Crustle Raid Counters Guide


Crustle is a Bug/Rock type Tier 3 Raid Boss. Optimal raid counters include powerful Rock, Steel, and Water types.

High-level trainers can easily solo it while in general, 2 trainers would suffice in taking down Crustle in a raid.

Crustle Counters

Since Shadow Pokémon are extremely expensive to power up and require specific events to remove Frustration with a Charge TM, they will NOT be listed as raid counters in this article. That being said, if you have the shadow form of a listed raid counter Pokémon powered up and TMed, use it.

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Crustle.

# Pokémon Fast Move Charge Move Time to win Deaths
1. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse
109s 2
2. Swampert (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 120s 2
3. Diancie (Mega) Rock Throw
Rock Slide
125s 4
4. Blastoise (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 131s 3
5. Metagross Bullet Punch Steel Meteor Mash Steel 137s 3
6. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail
Dragon Ascent
132s 4
7. Tyranitar (Mega) Smack Down Rock Stone Edge Rock 141s 3
8. Kyogre Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 142s 4
9. Gyarados (Mega) Waterfall Water Hydro Pump Water 145s 4
10. Dialga Metal Claw Steel Iron Head Steel 152s 3
11. Aggron (Mega) Iron Tail Steel Meteor Beam Rock 157s 2
12. Aerodactyl (Mega) Rock Throw Rock Rock Slide Rock 143s 5
13. Rhyperior Smack Down Rock Stone Edge Rock 153s 3
14. Rampardos Smack Down Rock Rock Slide Rock 145s 6
15. Empoleon Metal Claw Steel Hydro Cannon Water 154s 3
16. Terrakion Smack Down Rock Rock Slide Rock 156s 3
17. Melmetal Thunder Shock Electric Double Iron Bash Steel 161s 6
18. Excadrill Metal Claw Steel Iron Head Steel 161s 3
19. Swampert Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 158s 3
20. Scizor (Mega) Bullet Punch Steel Iron Head Steel 161s 4
21. Greninja Water Shuriken Water Hydro Cannon Water 155s 7
22. Tyrantrum Rock Throw Rock Meteor Beam Rock 159s 5
23. Kingler Bubble Water Crabhammer Water 156s 6
24. Jirachi Charge Beam Electric Doom Desire Steel 167s 3
25. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 168s 3
26. Samurott Fury Cutter
Hydro Cannon Water 161s 5
27. Steelix (Mega) Iron Tail Steel Heavy Slam Steel 183s 2
28. Feraligatr Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon
164s 5
29. Genesect (Shock Drive) Metal Claw Steel Magnet Bomb Steel 165s 5
30. Genesect (Normal Drive) Metal Claw Steel Magnet Bomb Steel 165s 5
31. Genesect (Douse Drive) Metal Claw Steel Magnet Bomb Steel 165s 5
32. Genesect (Chill Drive) Metal Claw Steel Magnet Bomb Steel 165s 5
33. Genesect (Burn Drive) Metal Claw Steel Magnet Bomb Steel 165s 5
34. Gigalith Smack Down Rock Meteor Beam Rock 166s 5

Catchable CP range

Crustle can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 1381 – 1452 CP at level 20, no weather boost
  • 1726 – 1815 CP at level 25 with Rainy or Partly Cloudy weather boost

Crustle Stats

Crustle has the following stats in Pokémon GO:

Crustle BugRock
Max CP at lvl 40 2542 | Max CP at lvl 50 2874
ATK 188 DEF 200 HP 172
Weak to Resistant to
Rock Steel Water Normal Poison


Crustle Moveset

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Fury Cutter Bug
  • Smack Down Rock
  • X-Scissor Bug
  • Rock Blast Rock
  • Rock Slide Rock

All the best, trainers!

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Heya there! I'm Manjari, a Mystic trainer from India and one day, I will be walking across the lands like Ash! When not found with my keyboard and keywords, I can be found reading about ghost Pokémon lore or binge-watching Pokémon movies! 💜
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