Kecleon in Pokémon GO: Full Guide

Kecleon has finally made its Pokémon GO debut, following the wrap up of Chespin Community Day: January 2023 in your area. Kecleon is a rare spawn that is available as a PokéStop encounter, meaning you will have to find a specific PokéStop, spin it and then it will appear. 

Kecleon PokéStops do not have a visual indicator on the overworld map, but clicking on the PokéStop will show an semi-invisible Kecleon hanging around the PokéStop image. Here’s how to find and get Kecleon in Pokémon GO.

How to find Kecleon in Pokémon GO

Kecleon has arrived as a special encounter at certain Pokéstops following Chespin Community Day, appearing in mostly invisible form blocking you from spinning said PokéStops.

Tapping the ‘invisible’ Kecleon multiple times will reveal Kecleon, and it will jump off the PokéStop, and trigger a Kecleon spawn on the overworld map. You’ll be prevented from spinning the PokéStop until Kecleon jumps off the stop.

How to find Kecleon in Pokémon GO
How to find Kecleon in Pokémon GO

Kecleon can then be encountered as a normal Pokémon spawn. Click on the spawn on the overworld map to start the encounter. There are no prerequisites to encountering Kecleon aside from Chespin Community Day being over in your region.

Kecleon is available for everyone at the encountered PokéStop – spawns are shared with all Trainers, but everyone has to spin the PokéStop on their own. It’s quite a rare spawn, so expect to find it every 15 – 20 PokéStops.

A note on Rocket Radar: Turn off your Rocket Radar (Regular and Super) when searching for Kecleon. Rocket Leader and Giovanni encounters override Kecleon, and will hide a potential spawn.

Kecleon in Pokémon GO


Kecleon is a Normal type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. It has a max CP of 2314, with the following stats in Pokémon GO: 161 ATK, 189 DEF and 155 STA. It has access to a wide variety of charge moves:

  • Foul Play – Dark type, 70 damage, 45 energy
  • Aerial Ace – Flying type, 55 damage, 45 energy
  • Shadow Sneak – Ghost type, 50 damage, 45 energy
  • Flamethrower – Fire type, 90 damage, 55 energy
  • Ice Beam – Ice type, 90 damage, 55 energy
  • Thunder – Electric type, 100 damage, 60 energy

Unfortunately, Kecleon is not useful in Raids or Trainer Battles, so it’s more of a collectors item, rather than anything else. You can read our A Brief PvP Analysis on Kecleon! for an in-depth look about Kecleon in PvP.

Kecleon IVs and CPs

Kecleon can be encountered as a weather boosted spawn. Kecleon is boosted by Partly Cloudy weather. Bold indicates Pokémon level in the wild. Levels up to 30 available in the wild, 30-35 only with weather boost.

Kecleon Perfect IV CP Chart
1 28 2 90 3 152 4 214
5 276 6 337 7 399 8 461
9 523 10 585 11 643 12 701
13 760 14 818 15 877 16 935
17 994 18 1052 19 1111 20 1169
21 1228 22 1286 23 1345 24 1403
25 1462 26 1520 27 1579 28 1637
29 1696 30 1754 31 1783 32 1813
33 1842 34 1871 35 1900 36 1930
37 1959 38 1988 39 2017 40 2047
41 2073 42 2099 43 2125 44 2152
45 2178 46 2205 47 2232 48 2259
49 2286 50 2314

Kecleon heads to Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Las Vegas!

Trainers! New data has continued to emerge, and we have learned that lucky Trainers attending Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Las Vegas will have the first opportunity to encounter Shiny Kecleon!

Trainers unable to attend Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Las Vegas will have their opportunity to catch Shiny Kecleon a little later—it’ll make its Pokémon GO debut for the rest of the world during Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Global.

Regular Shiny

As a reminder, ticket-holding Trainers in Las Vegas will also have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region!

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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