
 Metagross, Metang and Beldum Regice 

Pokemon GO Regirock is one of the three Legendary Golems, filling the Rock golem archetype. Regirock, just like Regice, has a solid max CP of 3087 making it the third highest CP of all Rock types currently available in the game. Regirock best moveset is Rock Throw/Stone Edge Rock

Just like Regice, Regirock is known for is its incredible DEF (356), which is the second highest in Pokemon GO. It has access to solid moves that enable two different styles and unfortunately mediocre ATK (179) and HP (160).

Written by Fitz City

Regirock in Pokemon GO
ID Sprite Pokémon ATK DEF HP MAX CP
377 Regirock
179 356 160 3087

Regirock in the Pokémon GO meta

Regirock is a solid Rock addition to the Pokemon GO meta game. It has access to powerful moves that benefit from STABRegirock takes increased damage from the following types: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water and Grass. Regirock takes reduced damage from the following types: Normal, Flying, Poison and Fire.

Compared to Golem and Tyranitar, let’s take a look on how well Regirock preforms. Using simulations (PokeBattler) was the best way to see how well Regirock stacked up against Golem and Tyranitar when taking down a defending Dragonite. The best Rock move sets were used in this simulation for each Pokemon and no dodging was chosen for realism.

Surprisingly, Regirock fared better against Dragonite (with Dragon Tail/Outrage) than both Golem and Tyranitar! Although Tyranitar did approx 10% more damage, Regirock was still able to defeat Dragonite while maintaining approximately 33% of its health.

Tyranitar was left with only 9%! Golem on the other hand, could not even survive the match up against Dragonite. Rhydon was left out because is was even worse than Golem! With Rock being one of the best counters to use against Flying types, Regirock is the go-to Pokemon to choose because its survivability is so impressive. When it comes to countering other Pokemon like Flareon, there are far more superior Water choices whom deal more damage to Fire types.

All in all, Regirock should definitely be the first go-to Pokemon for your Rock team. An amazing addition to the attacking meta game!

Regirock moves and best movesets in Pokémon GO

Best move set: Rock Throw/Stone Edge Rock

Regirock can have the following moves:

  • Rock Throw Rock – quick move
  • Rock Smash Fighting – quick move
  • Stone Edge Rock – charge move (1 bar)
  • Focus Blast Fighting – charge move (1 bar)
  • Zap Cannon Electric – charge move (1 bar)

In the main series games, Regirock had a wide variety of moves to choose from and Pokemon GO is no different. There are ideally two move sets you can have for Regirock:

  • Fighting (double)
  • Rock (double)

Rock is the by far the best choice as both moves benefit from STAB and will become even more powerful with a 20% boost in partly cloudy weather! There are far more superior Fighting type Pokemon like Machamp and Hariyama, so a fighting move set is not highly recommended.

Zap Cannon is a wacky third choice move that would not be recommended due to better Electric attackers like Zapdos and Raikou.

Shiny Regirock in Pokemon GO

Regular Regirock is a normal, full body light brown color with clay red shoulders and clay red button eyes. Its shiny variant boosts its darkness and has a full body dark brown color, whilst maintaining the same shade of clay red on its shoulders and eyes.

Shiny Regirock

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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