Fashion Week: Taken Over Special Research

Trainers, a new Team GO Rocket Special Research goes live as soon as Fashion Week: Taken Over (2025) event starts in your region. Complete this Special Research to save Shadow Palkia from Giovanni!

Don’t forget to check up on our updated Arlo, Sierra and Cliff guides. They are using new Shadow Pokémon that can be saved, and their lineups have shifted with the start of this event.

Fashion Week: Taken Over Special Research Tasks and Rewards

Fashion Week: Taken Over (Stage 1/5)

Task Rewards
Catch 15 Pokémon Pinap Berry icon 5× Pinap Berry
Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon Poké Ball icon 10× Poké Ball
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts Mysterious Component icon 1× Mysterious Component


Fashion Week: Taken Over (Stage 2/5)

Task Rewards
Catch 20 Pokémon Pinap Berry icon 5× Pinap Berry
Purify 5 Shadow Pokémon Great Ball icon 10× Great Ball
Defeat 6 Team GO Rocket Grunts Mysterious Component icon 3× Mysterious Component


Fashion Week: Taken Over (Stage 3/5)

Task Rewards
Defeat Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo XP icon 2500× XP
Defeat Team GO Rocket Leader Cliff XP icon 2500× XP
Defeat Team GO Rocket Leader Sierra XP icon 2500× XP


  • XP icon 2500× XP
  • Stardust icon 1500× Stardust
  • Super Rocket Radar icon 1× Super Rocket Radar

Fashion Week: Taken Over (Stage 4/5)

Task Rewards
Find the Team GO Rocket Boss Hyper Potion icon 10× Hyper Potion
Battle the Team GO Rocket Boss Ultra Ball icon 10× Ultra Ball
Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss Max Revive icon 6× Max Revive


  • XP icon 3000× XP
  • Stardust icon 2000× Stardust
  • Absol   

Fashion Week: Taken Over (Stage 5/5)

Task Rewards
Claim Reward Stardust icon 1500× Stardust
Claim Reward Stardust icon 1500× Stardust
Claim Reward Stardust icon 1500× Stardust


  • XP icon 6000× XP
  • Stardust icon 5000× Stardust
  • Charge TM icon 3× Charge TM

Why am I not seeing this Team GO Rocket Special Research?

When a new Team GO Rocket Special Research comes out, Trainers are often confused as to why they haven’t received the new quest line yet. The most likely, almost always correct, explanation is that you still have an unfinished Team GO Rocket research in your Special Research tab.

If you have any of these Special Research stories, and you have progressed beyond the first page of it, you need to finish it, before you can receive any new Team GO Rocket Special Research.

Here are some previous TGR Special Research you may have active:

  1. A Troubling Situation – a prerequisite research that you need to finish in order to receive any of the future Team GO Rocket Special Research storylines.
  2. Looming in the Shadows
  3. A Challenging Development
  4. The Take-Over Continues
  5. A Professor’s Work is Never Done
  6. The Shadowy Threat Grows
  7. An Inter-egg-sting Development
  8. The Higher They Fly…
  9. A Seven-Colored Shadow
  10. Silent Schemes
  11. Field Notes: Team GO Rocket
  12. Ultra Beast Protection Efforts
  13. Shadowy Skirmishes
  14. From The Shadows
  15. A Shadowy Disturbance
  16. Showdown in the Shadows
  17. It’s a Rocket World
  18. Adventure Week Taken Over Special Resarch

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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