamperl Huntail Gorebyss

In the Anime

Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss made their major appearance on the 369th episode of the Pokémon series (Advanced Generation: Episode 95) titled, “The Evolutionary War”.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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