Raid Boss Max CP Chart

Please be aware that this chart is wildly estimated at this moment. The current hypothesis is that Raid Boss CP is based on Pokémon’s Level 30 Max CP with perfect IVs (15/15/15).

Another hypothesis is that a flat 2.832 multiplier is applied to that value to calculate the end CP. Both hypothesis are based on the CP of a Boss Tyranitar disclosed in the Press Release.

Of course, as we gather more information about Raid Boss Mechanics, this chart will become much more accurate.

Raid Boss Max CP
Id Pokémon MaxCP@30 Boss CP estimate
150 Mewtwo 4080 32875
250 Ho-oh 3986 32115
248 Tyranitar 3146 25347
249 Lugia 3084 24851
149 Dragonite 3070 24735
244 Entei 2895 23326
143 Snorlax 2876 23172
243 Raikou 2870 23129
145 Zapdos 2854 22999
112 Rhydon 2829 22795
130 Gyarados 2812 22660
146 Moltres 2805 22601
242 Blissey 2759 22230
134 Vaporeon 2706 21805
151 Mew 2649 21345
251 Celebi 2649 21345
232 Donphan 2590 20873
196 Espeon 2572 20724
103 Exeggutor 2522 20318
214 Heracross 2518 20293
144 Articuno 2514 20258
76 Golem 2500 20143
136 Flareon 2490 20061
68 Machamp 2476 19953
65 Alakazam 2474 19939
59 Arcanine 2434 19610
245 Suicune 2420 19500
212 Scizor 2401 19345
127 Pinsir 2374 19133
217 Ursaring 2366 19063
135 Jolteon 2340 18854
160 Feraligatr 2332 18792
89 Muk 2322 18710
181 Ampharos 2310 18615
99 Kingler 2309 18609
6 Charizard 2302 18552
157 Typhlosion 2302 18552
139 Omastar 2301 18545
94 Gengar 2245 18088
142 Aerodactyl 2236 18016
131 Lapras 2231 17979
3 Venusaur 2201 17738
233 Porygon2 2182 17583
229 Houndoom 2168 17467
141 Kabutops 2158 17389
124 Jynx 2153 17350
128 Tauros 2132 17183
80 Slowbro 2127 17142
199 Slowking 2127 17142
91 Cloyster 2121 17093
169 Crobat 2114 17034
123 Scyther 2112 17018
115 Kangaskhan 2111 17013
62 Poliwrath 2093 16864
210 Granbull 2092 16857
208 Steelix 2091 16847
230 Kingdra 2077 16740
106 Hitmonlee 2062 16619
34 Nidoking 2045 16482
73 Tentacruel 2034 16395
186 Politoed 2032 16378
45 Vileplume 2029 16353
36 Clefable 2017 16255
31 Nidoqueen 2004 16147
28 Sandslash 1995 16078
241 Miltank 1993 16061
226 Mantine 1980 15955
121 Starmie 1974 15907
9 Blastoise 1964 15828
221 Piloswine 1958 15777
55 Golduck 1946 15682
71 Victreebel 1944 15668
205 Forretress 1940 15632
126 Magmar 1932 15570
78 Rapidash 1930 15555
164 Noctowl 1924 15504
82 Magneton 1917 15451
154 Meganium 1909 15382
114 Tangela 1893 15253
85 Dodrio 1890 15228
125 Electabuzz 1882 15169
110 Weezing 1871 15080
38 Ninetales 1849 14902
224 Octillery 1820 14670
182 Bellossom 1807 14561
57 Primeape 1804 14539
107 Hitmonchan 1799 14495
171 Lanturn 1780 14344
185 Sudowoodo 1770 14264
197 Umbreon 1759 14175
192 Sunflora 1756 14147
97 Hypno 1755 14146
227 Skarmory 1753 14125
119 Seaking 1749 14093
26 Raichu 1735 13985
211 Qwilfish 1726 13905
18 Pidgeot 1709 13775
234 Stantler 1704 13735
122 Mr. Mime 1701 13704
117 Seadra 1697 13672
178 Xatu 1693 13642
101 Electrode 1667 13435
49 Venomoth 1661 13382
195 Quagsire 1654 13328
67 Machoke 1637 13192
24 Arbok 1636 13183
40 Wigglytuff 1634 13165
237 Hitmontop 1633 13159
87 Dewgong 1624 13085
215 Sneasel 1601 12902
