- Pokémon Name:
- Returns list of all specific species of Pokémon
- Example: Rayquaza
- +Pokémon Name:
- Returns list of all specific species of Pokémon and their evolutionary family
- Example: +Pikachu
- Nickname:
- Type in any name you have renamed your Pokémon with, and it will be returned in a list.
- Example: “Hundo”
Keyword Search Commands |
Typing any of the following keywords into the Search Toolbar will give you their listed return results. |
- Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Alola, and Galar
- Returns list of all Regional Pokémon for that region

- costume:
- Returns list of all Pokémon wearing a costume
- defender:
- Returns list of all Gym Defenders
- eggsonly:
- Returns list of all Baby Pokémon
- evolve:
- Returns list of all Pokémon that can be evolved
- evolvenew:
- Returns list of all Pokémon that once evolved, will be a New Register in your Pokedex.
- megaevolve
- Can currently Mega Evolve
- hatched:
- Returns list of all Hatched Pokémon
- item:
- Returns list of all Pokémon that can be evolved with an item
- legendary:
- Returns list of all Legendary Pokémon
- lucky:
- Returns list of all Lucky Pokémon
- mythical:
- Returns list of all Mythical Pokémon
- ultra beasts:
- Returns list of all Ultra Beasts
- dynamax:
- Returns list of all Dynamax Pokémon
- shiny:
- Returns list of all Shiny Pokémon
- traded:
- Returns list of all Traded Pokémon
- type:
- Returns list of all Pokémon of the specific type you keyed into the search toolbar
- Example: typing dark in the search toolbar will return all Dark-type Pokémon in your storage
- shadow:
- Returns list of all Shadow Pokémon
- purified:
- Returns list of all Purified Pokémon
- tradeevolve:
- Returns list of all Pokemon that can be evolved after trading.
- @special
- returns list of Pokemon with special / exclusive moves
- male, female, genderunknown
- Returns Pokémon with a particular gender
- Possible searches: male, female, genderunknown
- xxs, xs, xl, xxl
- Return Pokémon with a particular size
- Possible searches: xxs, xs, xl, xxl
- raid, remoteraid, megaraid, exraid, primalraid
- Returns Pokémon caught from Raids, or a particular type of Raid
- gbl
- Returns Pokémon caught from GBL rewards
- snapshot
- Returns Pokémon caught from Photobombs
- locationbackground
- Returns Pokémon with location backgrounds
- specialbackground
- Returns Pokémon with event backgrounds
- favorite
- Enter favorite to show any Pokémon that you have marked as a favorite.
Numerical Search Commands |
- cp:
- Returns list of all Pokémon with specific CP searched
- Example: typing cp12 in the search toolbar will return Pokémon in your storage with a cp of 12
- hp:
- Returns list of all Pokémon with specific HP searched
- Example: typing hp10 in the search toolbar will return Pokémon in your storage with a hp of 10
- Age:
- Returns list of all Pokémon captured X days ago.
- Example: typing Age40 in the search toolbar will return Pokémon that you captured 40 days ago.
- Pokédex Number
- Returns list of all Pokémon with specific Pokédex number searched
- Example: Typing 150 in the search toolbar will return all Mewtwo in your storage
- Distance
- Returns Pokemon with a set catch distance
- Example: typing distance8000-10000 returns Pokemon with 8000 to 10000 catch distance in kilometers from your current location
- Year:
- Returns Pokémon caught in that year
- Example: Typing “Year2016” will return only Pokémon specified captured in that year. Same for Year2017, 2018, etc.
- hp[rating], attack[rating], defense[rating]
- Returns Pokémon with a hp/attack/defense rating. Rating needs to be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
- Example: typing 4HP will return all Pokémon that have 4* rating for HP
- Use ‘&’ to replace , to list the exact ratings.
- Example: 0attack&0defense&0hp
Special Symbol Searches |
- @weather
- Returns list of all Pokémon with moves boosted by current in-game weather
- @[move]
- Returns list of all Pokémon with that move
- Example: typing @crunch in the search toolbar will return all Pokémon with Crunch as Charged Move
- @[move-type]
- Returns list of all Pokémon with a Move of that type
- Note:
When searching by @Psychic, all Psychic-Type Pokémon will
return. @Psychi (leaving the ‘c’ out) will return all Pokémon with ‘Psychic’ as their Charged Move |
- @1[move-type]
- Returns list of all Pokémon with a Fast Move of that type
- Example: typing @1ice in the search toolbar will return all Pokémon with an ice type Fast Move
- @2[move-type]
- Returns list of all Pokémon with a Charged Move of that type
- Example: typing @2water in the search toolbar will return all Pokémon with a water type Charged Move
- @3[move-type]
- Returns list of all Pokémon with a Second Charged Move of that type
- Example: typing @3Dragon in the search toolbar will return all Pokémon with a dragon type Second Charged Move
- <[type]
- Returns list of all Pokémon that are weak to the searched type.
- Example: typing <fire will return all Pokémon weak to fire type moves
- >[type]
- Returns list of all Pokémon that have a move super effective against the searched type.
- Example: typing >fire will return all Pokémon with a ground, rock or water type move.
- 1*
- Returns list of all Pokémon that have 0 to 1 stars when appraising them
- 2*
- Returns list of all Pokémon that have 2 stars when appraising them
- 3*
- Returns list of all Pokémon that have 3 stars when appraising them
- 4*
- Returns list of all Pokémon that have 4 stars when appraising them (Your hundos)
- Buddy0
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that are not your buddy yet.
- Buddy1
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with 1-heart friendship
- Buddy2
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with 2-heart friendship
- Buddy3
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with 3-heart friendship
- Buddy4
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with 4-heart friendship
- Buddy5
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with 5-heart friendship (Best Friends)
- Mega0
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that have a Mega Evolution released, but have not Mega Evolved
- Mega1
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with a Mega level of 1 (Mega evolved at least once)
- Mega2
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with a Mega level of 2
- Mega3
- Returns list of all the Pokémon that you have with a Mega level of 3 (Maxed Mega level)
Special/Logical Operators |
- + (plus sign)
- Using a “+” before a Pokémon species name will return the entire family of that species in your storage
- Example: Typing +Bulbasaur will return all Bulbasaur, Ivysaur and Venusaur in your Storage
! (exclamation point)
- These can be used to omit/remove specific entries from a search query
- Example: Typing !evolve will return a list of all Pokémon (currently) unable to evolve
, (comma) / ; (semicolon)
/ : (colon)
- These can be used to separate search terms to return a list of all Pokémon that meet at least one of the inserted search criteria
- Example: Typing Shiny, Lucky will return a list of all Shiny and Lucky Pokémon in your Storage
& (ampersand) / | (vertical bar)
- These can be used to combine search terms to return a list of Pokémon that meet multiple search criteria
- Example: Typing Gengar&@Lick will return a list of all Gengar with ‘Lick’ as their Fast Move
– (hyphen)
- These can be used to return a list of Pokémon within a specific range
- Pokédex Number Example:
1-10 will show a range; Bulbasaur – Caterpie
-10 will show Pokédex No. 10 and below;
10- will show Pokédex No. 10 and above in your storage.
cp10-50 will return all Pokémon with CP-values between 10 and 50
cp-1500 will return all Pokémon CP 1500 and below |