Analyzing the Kanto Legendary Bird EX Cards in TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket has two different sets up for grabs and players have been building several strong decks out of them. EX cards are undoubtedly the core for most decks and while those such as Celebi, Mewtwo, Gyarados, and Pikachu are the clear favorites, three certain EX cards have been mainstays in their decks and may continue to be so.

The Pokémon being referred to are the Kanto Legendary Birds, the powerful EX cards of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. While their respective decks are headlined by other Pokémon, these three bulky cards (an impressive 140 HP) are still omnipresent.

So what makes them so good and coveted? Are they future-proof? And which one’s the best? Let’s analyze them and answer all those questions (and more).

Articuno EX (Water Deck)

Articuno EX card from Genetic Apex set in TCG Pocket.

Articuno EX is a popular lead for any Water deck featuring the dreaded Misty card. Flip coins and if you get lucky with multiple heads, the same number of Energy goes to Articuno.

So regardless of whether you go first or second, Articuno EX can start hitting at the get-go and even secure the victory in no time with a neat 40 or 80 damage. That’s not all as it also does 10 DMG to all the opponent’s Benched Pokémon. So if a player doesn’t have an answer for this Bird, a quick loss is inevitable.

While that all sounds cool and dandy, it doesn’t change the fact that dealing only 80 DMG at 3 Energy is sort of meh. Moreover, it’s disappointing if Misty doesn’t click and a concern, especially when its biggest foe: Pikachu EX can technically start attacking in two turns. 

Is it worth it though? Sure. Regardless of all the new Water-type Pokémon that debut in TCG Pocket, it’s safe to say that Articuno EX will remain a great lead for these hydrodynamic decks, especially because Misty’s perks will always be valuable. However, do keep in mind that better Water cards may (and will) replace Articuno EX. For instance, the popular Druddigon | Gyarados EX | Greninja set doesn’t even need Articuno EX.

To sum it up, while Articuno EX will always be viable, it is bound to be replaced by potentially better cards down the line.

Zapdos EX (Lightning Deck)

Zapdos EX card from Genetic Apex set in TCG Pocket.

Zapdos EX has been the partner in crime to one of the most feared cards in the TCG Pocket meta, Pikachu EX. Zapdos is the wall you put up when Pikachu EX is setting up and with only 1 retreat cost (the least of the Birds), it’s easy to switch out. Also, it’s the only card that does damage at 1 Energy. And oh… the other Birds are weak to it (Lightning type).

All that is grand but there’s a catch. It depends on coin flips for its true damage potential. Articuno EX and Moltres EX also have the coin flip tech but theirs is built only on Energy generation and Energy transfer. Once either of the two have 3 Energy, they can do damage.

Zapdos EX can end up doing zero damage if all coins give tails. But wait… if all are heads, Zapdos EX can OHKO any card in TCG Pocket (Genetic Apex and Mythical Island). So the coin flips form a double-edged sword and you end up praying that it gets as many heads as possible. 

It goes without saying that the strength of the formidable Lightning deck depends largely on Zapdos EX as well. Even if it doesn’t attack much, the support it provides to Pikachu EX is undeniable. 

Will Zapdos EX remain future-proof? Not really. In fact, it’s the least future-proof among the three Birds. When something like Druddigon has become the preferred deck for multiple decks, an eventual bulky Lightning-type Pokémon or something with a superb Ability would straight out replace Zapdos EX. The spectrum of 20 DMG and coin flips make for a wobbly card, making its supportive role the real perk. Not something that might work in the long run.

Still, a revered card with the legacy of the Lightning deck showing its worth. One thing’s certain though… it’s definitely not the best Kanto Legendary Bird in TCG Pocket.

Moltres EX (Fire Deck)

Moltres EX card from Genetic Apex set in TCG Pocket.

In case you haven’t noticed, a good number of Fire-type Pokémon discard Energy on using their move. Charizard EX, Charizard, Volcarona, Ninetales, Flareon, and Centiskorch… that’s more than you would have imagined. And, all of these are evolutions.

It looks like we may have future Fire cards with this tech. Even if we don’t, having the typical 3 or 4 Energy for the final stage Pokémon is a gift, and that gift is called Moltres EX.

Aside from tanking hits, Moltres EX’s Inferno Dance makes you flip a coin thrice. For each head, you devote 1 Energy to your Benched Pokémon in any way you like. So, getting three heads lets you give 3 Energy along with the turn’s Energy. Arcanine EX, Charizard EX, and Volcarona have particularly enjoyed this move, and needless to say, more cards will also experience the same. After all, quick Energy gains are pivotal in battles and key to victory.

And yes, at 3 Energy, it does 70 DMG as well. A card that lets you distribute multiple Energy on each turn and free retreat with Leaf will remain a core mechanism for Fire decks moving forward. It benefits multiple cards on your Bench, giving you full-fledged offense once Moltres is switched out. Chef’s kiss!

What is the best Kanto Legendary EX card in Pokémon TCG Pocket?

It’s Moltres EX. Solid support, future-proof, can build multiple Pokémon on the Bench, can do respectable damage, and can prepare potential basic EX cards at one go (imagine EX cards of Ho-Oh, Heatran, Victini, Reshiram, or Volcanion).

Give it 1 Energy, and even on the occasions where all three coin flips give tails, you are still giving the turn’s Energy to your Benched cards. On the other hand, Articuno EX is slow and doesn’t benefit the deck as a whole unless Misty (or Vaporeon) works out. Zapdos EX is in a do-or-die situation and requires 3 Energy to be useful (or not).

Moltres EX is a valuable card from turn 1, something the other two can’t claim, and is not a lost case if the coin flips fail.

To put it into perspective, Moltres EX > Articuno EX > Zapdos EX.

Even though we have gauged the best of the trio (it’s okay if your opinion differs of course!), let’s appreciate the fact that all three are amazing cards and are assets to their decks. So, enjoy using these amazing EX cards in tons of thrilling matchups!

Happy collecting and battling, TCG Pocket-ers!

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, lore, math, and science. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].

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