Mega Tyranitar Raid Guide

Tyranitar (Mega)

Mega Tyranitar is a Rock and Dark type Mega Raid boss. Best Mega Tyranitar raid counters include powerful Fighting types, as it has a double weakness to Fighting, along with Bug, Fairy Ground Steel Water, and Grass types, with a mixed range of different counters available to help you defeat it.

Depending on your levels and counters, we would recommend 3-5 trainers who are high level, and more if you don’t have optimal teams. This guide will tell you how to beat this terrifying Mega, as well as its optimal stats, moves and CP range.

Mega Tyranitar Counters

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Mega Tyranitar:

# Pokémon Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Lucario (Mega) Force Palm Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 124/td> 217s
2. Terrakion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 13 284s
3. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 16 277s
4. Keldeo (Ordinary) Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 12 306s
5. Conkeldurr (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 18 283s
6. Heracross (Mega) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 18 291s
7. Lucario Force Palm Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 23 287s
8. Machamp (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 21 299s
9. Hariyama (Shadow) CForce Palm Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 20 304s
10. Lopunny (Mega) Double Kick Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 18 328s
11. Gallade (Mega) Low Kick Fighting Close Combat Fighting 19 327s
12. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 19 327s
13. Machamp Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 17 336s
14. Marshadow Counter Fighting Close CombatFighting 21 355s
15. Blaziken (Shadow) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 28 329s
16. Hariyama Force Palm Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 20 361s
17. Cobalion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 16 380s
18. Annihilape (Shadow) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 22 351s
19. Emboar (Shadow) Low Kick Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 25 341s
20. Poliwrath (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 19 370s
21. Sirfetch'd (Shadow) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 28 338s
22. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 16 395s
23. Virizion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 19 380s
24. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 16 397s
25. Zapdos (Galarian) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 29 340s
26. Toxicroak (Shadow) Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 21 372s
27. Buzzwole Counter Fighting Superpower Fighting 23 375s
28. Sneasler (Shadow) Rock Smash Fighting Close Combat Fighting 27 360s
29. Decidueye (Hisuian) Magical Leaf Grass Aura Sphere Fighting 24 374s
30. Passimian Counter Fighting Superpower Fighting 21 392s

If you don’t have good Shadow variations of these Pokémon, use their non-shadow variant instead. Be sure your Shadow Pokémon no longer have Frustration as their Charged Attack!

Mega Tyranitar Moveset

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Iron Tail Steel
  • Bite Dark
  • Smack Down* Rock
  • Stone Edge Rock
  • Brutal Swing Dark
  • Crunch Dark
  • Fire Blast Fire

*Denotes a Legacy Move, only obtainable via Elite TM.

How to Get Mega Tyranitar

You cannot catch Tyranitar in its mega evolved form from the raid. The mega raid boss is always catchable in its base form and as such, the CP ranges are for a regular Tyranitar.

Tyranitar can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 2103 – 2191 CP no weather boost
  • 2629 – 2739 CP boosted by Fog and Partly Cloudy weather boost

In order to get Mega Tyranitar you will need 300 Mega Energy for the initial evolution, then 60 Mega Energy to evolve the same Tyranitar again in the future. If you wait for their ‘cooldown’ period to end, Mega Evolution is free. This cooldown period is shorter the higher mega level your Mega Pokémon is. Mega Energy can be obtained via Mega Tyranitar Raids, and once you have evolved Mega Tyranitar, you can earn 5 Mega Energy per candy while walking it as your buddy. You can walk any Larvitar, Pupitar or Tyranitar to earn Mega Energy, as long as you have previously evolved one to register it to your Mega Pokédex.

Shiny Tyranitar

Like all Mega Raid Bosses, you can catch the shiny version of Tyranitar from a raid or in the wild. To obtain shiny Mega Tyranitar you need to evolve a shiny Tyranitar.

Tyranitar Sprite  Tyranitar Shiny Sprite


Mega Tyranitar Sprite Mega Tyranitar Shiny Sprite

Mega Tyranitar Stats

Tyranitar (Mega) RockDark
Max CP at lvl 40 5347
Max CP at lvl 50 6045
ATK 309 DEF 276 HP 225
Weak to Resistances
Grass Fairy Ground Fightingx2 Water Bug Steel Psychic Dark Fire Flying Ghost Normal Poison 



Mega Tyranitar is one big beastie! With a 100 IV maxing out at over 5000CP at level 40, it hits 6045CP at level 50, it is one of the biggest Pokémon in GO. Mega Tyranitar is going to be great as both a Rock and Dark type attacker depending on their moveset, and is a must-have for anyone wanting to be the very best.

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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