New Pokémon Sizes available in Pokémon GO!

Time to break out the scales—Trainers have recently discovered XXS and XXL Pokémon! Brand new Pokémon are coming in adorable teeny tiny XXS, and the whopping and ginormous XXL size, giving us more to collect, and new medals to work for in Pokémon GO.

Pokémon such as Poochyena, Mightyena, and Mawile have recently been observed in these sizes, and your Pokédex has been updated to start tracking the sizes of the Pokémon that you catch. We wonder if other Pokémon may have undiscovered sizes as well! Let us know if you find any others!

New Sizes Feature

When you encounter an XXS or XXL Pokémon, there is a new animation on the catch screen to alert you to their unusual sizing:


XXL and XXS Pokémon are visually larger or smaller than their standard sizes when you observe them in an encounter or adventure with them as your buddy. So cute!

These new sizes will also be tracked in your Pokédex! Once you catch at least three of any one Pokémon, your Pokédex will begin to showcase your records for the largest, smallest, heaviest, and lightest specimens that you have caught.

Trainers who catch XXS or XXL Pokémon—or find smaller XS- or XL-sized Pokémon than they caught previously— will also get a new celebratory message when they break their record. Trainers need to catch at least three of any particular Pokémon to set a record for that Pokémon.

New Medals

There are also new medals to work on to celebrate these new XXS and XXL Pokémon! To obtain the Platinum Medal for both of these medals you’ll need to catch 500 XXS or XXL Pokémon.


It’s always fun to have new medals to work on, especially for the really hardcore grinders who might not have many medals left to work on.

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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