Showdown in the Shadows is a Team GO Rocket Special Research that awards an encounter with Giovanni’s new Legendary Shadow Pokémon: Regigigas. Work your way through a new Rocket Special Research to receive a Super Rocket Radar to battle Giovanni and rescue Shadow Regigigas.
Showdown in the Shadows is available starting Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 10:00 AM local time. This Special Research is part of Team GO Rocket Takeover (October 2023), which started at the same time as Pokémon GO Halloween 2023 (Part II) event.
Showdown in the Shadows Tasks and Rewards
Showdown in the Shadows (1/5)
Showdown in the Shadows (2/5)
Showdown in the Shadows (3/5)
Showdown in the Shadows (4/5)
Showdown in the Shadows (5/5)
I don’t have this Team GO Rocket Special Research. Why?
When a new Team GO Rocket Special Research comes out, Trainers are often confused as to why they haven’t received the new quest line yet. The most likely, almost always correct, explanation is that you still have an unfinished Team GO Rocket research in your Special Research tab.
If you have any of these Special Research stories, and you have progressed beyond the first page of it, you need to finish it, before you can receive any new Team GO Rocket Special Research: