Raid Boss Rotation: Terrakion, Bombirdier, and rest of the distinguished company

Trainers, as Pokémon GO Party Up! Event starts in your region, a new Raid Boss rotation will be taking place, with Terrakion replacing Cobalion, 4 new bosses in 3-Star Raids, and 5 new bosses in 1-Star Raids. Here are the updated bosses across all tiers:

  • 5-Star Raids: Terrakion
  • 3-Star Raids: Rhydon, Pelipper, Gardevoir, Bombirdier
  • 1-Star Raids: Hisuian Growlithe, Nosepass, Dwebble, Klink, and Lechonk
  • Mega Raids: Mega Kangaskhan

These Raid Bosses are available from November 23rd, and they will be active until November 27th, 2023. The good thing during this rotation is the sheer amount of potential Shiny catches. All of the bosses aside from Rhydon and Pelipper can be shiny, and there is one Pokémon you don’t want to miss this time around: Terrakion.

Terrakion is an absolute powerhouse, a sheer madman if you wish, only second to Mega Blaziken when we compare Fighting-type attackers. If you plan to spend any time raiding this time around, do Terrakion raids, and don’t have any regrets! 🐂 Plus, there’s that Shiny form as well…

Terrakion meme

Raids Raid icon

5-Star Raids

Terrakion is available from Thursday, November 23, 2023, 10:00 am local time.


Related raid guides: Terrakion Raid Counters Guide.

1-Star Raids

We do not list Raid Guides for Tier 1 Pokémon, since they are mostly trivial fights.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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