Hisuian Samurott Raid Guide

Samurott (Hisuian)

Hisuian Samurott is a Tier 3 raid boss part of the Better Together event. The ideal recommended group size is 1-3 for well-prepared trainers. Make sure you are armed with the correct movesets for your counters. With Party Play, you can ensure you have the edge throughout these raids by using Party Power.

Hisuian Samurott can be shiny from raids.

Hisuian Samurott can be caught in the following CP range:

  • 1525 CP to 1601 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 1907 CP to 2001 CP at Level 25, weather boosted during Rainy and Fog

Hisuian Samurott is a Water Dark type Pokémon, with weaknesses to Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting and Grass –typed moves.

Hisuian Samurott made its Pokémon GO debut during a special Raid Day at the start of the Season of Timeless Travels. Hisuian Samurott is currently only available as a Raid Boss.

Top Hisuian Samurott Counters Raid icon

Reminder: Mega-Evolved Pokémon give other Pokémon special bonuses when brought to a Raid Battle. While a Mega-Evolved Pokémon is on the battlefield, all Trainers’ Pokémon receive an attack boost to all their attacks and gain an additional attack boost if their attack types match the Mega-Evolved Pokémon’s type(s).

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Heracross (Mega) Counter Fighting Megahorn Bug 2 86s
2. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 3 79s
3. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 3 87s
4. Gardevoir (Mega) Charm Fairy Dazzling Gleam Fairy 3 89s
5. Terrakion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 3 91s
6. Keldeo (Ordinary) Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 2 99s
7. Keldeo Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 2 99s
8. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 2 94s
9. Kartana Razor Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 4 89s
10. Raikou (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 91s
11. Machamp (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 3 92s
12. Xurkitree Thunder Shock Electric Discharge Electric 4 90s
13. Electivire (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 89s
14. Manectric (Mega) Thunder Fang Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 93s
15. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Thunderbolt Electric 4 94s
16. Zekrom Charge Beam Electric Fusion Bolt Electric 3 99s
17. Magnezone (Shadow) Spark Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 95s
18. Sceptile (Shadow) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 5 91s
19. Venusaur (Mega) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 3 102s
20. Hariyama (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 3 98s
21. Lucario Counter Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 3 98s
22. Thundurus (Therian) Volt Switch Electric Wildbolt Storm Electric 4 96s
23. Alakazam (Mega) Counter Fighting Dazzling Gleam Fairy 5 93s
24. Shaymin (Sky) Magical Leaf Grass Grass Knot Grass 4 98s
25. Pheromosa Bug Bite Bug Bug Buzz Bug 6 91s
26. Tapu Koko Volt Switch Electric Nature’s Madness Fairy 3 101s
27. Luxray (Shadow) Spark Electric Wild Charge Electric 5 95s
28. Enamorus (Incarnate) Fairy Wind Fairy Dazzling Gleam Fairy 4 101s
29. Pinsir (Mega) Bug Bite Bug X-Scissor Bug 3 102s
30. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 3 106s

Hisuian Samurott Overview General icon

Samurott (Hisuian) WaterDark
Max CP at Level 40 2802| Max CP at Level 50 3167
ATK 218 DEF 152 HP 207
Weak To: Strong Against:
Bug Electric Fairy Fighting Grass Psychic Dark Fire Ghost Ice Steel Water

Shiny comparison

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

Hisuian Samurott Move Sets Attack icon

Samurott has access to this set of moves as a raid boss:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
Fury Cutter Bug Dark Pulse Dark
Snarl Dark X-Scissor Bug
Waterfall Water Icy Wind Ice
  Razor Shell Water

Hisuian Samurott does not yet have access to its signature move, Ceaseless Edge. Hisuian Samurott’s best moveset in Pokémon GO is Snarl and Razor Shell, with 14.61 damage per second, and it can deal 375.9 damage before Hisuian Samurott faints. This is true when battling in neutral weather.

Weather Effects

Weather Pro Attacker Pro Hisuian Samurott
Sunny/Sunny Boosts Super Effective Grass type attacks
Partly Cloudy
Cloudy Boosts Super Effective Fairy and Fighting type attacks
Rainy Boosts Super Effective Bug and Electric type attacks Boosts Bug and Water type moves
Snow Boosts Ice type moves
Fog Boosts Dark type moves

Your top attackers will be boosted by Sunny, Sunny and Cloudy weather which gives some versatility. Given Hisuian Samurott is a 3 Star boss you will be able to complete the raid without the edge of Weather Boosted attacks.

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