Raikou Raid Guide


Raikou is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, with a Raid Boss CP of 45435. Raikou is a pure Electric type, meaning it is weak to Ground types, while resisting Electric, Flying and Steel types. It is boosted by Rainy weather.

Raikou can be caught in the following CP-ranges:

  • 1889-1972 CP for a regular Level 20 encounter
  • 2361-2466 CP for a Rainy weather boosted encounter (Level 25)

Raikou duo is possible, but it would require maxed out counters, as well as Best Friend Bonus, Sunny weather Boost, and a good amount of luck. We suggest you to take on Raikou in groups of 4-6 for high-level players, or 7-20 for lower level players.

Raikou is one of the Johto Beasts (together with Entei and Suicune), a Legendary Trio originally discovered in the Johto Region (Gen II). This guide has been updated as of July 2021.

Best Raikou Counters in Pokémon GO

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 9 468.2s
2. Garchomp (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 12 551.5s
3. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 13 555.4s
4. Mamoswine (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground High Horsepower Ground 18 513.9s
5. Rhyperior (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 15 557.6s
6. Garchomp Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 12 652.4s
7. Ursaluna (Shadow) Tackle Normal High Horsepower Ground 13 654.4s
8. Rhydon (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 19 600.5s
9. Swampert (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earthquake Ground 18 602.0s
10. Excadrill Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 20 610.8s
11. Mamoswine Mud-Slap Ground High Horsepower Ground 18 611.2s
12. Rhyperior Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 15 661.7s
13. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Earthquake Ground 23 592.7s
14. Donphan (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 21 636.4s
15. Golurk (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earth Power Ground 27 565.8s
16. Flygon (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Scorching Sands Ground 20 658.5s
17. Golem (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 21 623.7s
18. Landorus (Incarnate) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 24 627.5s
19. Ursaluna Tackle Normal High Horsepower Ground 13 774.6s
20. Krookodile Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 19 719.1s
21. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 27 626.1s
22. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Earthquake Ground 22 669.8s
23. Rhydon Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 19 713.4s
24. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Psystrike Psychic 39 565.7s
25. Hippowdon (Shadow) Ice Fang Ice Scorching Sands Ground 20 713.1s
26. Nidoking (Shadow) Fury Cutter Bug Earth Power Ground 27 654.4s
27. Swampert (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Earthquake Ground 29 671.1s
28. Donphan Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 21 755.5s
29. Entei (Shadow) Fire Fang Fire Scorching Sands Ground 35 622.0s
30. Tyranitar (Mega) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 23 727.8s

All data and numbers used in this article are extracted from our GO Hub Database.

For more accessible options, Swampert, Nidoking, Hippowdon, and even Seismitoad (yes really) all make the list after the top 30.

Please note that this list is based on overall performance against all Raikou movesets, and Pokémon in this list have maxed out stats (powered up to level 40). Actual results may vary, depending on the moveset on the Raid Boss and the conditions of the Raid Battle.

Raikou Moveset Analysis

Raikou has access to the following moves:

Fast Charge
  • Thunder Shock Electric
  • Volt Switch Electric
  • Thunder Electric
  • Wild Charge Electric
  • Thunderbolt Electric
  • Shadow Ball Ghost

*Best moveset for Raikou is in bold

  • Thunder hits hard, but it gets resisted by Ground types
  • Wild Charge and Thunderbolt don’t hit as hard as Thunder, and also get resisted by Ground types
  • Shadow Ball is a powerful move, but doesn’t deal Super Effective damage to any of your counters (unless you choose to fight with Mewtwo)

Again, you don’t need to worry about any of these moves, as almost all counters resist Electric moves due to their Ground typing.

Weather Effects

Raikou is boosted by Rainy weather, while being more vulnerable in Sunny weather.
Rainy weather will give you the chance to catch Raikou at level 25, but the battle will be harder because of Raikou’s boosted Electric moves. If you want the fight to be easier, challenge Raikou in Sunny weather to boost your Ground counters.

Weather Pro Con
Sunny Boosts Ground types
Partly Cloudy
Rainy Allows a Level 25 Encounter from Weather Boost. Boosts Raikou’s Electric moves
Fog Boosts Raikou’s Shadow Ball Ghost

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I'm a 21 years old Belgian Trainer, proud to be in Team Valor. Pokémon enthusiast, soccer lover and studying to help people.
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