Altered Forme Giratina Raid Guide

Giratina (Altered)

Giratina (Altered Forme) is a Ghost and Dragon type tier 5 raid boss in Pokémon GO, and it can be caught with the following Combat Power values:

  • 1848 – 1931 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 2310 – 2414 CP at Level 25 with Fog or Windy weather boost

In this guide, we’ll cover the strongest Giratina counters, the best strategy on how to defeat it, and what CPs you can get when catching a strong Giratina. The best case scenario for Giratina (Altered Forme) is 2-6 high-level players, or 6-10 lower levelled players when fighting this raid boss.

Best Pokémon to defeat Giratina Altered Forme Raid icon

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 15 440s
2. Garchomp (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 14 517s
3. Tyranitar (Mega) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 10 572s
4. Tyranitar (Shadow) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 16 571s
5. Salamence (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 17 554s
6. Dialga (Origin) Dragon Breath Dragon Roar of Time Dragon 16 583s
7. Palkia (Origin) Dragon Tail Dragon Spacial Rend Dragon 20 550s
8. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 29 498s
9. Garchomp (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 21 548s
10. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Psycho Cut Psychic Moongeist Beam Ghost 30 500s
11. Salamence (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 29 523s
12. Groudon (Primal) Dragon Tail Dragon Precipice Blades Ground 15 628s
13. Dragonite (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 27 547s
14. Gardevoir (Mega) Charm Fairy Dazzling Gleam Fairy 24 572s
15. Houndoom (Mega) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 20 613s
16. Rayquaza Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 26 574s
17. Latios (Mega) Dragon Breath Dragon Dragon Claw Dragon 26 584s
18. Weavile (Shadow) Snarl Dark Avalanche Ice 27 579s
19. Haxorus Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 28 580s
20. Tyranitar Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 16 686s
21. Gyarados (Mega) Bite Dark Outrage Dragon 14 705s
22. Palkia Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 24 616s
23. Dialga Dragon Breath Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 20 655s
24. Darkrai Snarl Dark Shadow Ball Ghost 20 655s
25. Latias (Mega) Dragon Breath Dragon Outrage Dragon 23 634s
26. Mamoswine (Shadow) Powder Snow Ice Avalanche Ice 28 609s
27. Garchomp Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 21 659s
28. Hydreigon Dragon Breath Dragon Brutal Swing Dark 21 668s
29. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Shadow Ball Ghost 33 591s
30. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Breaking Swipe Dragon 29 613s

Giratina (Altered Forme) Stats and Max CP

Giratina (Altered) GhostDragon
Max CP at Level 40 3379 | Max CP at Level 50 3820
ATK 187 DEF 225 HP 284
Weaknesses Resistances
Dark Dragon Fairy Ghost Ice  Fighting Normal Bug Electric Fire Grass Poison Water

Giratina Moveset Analysis

Giratina (Altered Form) can have the following moves in a raid battle and when captured:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Shadow Claw Ghost
  • Dragon Breath Dragon
  • Dragon Claw Dragon
  • Ancient Power Rock
  • Shadow Sneak Ghost
  • Shadow Force* Ghost

*Denotes a Legacy move only obtainable via Elite TM.

Giratina Altered Forme Sprites

Shiny Altered Forme Giratina is available from raid encounters:

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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