Hello Trainers! 0.217.0 has hit the play store and it brings with it more on powered-up Pokéstops, all of Alola and Galar, a new badge, and more!
You can check out the PokéMiners post on Reddit here. Go give them an upvote! You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data-mined, and therefore subject to be changed or not even being released at all.
So let’s get into it!!
Alola & Galar Region Pokémon
All of the remaining Pokémon from the Alola and Galar region have been added to the Game Master. Pokémon GO Ultra Unlock Part 3 brings the release of several Galarian species. I’m not going to list them all, because… it’s a lot.
Remember that just because they have been added to the game does not mean they are released!! So, keep your expectations in check.
It’s the return of the … wait…
Be prepared for a gentle gust of wind, a lovely kiss of sunlight on your skin, a giant rock hurtling tow… no, it’s normal again. Weather Ball normal is back!
Egg Transparency Returns
EggRarityHelpDialog OnEggDistributionHelpButtonClicked MakeEggDistributionSections
This is apparently what slowed the game down a couple of updates ago. It was quickly removed then, and now it’s back and some trainers are saying it’s making their game slow again… not saying the two are related, but the two could be related.
New Badge
A new badge for Scanning Pokéstops has been added as well. Texts for this were pushed to the game back in April.
Quest Display Upgrade
poiRingImage poiInRangeColor poiOutOfRangeColor unavailableColor Unavailable Claimable
Certain quests will change colour based on one of the above statuses. These are likely for quests that require that you be close to a Stop or Gym to complete them, specifically the AR scanning tasks.
Which appear in your quest log this grey colour when you aren’t close to the POI.
Then change to blue when you are close enough to complete the AR scan.
Scan Upload Progress
add_OnChangeToUploadLater remove_OnChangeToUploadLater add_OnExitBeforeUploadCompletes remove_OnExitBeforeUploadCompletes UploadInProgressDialogGuiController get_FilesToUploadCount uploadingText animatedArrow READY_TO_UPLOAD UPLOADING UPLOADED UPLOAD_ERROR_RETRY UploadWidgetStateInformation IconSprite ShowProgressRing ClickUploads buttonBackground uploadText progressRing
This is new dialogue and animation for AR scanning
The menu will now show when you have uploads pending
and will switch to “Uploading” when you start the upload.
The inprogess upload screen. You can close this screen and let it upload in the background.
Wayspot Submissions
get_DailyNewSubmissions set_DailyNewSubmissions add_OnSubmissionExtrasReceived remove_OnSubmissionExtrasReceived add_OnUploadFinished remove_OnUploadFinished get_SuppressUploadCompleteToast .set_SuppressUploadCompleteToast GetExtraDataWithFortId GetTotalPointsWithSubmissionIds WaitForExtraData ArMappingGameFeatureService CancelAllScans
Back-end updates for Wayspot submissions. None of this is new in the sense that nothing’s changing, just updates that hopefully make it less janky.
Default Map Zoom
get_NormalizedZoom add_OnNormalizedZoomChanged remove_OnNormalizedZoomChanged set_NormalizedZoom
This is a way for the game to return the overworld map zoom to normal. Why? Dunno…
Map Spawn Updates
spawnColliderQueryLayer maxNumFindSpawnLocationCalls
These have been added to the POI Map Pokémon class. A couple of interesting things here, max number of location calls is really interesting.
Power Up Pokestops
There’s a lot here, so I’ve saved it for last.
GetFortPowerUpLevelWithTotalPoints GetFortPowerUpPointsTowardsNextLevel .get_PowerUpPoiSettings .get_MaxPoiPowerUpLevel newLevel previousLevelMaxPoints pointsAtNewLevel newLevelMaxPoints
There are levels that you can power up stops to. I’m assuming three, with 0 being the natural state.
Rewards for powering up Pokéstops
Photodisc Skill Check!
This is likely the skill based method of powering up Pokéstops that was found in the texts. Spin the stop and stop it where it started.
Powered up Pokéstop
This was found previously in the texts, your buddy will earn a heart for visiting a powered up Pokéstop.
Power by scanning
Also found in the texts, you can power up a Pokéstops by AR scanning them.
Visual Progress Updates
UiProgressRing .set_BarFillColor .set_FillFromBottom .set_ClockwiseFill .set_BarBaseColor .set_CenterColor .set_BarWidth .set_OuterRadius .set_Progress .set_IconScale iconColor fillFromBottom progressRingShader progressRingImage
It appears that there will be a visual update to powered up Pokéstops, and you’ll be able to see the progress with a ring. Likely around the Photodisc.
Progress Details
OpenLevelDetailView CloseLevelDetailView .get_SkipToScanLevel interactionGuiPrefab ShowLevelDetailView LevelDetailClicked HidePowerUpDetailView OpenInformationModal pupsDetailsButtonFxScale
There will be a detailed view as well which will have among other things the length of time the stop will be powered up.
Fancy Animations
.get_RandomPulseAnimationIntervalSeconds .get_PulseAnimationPeriodOff .get_PulseAnimationScaleCurve PowerUpPoiDecoratorSettings ringSettings pulseAnimationIntervalRangeSeconds pulseAnimationPeriodOffsetSeconds pulseAnimationScaleCurve cachedRingSettings CachedRingSettings PulseAnimationScaleCurve PulseAnimationPeriodOffsetSeconds RandomPulseAnimationIntervalSeconds powerUpLevel pokestopRingBaseScale pokestopRingYOffsetFromZoom pokestopRingScaleFromZoom gymRingBaseScale gymRingYOffsetFromZoom gymRingScaleFromZoom PowerUpPoiMapPokemon powerUpPoiDecoratorSettings powerUpPoiDecorator powerUpPoiRing powerUpPoiRingGym powerUpPokestopAssetManagerScriptableObject PokestopPowerUp PokestopPowerDown GymPowerUp GymPowerDown PlayPowerUpAnimation HideSelfAnimated poiCoinRawImage poiCoinCanvasGroup levelCompleteCanvasGroup levelUpStartDelaySeconds levelUpAnimationDurationSeconds levelUpVfxDurationSeconds levelUpProgressColorChangeDurationSeconds levelUpBarProgressDurationSeconds
Animations for when a stop is powered up, look at them all!
Something for updating subscription status?
Uh, Hi Europe?
pokemonStatsBottomPadding statsHeightController
These were found in the IV GUI, likely to make things look better on biggers screens.
That’s all for now trainers, stay safe out there!