List of 50 available Generation III Pokemon

A list of all currently available Generation III Pokemon in Pokemon GO. Use the links in the list to jump to that Pokemon guide (in depth analysis, moves and meta position).

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Currently available Generation III Pokemon

Max CP and Stats Table
# Sprite Pokémon ATK DEF STA MAX CP
252 Pokémon GO Treecko stats and Max CP Treecko 124 104 80 923
253 Pokémon GO Grovyle stats and Max CP Grovyle 172 130 100 1508
254 Pokémon GO Sceptile stats and Max CP Sceptile 223 180 140 2584
255 Pokémon GO Torchic stats and Max CP Torchic 130 92 90 959
256 Pokémon GO Combusken stats and Max CP Combusken 163 115 120 1472
257 Pokémon GO Blaziken stats and Max CP Blaziken 240 141 160 2631
258 Pokémon GO Mudkip stats and Max CP Mudkip 126 93 100 981
259 Pokémon GO Marshtomp stats and Max CP Marshtomp 156 133 140 1617
260 Pokémon GO Swampert stats and Max CP Swampert 208 175 200 2815
261 Pokémon GO Poochyena stats and Max CP Poochyena 96 63 70 564
262 Pokémon GO Mightyena stats and Max CP Mightyena 171 137 140 1783
263 Pokémon GO Zigzagoon stats and Max CP Zigzagoon 58 80 76 423
264 Pokémon GO Linoone stats and Max CP Linoone 142 128 156 1533
265 Pokémon GO Wurmple stats and Max CP Wurmple 75 61 90 502
266 Pokémon GO Silcoon stats and Max CP Silcoon 60 91 100 517
267 Pokémon GO Beautifly stats and Max CP Beautifly 189 98 120 1573
268 Pokémon GO Cascoon stats and Max CP Cascoon 60 91 100 517
269 Pokémon GO Dustox stats and Max CP Dustox 98 172 120 1121
273 Pokémon GO Seedot stats and Max CP Seedot 71 86 80 526
274 Pokémon GO Nuzleaf stats and Max CP Nuzleaf 134 78 140 1117
275 Pokémon GO Shiftry stats and Max CP Shiftry 200 121 180 2186
280 Pokémon GO Ralts stats and Max CP Ralts 79 63 56 436
281 Pokémon GO Kirlia stats and Max CP Kirlia 117 100 76 843
282 Pokémon GO Gardevoir stats and Max CP Gardevoir 237 220 136 2964
285 Pokémon GO Shroomish stats and Max CP Shroomish 74 110 120 722
286 Pokémon GO Breloom stats and Max CP Breloom 241 153 120 2407
287 Pokémon GO Slakoth stats and Max CP Slakoth 104 104 120 942
288 Pokémon GO Vigoroth stats and Max CP Vigoroth 159 159 160 1896
289 Pokémon GO Slaking stats and Max CP Slaking 290 183 273 4548
296 Pokémon GO Makuhita stats and Max CP Makuhita 99 54 144 745
297 Pokémon GO Hariyama stats and Max CP Hariyama 209 114 288 2765
298 Pokémon GO Azurill stats and Max CP Azurill 36 71 100 316
300 Pokémon GO Skitty stats and Max CP Skitty 84 84 100 659
301 Pokémon GO Delcatty stats and Max CP Delcatty 132 132 140 1385
302 Pokémon GO Sableye stats and Max CP Sableye 141 141 100 1305
303 Pokémon GO Mawile stats and Max CP Mawile 155 155 100 1484
307 Pokémon GO Meditite stats and Max CP Meditite 78 107 60 555
308 Pokémon GO Medicham stats and Max CP Medicham 121 152 120 1275
309 Pokémon GO Electrike stats and Max CP Electrike 123 78 80 810
310 Pokémon GO Manectric stats and Max CP Manectric 215 127 140 2131
311 Pokémon GO Plusle stats and Max CP Plusle 167 147 120 1681
312 Pokémon GO Minun stats and Max CP Minun 147 167 120 1585
315 Pokémon GO Roselia stats and Max CP Roselia 186 148 100 1718
316 Pokémon GO Gulpin stats and Max CP Gulpin 80 99 140 788
317 Pokémon GO Swalot stats and Max CP Swalot 140 159 200 1872
325 Pokémon GO Spoink stats and Max CP Spoink 125 145 120 1285
326 Pokémon GO Grumpig stats and Max CP Grumpig 171 211 160 2310
335 Pokémon GO Zangoose stats and Max CP Zangoose 222 124 146 2214
336 Pokémon GO Seviper stats and Max CP Seviper 196 118 146 1928
353 Pokémon GO Shuppet stats and Max CP Shuppet 138 66 88 872
354 Pokémon GO Banette stats and Max CP Banette 218 127 128 2073
355 Pokémon GO Duskull stats and Max CP Duskull 70 162 40 523
356 Pokémon GO Dusclops stats and Max CP Dusclops 124 234 80 1335
359 Pokémon GO Absol stats and Max CP Absol 246 120 130 2280
360 Pokémon GO Wynaut stats and Max CP Wynaut 41 86 190 503

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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