Mareanie Raid Guide


Mareanie is a Tier-3 raid boss in Pokémon GO. It was previously a tier 1, but has now been updated to a tier 3, making it more difficult. It is still soloable for most trainers, but those without ideal counters may want to bring a friend.

Mareanie is a Poison and Water type Pokémon, and as such, is weak to the Psychic, Ground, and Electric types.

It is an easy solo.

Mareanie can be caught in the following CP range:

  • 511 CP to 555 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 639 CP to 694 CP at Level 25, with Rainy or Cloudy weather boost

Top Mareanie Counters

With that being said, here are the best counters for Mareanie in Pokémon GO:

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Mewtwo (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psystrike Psychic 1 53s
2. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 1 61s
3. Garchomp (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 0 68s
4. Alakazam (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 57s
5. Latios (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 66s
6. Groudon (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 1 66s
7. Gallade (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 64s
8. Mewtwo Confusion Psychic Psystrike Psychic 1 64s
9. Metagross (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 71s
10. Excadrill (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 1 69s
11. Magnezone (Shadow) Volt Switch Electric Wild Charge Electric 1 72s
12. Garchomp (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 1 72s
13. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 1 72s
14. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Sandsear Storm Ground 1 70s
15. Latios (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 67s
16. Hoopa (Unbound) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 67s
17. Gardevoir (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 64s
18. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Psycho Cut Psychic Moongeist Beam Ghost 1 74s
19. Latias (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 76s
20. Zekrom Charge Beam Electric Fusion Bolt Electric 1 73s
21. Raikou (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 1 69s
22. Thundurus (Therian) Volt Switch Electric Wildbolt Storm Electric 1 68s
23. Rhyperior (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 1 74s
24. Lunala Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 1 80s
25. Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Psycho Cut Psychic Future Sight Psychic 1 82s
26. Manectric (Mega) Thunder Fang Electric Wild Charge Electric 1 69s
27. Mamoswine (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground High Horsepower Ground 1 71s
28. Swampert (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earthquake Ground 1 82s
29. Alakazam (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 64s
30. Electivire (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 2 67s

Mareanie Overview

Mareanie PoisonWater
Max CP at Level 40 972 | Max CP at Level 50 1099
ATK 98 DEF 110 HP 137
Weak To: Resistance:
Electric Ground Psychic Bug Fairy Fighting Fire Ice Poison Steel Water

Mareanie Movepool

Mareanie has access to this set of moves as a raid boss:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Poison Sting Poison
  • Bite Dark
  • Gunk Shot Poison
  • Sludge Wave Poison
  • Muddy Water Water

Mareanie’s evolution, Toxapex, is a meta-shifting Pokémon that will make a splash in Great League (more info here). To sum it up, it is bulkier than Azumarill and G. Stunfisk, and it has access to Muddy Water which can flip hard counters like Skarmory.

Toxapex is also a great Gym Defender, and has good synergy with Chansey and Blissey. The only downside is its weakness to Mewtwo, which is a very common generalist for bringing down gyms. That weakness can be remedied by being paired up with bulky Dark types like Umbreon and Mandibuzz, the latter of which does not have a Fighting weakness giving Chansey and Blissey better synergy.

Mareanie Sprites

Mareanie is available shiny in Pokémon GO, and it becomes a fantastic bright coral pink!

Mareanie Sprite Shiny Mareanie Sprite
Mareanie Pokémon GO Sprite Shiny Mareanie Pokémon GO Sprite

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