Absol Raid Counters Guide


Absol is a pure Dark type, Tier 3 Raid Boss, and so, its weaknesses include strong Bug, Fairy, and Fighting Pokémon.

Absol; isn’t too bulky, so most trainers can solo it without much effort. That said, 2-3 trainers are sufficient in general. This write-up will serve as a comprehensive guide to successfully beating Absol Raids.

Trainers would be excited to know that the Fashion Week 2023 event features an Absol with sunglasses in Raids, with chances of being shiny!

Absol Raid Counters

Since Shadow Pokémon are extremely expensive to power up and require specific events to remove Frustration with a Charge TM, they will NOT be listed as raid counters in this article. That being said, if you have the shadow form of a listed raid counter Pokémon powered up and TMed, use it.

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Absol:

# Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move TTW Faints
1. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 79.3s 2.0
2. Terrakion Terrakion Fighting Avalanche
81.2s 2.0
3. Gardevoir (Mega) Charm Fairy Dazzling Gleam Fairy 81.7s 3.0
4. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 83.2s 2.0
5. Keldeo Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 86.6s 3.0
6. Lucario Counter Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 89.9s 3.0
7. Pheromosa Bug Bite Bug Bug Buzz Bug 90.8s 5.0
8. Alakazam (Mega) Counter Fighting Dazzling Gleam Fairy 93.1s 6.0
9. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 94.8s 3.0
10. Pinsir (Mega) Bug Bite Bug X-Scissor Bug 94.9s 4.0
11. Lopunny (Mega) Double Kick Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 96.1s 3.0
12. Volcarona Bug Bite Bug Bug Buzz Bug 98.8s 3.0
13. Beedrill (Mega) Bug Bite Bug X-Scissor Bug 99.0s 5.0
14. Machamp Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 100.1s 3.0
15. Xerneas Geomancy Fairy Moonblast Fairy 103.8s 2.0
16. Scizor (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug X-Scissor Bug 102.2s 3.0
17. Xurkitree Thunder Shock Electric Dazzling Gleam Fairy 101.3s 5.0
18. Cobalion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 106.2s 2.0
19. Buzzwole Counter Fighting Superpower Fighting 105.3s 3.0
20. Togekiss Charm Fairy Aura Sphere Fighting 105.6s 3.0
21. Virizion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 106.7s 3.0
22. Hariyama Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 105.2s 3.0
23. Zapdos (Galarian) Counter Fighting Close Combat Fighting 105.4s 3.0
24. Hawlucha Low Kick Fighting Flying Press Fighting 104.6s 4.0
25. Breloom Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 104.4s 5.0
26. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 101.9s 2.0
27. Zacian (Hero) Quick Attack Normal Play Rough Fairy 109.8s 3.0
28. Diancie (Mega) Rock Throw Rock Moonblast Fairy 108.0s 4.0
29. Blaziken Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 108.7s 4.0
30. Heracross Counter Fighting Megahorn Bug 109.7s 4.0
31. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 108.5s 5.0
32. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse
111.8s 3.0
33. Rayquaza Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 110.6s 4.0
34. Passimian Counter Fighting Superpower Fighting 112.0s 3.0
35. Gardevoir Charm Fairy Dazzling Gleam Fairy 111.8s 5.0

Absol Raid Encounter CP Range

The CP ranges of Absol from Raids are as follows:

  • 1370 – 1443 (at level 20)
  • 1712 – 1805 (at level 25 with Fog weather boost)

Absol Stats & Max CP

Absol Dark
Max CP at lvl 40 2526 | Max CP at lvl 50 2856
ATK 246 DEF 120 HP 163
Weak to Strong Against
Bug Fairy Fighting Ghost Psychic


Absol Moveset

Absol has access to the following moves in Pokémon Go:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Snarl Dark
  • Psycho Cut Psychic
  • Dark Pulse Dark
  • Payback Dark
  • Megahorn Bug
  • Thunder Electric


All the best, trainers!

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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