203 Girafarig 1597 12870
64 Kadabra 1594 12844
219 Magcargo 1582 12751
42 Golbat 1568 12639
75 Graveler 1556 12539
22 Fearow 1555 12531
200 Misdreavus 1527 12305
15 Beedrill 1523 12276
207 Gligar 1507 12144
93 Haunter 1471 11854
12 Butterfree 1458 11751
105 Marowak 1450 11684
111 Rhyhorn 1439 11599
162 Furret 1429 11515
47 Parasect 1420 11446
168 Ariados 1412 11380
206 Dunsparce 1384 11157
51 Dugtrio 1382 11135
148 Dragonair 1379 11115
247 Pupitar 1378 11106
159 Croconaw 1370 11041
137 Porygon 1344 10828
189 Jumpluff 1331 10729
176 Togetic 1331 10728
2 Ivysaur 1330 10718
20 Raticate 1328 10702
53 Persian 1320 10635
44 Gloom 1296 10448
184 Azumarill 1288 10380
77 Ponyta 1287 10375
5 Charmeleon 1272 10248
156 Quilava 1272 10248
70 Weepinbell 1264 10186
113 Chansey 1259 10146
83 Farfetch’d 1225 9876
180 Flaaffy 1201 9682
198 Murkrow 1193 9616
98 Krabby 1188 9574
222 Corsola 1181 9522
138 Omanyte 1153 9294
193 Yanma 1137 9164
8 Wartortle 1135 9145
108 Lickitung 1133 9134
61 Poliwhirl 1125 9068
153 Bayleef 1111 8952
166 Ledian 1092 8805
88 Grimer 1088 8770
33 Nidorino 1073 8648
238 Smoochum 1054 8498
30 Nidorina 1044 8417
79 Slowpoke 1032 8316
66 Machop 1028 8284
27 Sandshrew 1023 8249
74 Geodude 1023 8245
190 Aipom 1018 8206
216 Teddiursa 1014 8177
240 Magby 1010 8137
231 Phanpy 1007 8116
140 Kabuto 1005 8100
63 Abra 984 7932
209 Snubbull 964 7768
58 Growlithe 952 7672
228 Houndour 952 7670
102 Exeggcute 944 7612
109 Koffing 935 7537
17 Pidgeotto 930 7498
35 Clefairy 930 7498
81 Magnemite 929 7485
239 Elekid 920 7412
43 Oddish 916 7385
170 Chinchou 915 7374
204 Pineco 896 7219
202 Wobbuffet 877 7072
201 Unown 876 7064
158 Totodile 867 6988
84 Doduo 866 6982
118 Goldeen 863 6954
92 Gastly 859 6922
95 Onix 859 6922
56 Mankey 859 6920
96 Drowzee 850 6855
1 Bulbasaur 841 6779
133 Eevee 830 6692
54 Psyduck 828 6676
90 Shellder 821 6619
72 Tentacool 820 6608
104 Cubone 808 6516
225 Delibird 803 6476
120 Staryu 794 6398
177 Natu 792 6388
116 Horsea 789 6364
69 Bellsprout 785 6331
246 Larvitar 775 6249
48 Venonat 773 6234
86 Seel 770 6211
179 Mareep 760 6126
188 Skiploom 756 6091
147 Dratini 737 5943
100 Voltorb 734 5921
46 Paras 716 5774
4 Charmander 712 5741
155 Cyndaquil 712 5741
7 Squirtle 693 5584
152 Chikorita 687 5535
25 Pikachu 675 5439
23 Ekans 667 5376
37 Vulpix 663 5345
218 Slugma 643 5185
223 Remoraid 642 5175
32 Nidoran♂ 633 5107
29 Nidoran♀ 631 5085
132 Ditto 615 4959
39 Jigglypuff 611 4926
60 Poliwag 596 4803
167 Spinarak 587 4732
21 Spearow 577 4654
165 Ledyba 568 4582
220 Swinub 568 4581
163 Hoothoot 549 4426
52 Meowth 547 4407
173 Cleffa 531 4286
194 Wooper 511 4117
19 Rattata 504 4063
16 Pidgey 497 4010
41 Zubat 487 3930
175 Togepi 463 3732
161 Sentret 445 3585
174 Igglybuff 439 3541
187 Hoppip 435 3512
50 Diglett 398 3211
183 Marill 360 2902
11 Metapod 359 2897
236 Tyrogue 346 2792
13 Weedle 340 2743
10 Caterpie 336 2714
14 Kakuna 336 2709
235 Smeargle 334 2691
172 Pichu 322 2599
191 Sunkern 271 2187
213 Shuckle 257 2075
129 Magikarp 188 1522

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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