Attention, Pokémon Trainers! The latest data mining reports are in, and is it too early to start the Global GO Fest hype? 🌍 🔍 Nay nay I say! Fresh off Niantic releasing a teaser trailer that seems to indicate that Marshadow will be the feature Pokémon of GO Fest 2024, they’ve also pushed some texts to the game that potentially have the date for Global GO Fest and confirm that Marshadow is indeed the featured Pokémon! Plus an in game T-shirt!
💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now. All this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and includes some of my commentaries. Please read through all of this with a grain of salt – we often post data mining reports that take months to release, and we don’t want our readers disappointed. Be smart, read this like speculation, and be happy once it goes live.
Global GO Fest Dates
I am going to preface this section with this disclaimer: This seems awfully early for Global GO Fest, so these dates might be placeholders.
RESOURCE ID: item_event_ticket_global_desc_gofest2024ver1 TEXT: A ticket to access the Special Research for Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global starting July 13, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. local time, wherever you are. RESOURCE ID: item_global_event_ticket_details TEXT: This ticket will automatically activate to give you access to Special Research for Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global starting July 13, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. local time, wherever you are.
This indicates that Global GO Fest will happen July 13th, 2024. Which is way earlier than last year’s global GO Fest that happened August 26th to 27th. London and Osaka in person GO Fest was August 4th to 6th, 2023 and NYC GO Fest was August 18th to 20th.
This would push the Global GO Fest almost a month and a half ahead of schedule for last year. Although 2022 had a GO Fest as a two-day global event that took place June 4th and 5th, with a bonus Pokémon GO Fest Finale event on August 27th. So it’s not outside the realm of possibility that see’s the In Person GO Fests in late June to beat the heat of the summer months. If you want to read about my speculation on where the in person GO Fests might be check that out here.
Features and Additional Content
RESOURCE ID: text_rewards_key_gofest2024ver1 TEXT: <b>Includes:</b> • An encounter with the Mythical Pokémon Marshadow • Up to 9 free Raid Passes each day from spinning Gym Photo Discs • Special Pokémon hatching from 7 km Eggs • Incense may attract special Pokémon • A higher chance to encounter Shiny Pokémon during the event Additional content • Purchase by June 6 and play between May 31 and June 6 for Timed Research that awards the Moon Crown avatar item! • Purchase by May 6 and play between April 30 and May 6 for Timed Research that awards early access to the Sun Crown avatar item AND the Timed Research described above! Please note that you can only purchase one version of the Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global ticket. If you purchase this version, you will not be able to purchase the version that includes a unique T-shirt avatar item in an exclusive color. Learn more about this version and the ticket bonuses <a href="">here</a>.
As in the past, it appears if you buy your ticket early enough you’ll get access to a couple of special researches. Purchase before May 6th to get both, or June 6th to get access to just the second one. It also mentions a Sun Crown avatar item and a Moon crown avatar item, could those be hints at the two ticket types?
This also “confirms” that Marshadow is the featured Pokémon, I would normally say take that with a grain of salt but watching the teaser trailer they released it’s pretty evident that’s correct.
Side note: At the time of writing this article, that link still has 2023 GO Fest details. I checked.
GO Fest in game shirts
RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_gofest2024gray_00_bundle_icon TEXT: GO Fest 2024 Tee (Gray) RESOURCE ID: avatar_m_shirt_gofest2024gray_00_bundle_icon TEXT: GO Fest 2024 Tee (Gray)
The section above mentioned exclusive shirts depending on what version you bought. So far only Gray has been pushed. Super exciting, I know.
I’ve had a few people tell me that Japan in August is hot. Very hot. So having an in person GO Fest in mid to late June might mitigate some of the Summer heat in the cities that are exceptionally hot in the Summer. It might also open up some of the more southern locations to host GO Fests in the future. As someone who is a fair skinned red headed individual, I welcome the potentially earlier GO Fest.
Or who knows, maybe those dates are placeholders. Or they’re doing Global GO Fest first, and in-person GO Fest after. We won’t know until they make their official announcements, which according to their post on X “details are coming very soon.” So stay tuned trainers! You know we’ll have full coverage of the announcements when they’re dropped.
Until next time, stay safe out there!