Mateo in Pokémon GO: Everything you need to know

Mateo is a new character in Pokémon GO that appears at the end of Routes in Pokémon GO. He is a friendly research that loves picking up and exchanging Gifts with Trainers, and allows Trainers to participate in Gift Exchange and obtain a Gift from another Trainer. 

You can meet Mateo by completing a Route. When you complete a Route, Mateo may be waiting for you at the end point. He’ll then ask if you’d like to participate in a Gift Exchange.

If you agree, you’ll receive a Gift from another Trainer, and you can pin the Postcard attached to that Gift to make progress toward your Vivillon Collector medal.  In addition to the Postcard you receive, a Gift Exchange can also provide Pokéballs, Potions, and other items as a reward.

Mateo appears next to the PokéStop which ends your Route. Mateo can appear only once per day at the end of any Route. There is currently a bug where Mateo doesn’t appear if the end point is a Gym. Tapping on the Gym will prompt Mateo to appear. 

How to exchange Gifts with Mateo

While you are following a Route, you may notice a figure appear on the Map View near some PokéStops or Gyms. This figure is Mateo, another explorer like you, who is currently following Routes of his own.

Tap on Mateo to initiate a Gift Exchange, where you can select a Gift and Postcard from a nearby PokéStop or Gym to exchange with Mateo. Mateo will present you with a choice of Gifts from nearby. Tap on whichever Gift to send, and you will receive a random Gift and Postcard from another player from somewhere else around the world!


  • Mateo doesn’t drop Zygarde cells.
  • If you pause a Route, Mateo will disappear. He’ll appear immediately after you hit restart, but if you choose to complete the line you won’t see him again (during this session) in the same day.
  • Clicking on the Complete Route button will skip interacting with him Mateo.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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