Tier 3 and 4 Raid Boss List (Rare/Yellow Egg boss list)

A chart showing all Pokémon that can hatch from Rare (Yellow) Raid Eggs. These Pokémon are all Level / Tier 3 Raid and Level 4 Raid Bosses and most of them  are not soloable , even for 30+ level Trainers. At least 3 Trainers are required to take them down.

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Note: many trainer call these eggs Yellow Eggs, due to their shell color, but their official name is Rare Raid Egg.

Tier 3 Rare (Yellow) Raid Egg Bosses
Level/Tier  Raid Boss Combat Power Soloable
As Boss Raid Catch (max)
★★★ (3) Machamp 18144 1650 No
★★★(3) Alakazam 22646 1649 No
★★★ (3) Gengar 19768 1496 No
★★★ (3) Ninetails 14914 1233 No
★★★ (3) Scyther Solo guide 17358 1408 Yes
★★★ (3) Omastar Solo guide 18915 1534 Yes
★★★ (3) Porygon Solo guide 11419 895 Yes
Tier 4 Rare (Yellow) Raid Egg Bosses
Level/Tier  Raid Boss Combat Power
As Boss Raid Catch (max)
★★★★ (4) Lapras Guide 21768 1487
★★★★ (4) Rhydon Guide 30512 1886
★★★★ (4) Tyranitar Guide 34707 2097
★★★★ (4) Poliwrath Guide 24247 1395
★★★★ (4) Victreebel Guide 23780 1296
★★★★ (4) Golem Guide 30572 1666
★★★★ (4) Nidoking Guide 24873 1363
★★★★ (4) Nidoqueen Guide 23216 1336
★★★★ (4) Absol Guide 26262 1303 

Yellow Raid Egg Strategy Guide

Unlike Pink Raid Bosses, Yellow Egg Raid Bosses are NOT soloable and they require

  • 2+ Trainers for ★★ (3)
  • 4+ Trainers for ★★★ (4)

All of the Rare Raid Bosses have increased HP, damage and CP. At bare minimum, you should dodge Charged Attacks. You should dodge all attacks if you are in a low population group.

Use Type Effectiveness to counter the bosses and have respect for every boss, especially for Ninetails.

Rare (Yellow) Raid Egg FAQ

Can I solo a Rare Yellow Raid Egg?
Some yes, some one. Tier 4 bosses are so overpowered that its required to raid with at least 2 Trainers (more is recommended) to get them down with relative ease. Raiding Rare Eggs is not a joke!

Can I re-enter the fight if I lose?
Yes, you can, but only inside the 180 seconds of fighting time! Not only that, the Boss will stay at the same amount of HP he had when you lost, so chipping away at a Raid Boss is possible, but hard.

How hard is it to catch Rare Bosses after defeating them?
Everything we know about Premier Balls suggest they are just recolored Poké Balls. In other words, you’d have to be extremely lucky to catch one of the Raid Bosses without using Berries, curve throws and great throws.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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